Dependents of DHT

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

DHT-11 Tested Working
Working weather station
Concurso Casa Conectada - PetIoTFreescale Por: Joao Henrique B. Gomes Freescale, IOT, Pet, sensors, WebSocket
Temperature reading demo
Demo of a weather station sending temperature and humidity values over LORA to TTN.
Smart barn work with sensor DHT22 measure temp. & Hum.
Temperature reading using NUCLEO-L152RE microcontroller and Grove – Temperature&Humidity Sensor Pro.
Application that measures the temperature and humidity every 60s and sends it to a LoRa Gateway.
A simple WIP that logs data from a Grove sensor, and can send and receive information over USB and SMS. ARCH, Arch GPRS V2, GPRS, SD Card, SMS, USB
temperature sensor application as a temperature based fan using the FRDM -K64F board
See: https://github.com/EEEManchester/Food-Computer
This is a SLIP interface for the STM32F446RE Nucleo Board. It is designed to work specifically with the esp-link software for the ESP8266. The program is an example of a … esp-link, ESP8266, Nucleo, SLIP, stm32, STM32F4
Output etc.
Grdošić, Herek, Pozaić
Node code for sx1272 LoRa transciever Lora, Semtech
coen490 controller
This is a simple home automation system which communicates with a Bluetooth app to control home systems such as HVAC and lighting. This was done for El-Sharkaway's ECE595 Class
extra test
Calculate time delay with Cross Correlation
This is the part of Connect_Home. It is for MQTT publisher with WIZwiki-W7500. It publishes real time information to MQTT broker and it is controlled from it.
ssc-wifi application
Temperature Sensor DHT readings to FRDMk64f
CoAP example application for mbed OS 5
status 0 temperature sensor
basic temp probe