BLE_Nano nRF51 Central heart rate

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File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
ant_stack_handler_types.h [code]
app_error.c [code]
app_error.h [code]
app_error_weak.c [code]
app_error_weak.h [code]
app_ram_base.h [code]
app_util.h [code]
ble.h [code]
ble_db_discovery.c [code]
ble_db_discovery.h [code]
ble_err.h [code]
ble_gap.h [code]
ble_gatt.h [code]
ble_gatt_db.h [code]
ble_gattc.h [code]
ble_gatts.h [code]
ble_hci.h [code]
ble_l2cap.h [code]
ble_ranges.h [code]
ble_srv_common.c [code]
ble_srv_common.h [code]
ble_stack_handler_types.h [code]
ble_types.h [code]
boards.h [code]
cmsis_armcc.h [code]CMSIS Cortex-M Core Function/Instruction Header File
compiler_abstraction.h [code]
core_cm0.h [code]CMSIS Cortex-M0 Core Peripheral Access Layer Header File
core_cmFunc.h [code]CMSIS Cortex-M Core Function Access Header File
core_cmInstr.h [code]CMSIS Cortex-M Core Instruction Access Header File
main.c [code]
nordic_common.h [code]Common defines and macros for firmware developed by Nordic Semiconductor
nrf.h [code]
nrf51.h [code]CMSIS Cortex-M0 Peripheral Access Layer Header File for nrf51 from Nordic Semiconductor
nrf51_bitfields.h [code]
nrf51_deprecated.h [code]
nrf_error.h [code]
nrf_error_sdm.h [code]
nrf_error_soc.h [code]
nrf_gpio.h [code]
nrf_log.c [code]
nrf_log.h [code]
nrf_sdm.h [code]
nrf_soc.h [code]
nrf_svc.h [code]
sdk_common.h [code]
sdk_errors.h [code]
softdevice_handler.c [code]
softdevice_handler.h [code]
system_nrf51.c [code]
system_nrf51.h [code]