Graphics framework for GR-PEACH. When you use this program, we judge you have agreed to the following contents.

Dependents:   ImageZoomInout_Sample ImageRotaion_Sample ImageScroll_Sample GR-PEACH_LCD_4_3inch_Save_to_USB ... more

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File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
clib_drivers.c [code]
clib_drivers.h [code]
clib_drivers_config.h [code]
clib_drivers_inline.h [code]
clib_drivers_typedef.h [code]
clib_registers.h [code]
clib_samples.c [code]
clib_samples.h [code]
clib_samples_private.h [code]
converter_wrapper.c [code]Graphics driver wrapper function definitions in C
converter_wrapper.h [code]Graphics driver wrapper function definitions in C
cpg_iobitmask.h [code]
cpu.h [code]CPU related FIT BSP
DebugBreak.c [code]General Break Point
frame_buffer.h [code]
frame_buffer_typedef.h [code]
inline_body.c [code]Body of inline functions
jcu_api.c [code]JCU (JPEG hardware) driver API
jcu_para.c [code]
jcu_pl.c [code]
jcu_reg.c [code]
jcu_user.c [code]
JPEG_Converter.h [code]JCU API
JPEG_Coverter.cpp [code]
locking.c [code]Lock related FIT BSP
locking.h [code]Lock related FIT BSP
locking_typedef.h [code]Lock related FIT BSP
locking_user.h [code]Lock related FIT BSP
mcu_interrupts.c [code]Interrupt related FIT BSP
mcu_interrupts.h [code]Interrupt related FIT BSP
mcu_interrupts_typedef.h [code]Interrupt related FIT BSP
ncg_debug.h [code]
ncg_defs.h [code]
ncg_memory.c [code]
ncg_memory.h [code]
ncg_register.c [code]
ncg_register.h [code]
ncg_state.c [code]
ncg_state.h [code]
ncg_time.h [code]
ncg_vg.c [code]
ncg_vg.h [code]
ncg_vg_isr.c [code]
ncg_vg_isr.h [code]
platform.h [code]Header files of FIT BSP
platform_config.h [code]Configuration of FIT BSP
Project_Config.h [code]
Project_Config_Sub.h [code]
r_jcu_api.h [code]JCU (JPEG hardware) driver API
r_jcu_local.h [code]
r_jcu_pl.h [code]
r_jcu_user.h [code]
r_multi_compiler.h [code]Compiler Porting Layer
r_multi_compiler_typedef.h [code]Compiler Porting Layer
r_ospl.c [code]OS Porting Layer
r_ospl.h [code]OS Porting Layer
r_ospl_config.h [code]Configuration of OSPL
r_ospl_debug.c [code]Debug tools provided by OSPL
r_ospl_debug.h [code]Debug tools provided by OSPL
r_ospl_memory.c [code]Memory map
r_ospl_os_less.h [code]OS Porting Layer API for OS less Compatibility
r_ospl_os_less_private.h [code]OS Porting Layer private functions for OS less
r_ospl_os_less_typedef.h [code]OS Porting Layer API for OS less Compatibility
r_ospl_private.h [code]OS Porting Layer private API for OS less
r_ospl_RTX.c [code]OS Porting Layer API for RTX
r_ospl_RTX_private.h [code]OS Porting Layer API for RTX
r_ospl_typedef.h [code]OS Porting Layer
r_ospl_unrecoverable.c [code]
r_static_an_tag.h [code]Reviewed tag for warnings of static code analysis
RGA.h [code]
RGA_API.h [code]
RGA_API_typedef.h [code]
RGA_Callback.c [code]
RGA_Callback_private.h [code]
RGA_Callback_WorkBuf.c [code]
RGA_Config.h [code]
RGA_Cpp.h [code]
RGA_Port.h [code]
RGA_Port_inline.h [code]
RGA_Port_typedef.h [code]
RGA_raw_image.h [code]
RGA_raw_image_typedef.h [code]
RGA_VRAM.c [code]
RGA_VRAM_EX.c [code]External VRAM Area
video_input.c [code]
video_input.h [code]
video_input.hpp [code]
video_input_cpp.cpp [code]
video_input_typedef.h [code]
vsync.c [code]
vsync.h [code]
vsync_pl.c [code]
vsync_pl.h [code]
vsync_typedef.h [code]
window_surfaces.c [code]
window_surfaces.h [code]
window_surfaces.hpp [code]
window_surfaces_cpp.cpp [code]
window_surfaces_ex.h [code]
window_surfaces_ex_typedef.h [code]
window_surfaces_inline.h [code]
window_surfaces_private.h [code]
window_surfaces_typedef.h [code]