Creating a new program
From the New menu, select New Program:
Triggering a new program
The Create new program pop-up opens.
- Select your platform (board).
- You can create from an existing template or from an empty program.
- Enter a unique name.
Creating a new program
Create a
file in your program:-
Right click on the program and select New File.... The Create new file pop-up opens. If you created from an existing template, this file already exists.
Adding a file
as the file name.Naming the new file
Import the Arm Mbed OS library, so you can build your program with the Mbed OS codebase:
Right click on the program, and hover over Import Library.... Then, click From URL...
Import from URL
The Import Wizard opens. In the Source URL: field, enter
.Import Mbed OS from GitHub
Select Import.