Dependents of MODSERIAL

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Version 1.1
Version 1.0
System Management code
rosserial library for mbed Inspired by nucho's rosserial library This library is still under development hydro, ROS, ros_serial
Quadcopter software. Flying - Contact me for more details or a copy of the PC ground station code
ECE 4180 Mini-Project (Lab 4)
Driver for 4D Systems LCD screen with Picaso processor. Ported from 4D Systems Picaso Serial Linux Library
Student program for Xbee Clicker System
slave driver to control intensity on time frequency
master code to send messages to the slave
Fork for marginal Data Management modifications.
This my big project for PYRN Board
Serial number identifier program for Mbed
New version of quadcopter software written to OO principles
Add to 11U68 11E68
this transfers data (which is stored in "bin" file in mbed storage) into LPC1114, LPC1115, LPC81x, LPC82x, LPC1768/LPC1769 and LPC11U68/LPC11E68 internal flash memory through ISP. In-System Programming, ISP, LPC1114, lpc1115, LPC11U68, LPC1768, LPC1769, LPC810, LPC811, LPC812, LPC81x, LPC822, LPC824, LPC82x
This is an mbed platform port for the musical floppy system created by sammy1am floppy, moppy
homeposition definieren
lidar that works with braille
blue mbed code for the BNO055 imu from adafruit
Software for mapping with the Lidar lite v2, stepper motor, and stepper motor driver
A small piece of code to test and work with ImGui. See:
Example of reading and magnetometer sensor (HMC5883L)
Test usb connection
Sorfware for Lexy ( Hexapode ) hexapod, robot
For shosho
Driver for 4D Systems LCD screen with Picaso processor. Ported from 4D Systems Picaso Serial Linux Library
Juggler Position Control Parsing
Fork of Emaxx Navigation code with dynamic vehicle model and HIL support. Strange bugs with mbed locking up upon receiving certain messages.
This program consists of the software developed for the ELEC5870M Individual Project. It runs on the mbed LPC1768. It uses the mbed RTOS to perform the following tasks: - Implements …
Automatically moving back and forth Haptic_hid, but with a delay on the printing of the output signal of the position to the computer.
PRBS signal on Haptic_hid with output signal of position