Dependents of TSI

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Modified example of LED / Accelerometer demo. Added TSI for brightness control KL25z, led, MMA8451Q, touch, TSI
NRF receiver
This library allow you to convert FRDM-KL25Z built-in touch slider in to 4 touch buttons. buttons, convert, Slider, to, touch
Port from Avnet's Internet Of Things full WiGo demo: SmartConfig - WebServer - Exosite - Android sensor Fusion App exosite, KL25z, sensor fusion, smartconfig, webserver, WiGo
Muslija Adnan Kiselica Aldin
Armin Klačar Josip Kvesić
This FRDM-KL25Z demo will blink the RGB LED with all colors. The touch slider input controls the blinking frequency. The UART output shows the touch slider input.
Demo starter application to connect WiGo to NSP and expose on-board sensors
A recreation of the original, out of the packet demo code that runs on the FRDM-KL25Z board, using pre-existing libraries on mbed. The board will alter its RGB LED colours … Capacitance, demo code, FRDM, FRDM-KL25Z, MMA, TSI
An FRDM example using Serial, Accelerometer and Touch Sensor.
Filip Maksimovic HW2 repository
Code for left-hand controller for Clash. Orientation control and d-pad control corresponding to relative mouse position and WASD movement keys for the game Chivalry: Medieval Warfare.
Embed Fibonacci calculation in existing program KL46Z kl46z, magnetometer
touch screen
Program using the Touch Sensor and a Servo Servo, touch, TSI
Work in progress
Motoo Tanaka / TS_Eyes Featured
TS Eyes A simple program to test TSI function of FRDM-KL25Z board using the Adafruit 2.8" TFT with Touch Sensor. It behaves like the X11eyes, but this time it follows … FRDM-KL25Z, TFT, TSI
The controller for a NERF turret, allowing it to track and fire at a human face with visual input gotten by polling a web server. This is part of the …
Simple Iambic keyer. KL46Z speed select via capacitive slider. HAM Radio, Iambic, Keyer, kl46z, Morse Code
Tone Demo for PWM library use slider for control on KL46Z cap slder, kl46z, pwm, tone generatioin
Diatonic scale - slider base program plays one octave and a two notes, having 440A (A4) in the center. cap slicer, for NMHU Ambient computing class, kl46z
hw 6.2 Slider Diatonic
Works to change an octave higher ONLY when you hold down the button_need to figure out how to CHANGE with toggling with button
HW 6.2 Spring 2015 NMHU New Mexico Highlands. Changing Octaves on KL tap sensor project.
A second timer to lock out other activity, with LCD countdown. kl46z, LCD, NMHU, timing
Can't figure out this one, my Multi-dimensional Array doesn't work.
HW 7.1 Attempt to use button timers to check for button status instead of interrupts
Added button interrupt to change from one octave to other
Port from Avnet's Internet Of Things full WiGo demo: SmartConfig - WebServer - Exosite - Android sensor Fusion App android sensor fusion, CC3000, eCompass, exosite, IOT, KL25z, webserver, Wi-Go, WiGo
There was a small bug in the spelling of your library's method. I hope you accept this request. Sorry for the inconveniences and thanks for your library -- I'm just …
Magnetometer program example of use for NMHU students and others. kl46z, magnetometer, NMHU
Kitchen Timer example program. kl46z, NMHU, timer class
StateChart defining behavior for FlippityFlappity project
StateChart for behavior of FlippityFlappity in presentation. Behavior here is predictable and deterministic.
Test program using the LCD and touch pad to adjust the Analog output DAC on the KL46Z Port PTE30 analog out, capacitive touch and LCD, kl46z
Voice_masher_audio read KL46z
TSI read values are now sent to the serial port. Red LED part of the RGB will light up with an intensity that depends on the TSI read value. KL-25Z, touch input, TSI