Fork of the official mbed C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications. The fork has the documentation converted to Doxygen format

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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
AnalogInAn analog input, used for reading the voltage on a pin
AnalogOutAn analog output, used for setting the voltage on a pin
APSR_TypeUnion type to access the Application Program Status Register (APSR)
BaseThe base class for most things
BusInA digital input bus, used for reading the state of a collection of pins
BusInOutA digital input output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins
BusOutA digital output bus, used for setting the state of a collection of pins
CANA can bus client, used for communicating with can devices
CANMessageCANMessage class
CONTROL_TypeUnion type to access the Control Registers (CONTROL)
CoreDebug_TypeStructure type to access the Core Debug Register (CoreDebug)
DigitalInA digital input, used for reading the state of a pin
DigitalInOutA digital input/output, used for setting or reading a bi-directional pin
DigitalOutA digital output, used for setting the state of a pin
DirHandleRepresents a directory stream
DWT_TypeStructure type to access the Data Watchpoint and Trace Register (DWT)
EthernetAn ethernet interface, to use with the ethernet pins
FileHandleAn OO equivalent of the internal FILEHANDLE variable and associated _sys_* functions
FileLikeA file-like object is one that can be opened with fopen by fopen("/name", mode)
FileSystemLikeA filesystem-like object is one that can be used to open files though it by fopen("/name/filename", mode)
FunctionPointerA class for storing and calling a pointer to a static or member void function
I2CAn I2C Master, used for communicating with I2C slave devices
I2CSlaveAn I2C Slave, used for communicating with an I2C Master device
InterruptInA digital interrupt input, used to call a function on a rising or falling edge
IPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Interrupt Program Status Register (IPSR)
ITM_TypeStructure type to access the Instrumentation Trace Macrocell Register (ITM)
LocalFileSystemA filesystem for accessing the local mbed Microcontroller USB disk drive
LPC_ADC_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x ADC Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (ADC)
LPC_CTxxBx_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x 32-bitcounter/timers CT32B0/1 Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3
LPC_FLASHCTRL_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x Flash programming firmware Modification date=3/17/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (FLASHCTRL)
LPC_GPIO_GROUP_INTx_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x GPIO Modification date=3/17/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (GPIO_GROUP_INT0)
LPC_GPIO_PIN_INT_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x GPIO Modification date=3/17/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (GPIO_PIN_INT)
LPC_GPIO_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x GPIO Modification date=3/17/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (GPIO_PORT)
LPC_I2C_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x I2C-bus controller Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (I2C)
LPC_IOCON_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x I/O configuration Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (IOCONFIG)
LPC_PMU_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x Power Management Unit (PMU) Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (PMU)
LPC_SSPx_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x SSP/SPI Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (SSP0)
LPC_SYSCON_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x System control block Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (SYSCON)
LPC_USART_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x USART Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (USART)
LPC_USB_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x USB2.0device controller Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (USB)
LPC_WWDT_TypeProduct name title=UM10462 Chapter title=LPC11U1x Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT) Modification date=3/16/2011 Major revision=0 Minor revision=3 (WWDT)
MPU_TypeStructure type to access the Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
NVIC_TypeStructure type to access the Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)
PortInA multiple pin digital input
PortInOutA multiple pin digital in/out used to set/read multiple bi-directional pins
PortOutA multiple pin digital out
PwmOutA pulse-width modulation digital output
SCB_TypeStructure type to access the System Control Block (SCB)
SCnSCB_TypeStructure type to access the System Control and ID Register not in the SCB
SerialA serial port (UART) for communication with other serial devices
SerialHalfDuplexA serial port (UART) for communication with other devices using Half-Duplex, allowing transmit and receive on a single shared transmit and receive line
SPIA SPI Master, used for communicating with SPI slave devices
SPIHalfDuplexA SPI half-duplex master, used for communicating with SPI slave devices over a shared data line
SPISlaveA SPI slave, used for communicating with a SPI Master device
SysTick_TypeStructure type to access the System Timer (SysTick)
TickerA Ticker is used to call a function at a recurring interval
TimeoutA Timeout is used to call a function at a point in the future
TimerA general purpose timer
TimerEventBase abstraction for timer interrupts
TPI_TypeStructure type to access the Trace Port Interface Register (TPI)
xPSR_TypeUnion type to access the Special-Purpose Program Status Registers (xPSR)