Debug builds
After you've set up your local debug toolchain, you need firmware that includes program symbols (an .elf
file). Because the Arm Mbed Online Compiler only produces binaries that omit the program symbols, you need to compile locally using Arm Mbed CLI.
Note: Make sure to do a clean build when switching to and from debug and release by removing the BUILD
Compile commands
Arm Mbed OS 5.2 and later
$ mbed compile --profile mbed-os/tools/profiles/debug.json
Arm Mbed OS 5.0 and 5.1
$ mbed compile -o debug-info
Arm Mbed 2.0
$ mbed compile --profile debug
Exporting with debug symbols
You can also enable debug symbols when exporting your project by using:
$ mbed export -i uvision -m K64F --profile debug
Make release builds by using:
$ mbed export -i uvision -m K64F --profile release