Mbed Blog

Look what just turned up at mbed HQ!

Inside these rather anonymous brown boxes are 100 beta versions of our new Cortex-M0 mbed Microcontroller, hot off the production line!


That means we're about ready to start beta trials! Listen out for more details next week...

We've also setup an email update list:

Sign up if you want to get updates as and when they progress through to release later this year!

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New TestBed board from Elmicro!

Oliver over at ELMICRO told me about a great new board they've put out for mbed. Meet the mbed TestBed!


Looks like a great platform for easy access to all the signals. Here are all the details from ELMICRO:

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Bootloading a custom LPC1768 PCB using your mbed!

After you've finished building a prototype with mbed and have progressed to spinning your own custom product PCB using the LPC1768, the same program binary can just work on it too; the .bin files really are just a raw ARM binary images for the LPC1768 chip.

But you'll need a way to get it in to the microcontrollers FLASH. It looks like <<user daugihao="">> has been busy and written some code that turns your mbed in to a drag-n-drop programmer to drive the LPC1768 chip's bootloader, so you can use an mbed to program your custom board!


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Compiler Beta - Tabs and Advanced Find in Files!

We've put up a couple of new features on the beta site for anyone interested in some early access testing:

  • Editor Tabs - for switching between open files you are editing
  • Advanced Find - to search across all files within your project

Editor Tabs


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Pololu release m3pi mbed robot!

Pololu have just released an mbed-based 3pi robot. Take a look at this:


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Compiler Update - Version Control!

After a very successful beta, the mbed Compiler now officially supports built-in workspace Version Control!

You'll now see new "Commit" and "Revisions" buttons in the toolbar, and driving it should be pretty self explanatory, especially for those familiar with DVCS such as git or mercurial.

Here is the video that shows how you get started:

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On the mbed Whiteboard!

A snapshot of something currently on the mbed whiteboard...


This is a first sketch of an idea for a really small experiment/workshop board. The basic aim is to pack a board full of interesting components that use the different interfaces of the mbed, and that can be used for experiments in labs and workshops.

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Help people discover the mbed Microcontroller!

For a bit of promotional fun to help more people discover mbed, I thought I'd have a little prize draw.


By the end of the week, I'm going to choose 5 tweeters at random who tweet:

"Check out the mbed Microcontroller, and retweet this for a chance to win one! http://bit.ly/mPAKOz"

..and send them a free mbed! To make it easy, you can just click below to tweet the message and enter :)

So, what is the idea?!

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mbed tank controlled by Kinect!

Looks like someone has a Kinect capturing the input to control a wireless mbed tank!

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mbed Course Notes in development!

Rob Toulson from Anglia Ruskin University and Tim Wilmshurst from University of Derby are working on developing some course notes to support lectures, workshops and self-learning using mbed. They've now started to post some of the drafts online, and are encouraging feedback to help with development. Take a look at what they have so far:


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