Initial release. Mbed library for VL53L1CB

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
BDCMotor.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a Brush DC motor component
Component.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a generic component
DbgMCU.h [code]Header file for enabling debugging in sleep modes for STM32 MCUs
DevI2C.h [code]Header file for a special I2C class DevI2C which provides some helper function for on-board communication
DevSPI.h [code]Header file for a special SPI class DevSPI which provides some helper functions for on-board communication
GyroSensor.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a gyroscope
HumiditySensor.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a humidity sensor
LightSensor.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of an ambient light sensor (ALS)
MagneticSensor.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a magnetometer
MotionSensor.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of an accelerometer
Nfc.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a nfc component
PressureSensor.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a pressure sensor
RangeSensor.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a range sensor
spi_interface.cpp [code]
spi_interface.h [code]
StepperMotor.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing the interface of a stepper-motor component
Stmpe1600.h [code]Header file for component stmpe1600
TempSensor.h [code]This file contains the abstract class describing in general the interfaces of a temperature sensor
ToF_I2C.h [code]
vl53l1_api.c [code]
vl53l1_api.h [code]
vl53l1_api_calibration.c [code]
vl53l1_api_calibration.h [code]
vl53l1_api_core.c [code]
vl53l1_api_core.h [code]
vl53l1_api_debug.c [code]
vl53l1_api_debug.h [code]
vl53l1_api_preset_modes.c [code]
vl53l1_api_preset_modes.h [code]
vl53l1_api_strings.c [code]
vl53l1_api_strings.h [code]VL53L1 API function declarations for decoding error codes to a text strings
vl53l1_core.c [code]
vl53l1_core.h [code]
vl53l1_core_support.c [code]
vl53l1_core_support.h [code]
vl53l1_def.h [code]Type definitions for VL53L1 API
vl53l1_dmax.c [code]
vl53l1_dmax.h [code]
vl53l1_dmax_private_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_dmax_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_error_codes.h [code]Error Code definitions for VL53L1 API
vl53l1_error_exceptions.h [code]
vl53l1_error_strings.c [code]
vl53l1_error_strings.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_algos_gen3.c [code]
vl53l1_hist_algos_gen3.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_algos_gen4.c [code]
vl53l1_hist_algos_gen4.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_char.c [code]
vl53l1_hist_char.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_core.c [code]
vl53l1_hist_core.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_funcs.c [code]
vl53l1_hist_funcs.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_map.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_private_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_hist_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_ll_def.h [code]
vl53l1_ll_device.h [code]
vl53l1_nvm.c [code]
vl53l1_nvm.h [code]
vl53l1_nvm_debug.c [code]
vl53l1_nvm_debug.h [code]
vl53l1_nvm_map.h [code]
vl53l1_nvm_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_platform.c [code]
vl53l1_platform.h [code]All end user OS/platform/application porting
vl53l1_platform_init.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_ipp.c [code]
vl53l1_platform_ipp.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_ipp_imports.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_log.c [code]
vl53l1_platform_log.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_user_config.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_user_data.h [code]
vl53l1_platform_user_defines.h [code]
vl53l1_preset_setup.h [code]
vl53l1_register_funcs.c [code]
vl53l1_register_funcs.h [code]
vl53l1_register_map.h [code]
vl53l1_register_settings.h [code]
vl53l1_register_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_sigma_estimate.c [code]
vl53l1_sigma_estimate.h [code]
vl53l1_silicon_core.c [code]
vl53l1_silicon_core.h [code]
vl53l1_tuning_parm_defaults.h [code]
vl53l1_types.h [code]
vl53l1_wait.c [code]
vl53l1_wait.h [code]
vl53l1_xtalk.c [code]
vl53l1_xtalk.h [code]
vl53l1_xtalk_private_structs.h [code]
vl53l1_zone_presets.c [code]
vl53l1_zone_presets.h [code]
vl53l1x.cpp [code]
vl53l1x.h [code]
vl53l1x_configuration.h [code]
vl53l1x_error_codes.h [code]