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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NbleEntry namespace for all BLE API definitions
 NBLEProtocolCommon namespace for types and constants used everywhere in BLE API
 NSafeBool_Private namespace used to host details of the SafeBool implementation
 C_ARM_DRIVER_STORAGEThis is the set of operations constituting the Storage driver
 C_ARM_STORAGE_BLOCKA storage block is a range of memory with uniform attributes
 C_ARM_STORAGE_BLOCK_ATTRIBUTESAttributes of the storage range within a storage block
 C_ARM_STORAGE_CAPABILITIESStorage Driver API Capabilities
 C_ARM_STORAGE_INFOStorage information
 C_ARM_STORAGE_SECURITY_FEATURESDevice Data Security Protection Features
 C_ARM_STORAGE_STATUSOperating status of the storage controller
 C_mbed_error_ctxMbed_error_ctx struct
 C_MEM_INFO_DESC_Memory Information
 C_MISCELLANEOUS_INFO_HDR_System Miscellaneous Information
 C_QCBORItemQCBORItem holds the type, value and other info for a decoded item returned by GetNextItem()
 C_TARGET_CFG_HDR_Target Configuration Header
 Cadr_req_params_tThis structure contains parameters for ADR request coming from network server
 Cargs_tFlash algo argument structure Contains all registers that should be preserved
 Cattest_token_ctxThe context for creating an attestation token
 Cband_tDefault user application maximum data size for transmission
 CBatteryServiceBLE Battery service
 CBLEAbstract away BLE-capable radio transceivers or SOCs
 CBLEInstanceBasePrivate interface used to implement the BLE class
 Cbuffer_sGeneric buffer structure
 CCallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContextFunction like object hosting a list of FunctionPointerWithContext
 CCAN_MessageHolder for single CAN message
 CCellularInterfaceCommon interface that is shared between cellular interfaces
 Cchannel_selection_params_sThe parameter structure for the function RegionNextChannel
 CCharacteristicDescriptorDiscoveryDefinitions of events and event handlers that the characteristic descriptor discovery procedure uses
 Ccore_util_atomic_flagA lock-free, primitive atomic flag
 CCThunkClass for created a pointer with data bound to it
 Ccy_mac_addr_tStructure for storing a MAC address (Wi-Fi Media Access Control address)
 CCyDhcpServerImplementation of a DHCP sever
 CDataFlashBlockDeviceBlockDevice for DataFlash flash devices
 CDefaultFormFactorThis is a convenience class for use with the above templates
 CDeviceInformationServiceBLE Device Information Service Service: https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/services/Pages/ServiceViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.service.device_information.xml Manufacturer Name String Char: https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/characteristics/Pages/CharacteristicViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.characteristic.manufacturer_name_string.xml
 CDiscoveredCharacteristicRepresentation of a characteristic discovered
 CDiscoveredCharacteristicDescriptorRepresentation of a characteristic descriptor discovered
 CDiscoveredServiceRepresentation of a GATT service discovered
 CDNSBase class for DNS provider
 CDTLSSocketDTLSSocket implement DTLS stream over UDP Socket
 CDTLSSocketWrapperDTLSSocketWrapper implement DTLS stream over the existing Socket transport
 Cecc_key_tStructure definition to carry pointer and size information about an Elliptic curve key which is stored in a buffer(key_buf) in raw format (without encoding):
 CEddystoneEddystone Configuration Service
 CEddystoneConfigServiceEddystone Configuration Service
 CEMACThis interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an EMAC device provides when it is registered with a stack
 CEMAC_CFG_TypeEMAC configuration structure definition
 CEMAC_PACKETBUF_TypeTX Data Buffer structure definition
 CEMACInterfaceEMACInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an EMAC-based driver
 CEndpointResolverUtility class for resolving endpoints
 CEnvironmentalServiceBLE Environmental Service
 CEthernetInterfaceImplementation of the NetworkStack for an EMAC-based Ethernet driver
 CEthInterfaceCommon interface between Ethernet hardware
 Cflash_algo_tTarget flash algorithm structure
 Cflash_sTarget flash configuration For targets not supporting TrustZone, its flash_set_target_config must define target_config
 Cflash_target_config_tFlash configuration structure
 CFlashIAPBlockDeviceBlockDevice using the FlashIAP API
 CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF1, f >
 CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF2, f >
 CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF3, f >
 CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF4, f >
 CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF5, f >
 CFunctionPointerWithContextFunction like object adapter over freestanding and member functions
 CGapDefine device discovery, connection and link management procedures.
 CGapAdvertisingDataGAP advertising data builder
 CGapAdvertisingParamsParameters defining the advertising process
 CGapScanningParamsParameters defining the scan process
 CGattAttributeRepresentation of a GattServer attribute
 CGattCharacteristicRepresentation of a GattServer characteristic
 CGattClientDefine procedures required for interacting with a distant GATT server
 CGattHVXCallbackParamsHandle Value Notification/Indication event
 CGattReadAuthCallbackParamsGATT read authorization request event
 CGattReadCallbackParamsGATT Read event definition
 CGattServerConstruct and operates a GATT server
 CGattServerEventsAbstract events generated by a GattServer vendor port
 CGattServiceRepresentation of a GattServer service
 CGattWriteAuthCallbackParamsGATT write authorization request event
 CGattWriteCallbackParamsGATT Write event definition
 CHandleTestCommandHandleTestCommand turns all the typed-in/serial commands into function calls sent via a eventqueue to the driver shim/wrapper class
 CHealthThermometerServiceBLE Health Thermometer Service
 CHeartRateServiceBLE Heart Rate Service
 Ci2cI2C HAL structure
 Ci2c_async_eventStructure describing the status of async transfer
 CI2CEEBlockDeviceBlockDevice for I2C based flash device such as Microchip's 24LC or ATMEL's AT24C ranges
 CICMPSocketICMP socket implementation
 CinfoThe key size
 CInternetDatagramSocketInternetDatagramSocket socket implementation
 CInternetSocketSocket implementation that uses IP network stack
 Ciovec_args_tHolds the iovec parameters that are passed to a service
 CL3IPThis interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an l3ip device provides when it is registered with a stack
 CL3IPInterfaceL3IPInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an IP-based driver
 Clfs_entryLittlefs data structures ///
 Clink_adr_params_sStructure containing data for local ADR settings
 CLinkLossServiceThis service defines behavior when a link is lost between two devices
 CLockGuardRAII mutex locker
 CLoRaMacLoRaMac Class Implementation of LoRaWAN MAC layer
 Cloramac_tx_message_tStack level TX message structure
 CLoRaMacCommandLoRaMacCommand Class Helper class for LoRaMac layer to handle any MAC commands
 CLoRaPHYLoRaPHY Class Parent class for LoRa regional PHY implementations
 CLoRaRadioInterface for the radios, containing the main functions that a radio needs, and five callback functions
 Clorawan_app_callbacks_tStack level callback functions
 Clorawan_connectLorawan_connect_t structure
 Clorawan_connect_abp_tThe lorawan_connect_abp structure
 Clorawan_connect_otaa_tThe lorawan_connect_otaa structure
 Clorawan_rx_metadataMeta-data collection for the received packet
 Clorawan_sessionLoRaWAN session
 Clorawan_tx_metadataMeta-data collection for a transmission
 CLoRaWANInterfaceLoRaWANInterface Class A network interface for LoRaWAN
 CLoRaWANStackLoRaWANStack Class A controller layer for LoRaWAN MAC and PHY
 CLoRaWANTimeHandler/ _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ ____ | ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| __)_____)____)_| |_| (C)2013 Semtech
 CLoWPANNDInterface6LoWPAN-ND mesh network interface class
 Cmbed_stats_cpu_tStruct mbed_stats_cpu_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_heap_tStruct mbed_stats_heap_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_socket_tStructure to parse socket statistics
 Cmbed_stats_stack_tStruct mbed_stats_stack_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_sys_tStruct mbed_stats_sys_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_thread_tStruct mbed_stats_thread_t definition
 CMbedTesterThe base class for controlling the FPGA CI Test Shield
 CMeshInterfaceCommon interface that is shared between mesh hardware
 CMIDIMessageA MIDI message container
 CNanostackEthernetInterfaceEthernet interface for Nanostack
 CNanostackEthernetPhyEthernet PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackLockGuardRAII style Nanostack mutex acquisition
 CNanostackMACPhyMAC PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackPhyPHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackPPPPhyPPP PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackRfPhyRadio PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNetworkInterfaceCommon interface that is shared between network devices
 CNetworkStackNetworkStack class
 CNFCProcessControllerWrapper class handles calls and callbacks for NFC controller drivers
 CNFCTestShimTest app driver wrapper
 Cnsapi_addrIP address structure for passing IP addresses by value
 Cnsapi_ip_mreqNsapi_ip_mreq structure
 Cnsapi_stackNsapi_stack structure
 Cnsapi_stack_apiNsapi_stack_api structure
 Cnsapi_wifi_apNsapi_wifi_ap structure
 CNVStoreNVStore class
 COnboardNetworkStackMbed OS API for onboard IP stack abstraction
 Cos_mailQ_defDefinition structure for mail queue
 Cos_messageQ_defDefinition structure for message queue
 Cos_pool_defDefinition structure for memory block allocation
 Cos_thread_defThread Definition structure contains startup information of a thread
 Cos_timer_defTimer Definition structure contains timer parameters
 CosEventEvent structure contains detailed information about an event
 CosEventFlagsAttr_tAttributes structure for event flags
 CosMemoryPoolAttr_tAttributes structure for memory pool
 CosMessageQueueAttr_tAttributes structure for message queue
 CosMutexAttr_tAttributes structure for mutex
 CosRtxConfig_tOS Configuration structure
 CosRtxEventFlags_tEvent Flags Control Block
 CosRtxInfo_tOS Runtime Information structure
 CosRtxMemoryPool_tMemory Pool Control Block
 CosRtxMessage_sMessage Control Block
 CosRtxMessageQueue_tMessage Queue Control Block
 CosRtxMpInfo_tMemory Pool Information
 CosRtxMutex_sMutex Control Block
 CosRtxObject_tGeneric Object Control Block
 CosRtxObjectMemUsage_tOS Runtime Object Memory Usage structure
 CosRtxSemaphore_tSemaphore Control Block
 CosRtxThread_sThread Control Block
 CosRtxTimer_sTimer Control Block
 CosRtxTimerFinfo_tTimer Function Information
 CosSemaphoreAttr_tAttributes structure for semaphore
 CosThreadAttr_tAttributes structure for thread
 CosTimerAttr_tAttributes structure for timer
 CosVersion_tVersion information
 CPlatformMutexUsed to synchronize the execution of threads
 Cppp_serviceThis interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an ppp device provides when it is registered with a stack
 CPPPInterfacePPPInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an PPP-service
 Cpsa_crypto_derivation_ipc_sPsa_crypto_derivation_ipc_s struct used for some of the PSA Crypto APIs that need psa_key_handle_t and psa_algorithm_t arguments and in order to use the existing infrastructure of the SPM-IPC we provide a struct to pack them together
 Cpsa_crypto_ipc_asymmetric_sPsa_crypto_ipc_asymmetric_s struct used for asymmetric PSA Crypto APIs that need psa_key_handle_t and psa_algorithm_t arguments and in order to use the existing infrastructure of the SPM-IPC we provide a struct to pack them together
 Cpsa_crypto_ipc_sPsa_crypto_ipc_s struct used for some of the PSA Crypto APIs that need psa_key_handle_t and psa_algorithm_t arguments and in order to use the existing infrastructure of the SPM-IPC we provide a struct to pack them together
 Cpsa_invecStructure that describes a scatter-gather input buffer
 Cpsa_key_mng_ipc_sPsa_key_mng_ipc_s struct used for some of the PSA Crypto APIs that need psa_key_handle_t and psa_algorithm_t arguments and in order to use the existing infrastructure of the SPM-IPC we provide a struct to pack them together
 Cpsa_msgStructure containing the PSA IPC message sent from a client partition to an RoT Service
 Cpsa_msg_tDescribe a message received by an RoT Service after calling psa_get()
 Cpsa_outvecStructure which describes a scatter-gather output buffer
 Cpsa_storage_info_tA container for metadata associated with a specific uid
 CQCBORStringAllocatorThis is a set of functions and pointer context (in object-oriented parlance, an "object") used to allocate memory for coalescing the segments of an indefinite length string into one
 CQCBORTagListInThis is used to tell the decoder about tags that it should record in uTagBits in QCBORItem beyond the built-in tags
 CQCBORTagListOutThis is for QCBORDecode_GetNextWithTags() to be able to return the full list of tags on an item
 Cqspi_commandQSPI command
 CQSPIFBlockDeviceBlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over QSPI bus
 Cradio_eventsReporting functions for upper layers
 Cradio_fsk_packet_handlerFSK packet handle
 Cradio_fsk_settingsFSK modem parameters
 Cradio_lora_packet_handlerLoRa packet Contains information about a LoRa packet
 Cradio_lora_settingsLoRa modem parameters
 Cradio_settingsGlobal radio settings
 CRDAWiFiInterfaceRDAWiFiInterface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for an EMAC-based Ethernet driver
 CReadOnlyArrayGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a read-only GattCharacteristic with an array value
 CReadOnlyGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a read only GattCharacteristic
 CReadWriteArrayGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a readable and writable GattCharacteristic with an array value
 CReadWriteGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a readable and writable GattCharacteristic
 Crf_ctrlsStructure to hold RF controls for LoRa Radio
 CRX_DescRX Descriptor structure type definition
 Crx_message_uLora_mac_rx_message_by_type_t union
 Crx_param_setup_req_sContains rx parameter setup request coming from network server
 CRX_StatRX Status structure type definition
 CSafeBoolSafe conversion of objects in boolean context
 CSDBlockDeviceSDBlockDevice class
 Csector_info_tSector information structure
 Cserial_tAsynch serial HAL structure
 CServiceDiscoveryHost callback types needed by the service discovery procedure
 Cshared_data_tlv_entryShared data TLV entry header format
 Cshared_data_tlv_headerShared data TLV header
 CSingletonPtrUtility class for creating and using a singleton
 CSmartPosterSmart poster object
 CSocketSocket interface
 CSocketAddressSocketAddress class
 CSocketStatsSocketStats class
 Cspi_tAsynch SPI HAL structure
 CSPIFBlockDeviceBlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over SPI bus
 CSPIFReducedBlockDeviceReduced BlockDevice for SPI based flash devices Should only be used by Boot Loader
 Cspm_partition_desc_tHolds the fields that define a partition for SPM
 Cspm_partition_runtime_data_tRuntime context information of a partition
 Cspm_partition_static_data_tHolds the fields of the partition DB used by the SPM code
 CSynchronizedIntegralThread safe wrapper for integral types
 Ct_cose_crypto_hashThe context for use with the hash adaptation layer here
 Ct_cose_sign1_ctxThis is the context for creating a COSE_Sign1 structure
 CTCPServerTCP socket server
 CTCPSocketTCP socket connection
 Ctfm_boot_dataStore the data for the runtime SW
 CThreadInterfaceThread mesh network interface class
 Cticker_data_tTicker's data structure
 Cticker_event_queue_tTicker's event queue structure
 Cticker_event_sTicker's event structure
 Cticker_info_tInformation about the ticker implementation
 Cticker_interface_tTicker's interface structure - required API for a ticker
 Ctimer_event_tTimer object description
 CTLSSocketTLSSocket is a wrapper around TCPSocket for interacting with TLS servers
 CTLSSocketWrapperTLSSocket is a wrapper around Socket for interacting with TLS servers
 Ctx_config_params_tTX configuration parameters
 CTX_DescTX Descriptor structure type definition
 CTX_StatTX Status structure type definition
 CUARTServiceBLE Service to enable UART over BLE
 CUDPSocketUDP socket implementation
 CURIBeaconConfigServiceUriBeacon Configuration Service
 CUSBAudioUSBAudio example
 CUSBDeviceCore USB Device driver
 CUSBKeyboardUSBKeyboard example
 CUSBMouseUSBMouse example
 CUSBMouseKeyboardUSBMouseKeyboard example
 CUSBMSDUSBMSD class: generic class in order to use all kinds of blocks storage chip
 CUSBPhyAbstract interface to physical USB hardware
 CUSBPhyEventsEvent handler for USBPhy
 CUSBSerialUSBSerial example
 Cuseful_bufThe non-const UsefulBuf typically used for some allocated memory that is to be filled in
 Cuseful_buf_cUsefulBufC and UsefulBuf are simple data structures to hold a pointer and length for a binary data
 Cuseful_out_bufUsefulOutBuf is a structure and functions (an object) that are good for serializing data into a buffer such as is often done with network protocols or data written to files
 Cutest_v1_scheduler_tThe scheduler interface consists out of the post and cancel functions, which you must implement to use utest
 CUUIDRepresentation of a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
 Cverify_adr_params_sStructure used to store ADR values received from network for verification (legality) purposes
 Cwatchdog_config_tWatchdog configuration
 Cwatchdog_features_tWatchdog features
 Cwhd_custom_ie_info_tVendor IE details
 CWhdAccessPointWhdAccessPoint class
 CWhdSoftAPInterfaceWhdSoftAPInterface class Implementation of the SoftAPInterface for the Whd
 CWhdSTAInterfaceWhdSTAInterface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for the WHD
 CWiFiAccessPointWiFiAccessPoint class
 CWiFiInterfaceCommon interface between Wi-Fi devices
 CWisunInterfaceWi-SUN mesh network interface class
 Cwland_ap_data_tThis struct contains ap data, include ssid key and channel
 Cwland_ap_net_data_tThis struct contains ap net data
 Cwland_sta_data_tThis struct contains all smartconfig mbed flash parameter
 Cwland_tx_power_tThis struct contains tx power parameter
 CWriteOnlyArrayGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a write-only GattCharacteristic with an array value
 CWriteOnlyGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a write only GattCharacteristic
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