mbed Bugs and Suggestions

This is the companion page to the Bugs & Suggestions forum. The aim of this page is to provide a useful way to track the status of bugs/suggestions once they have been generally accepted as valid.

To add your vote to get a suggestion implemented or a bug fixed, edit this page and add


to the last column. To add a bug/suggestion, it is a good idea to first post in the Bugs & Suggestions forum, to make sure that a bug for example is a confirmed problem.


Suggestionmbed team commentsAdd username to vote
"Published Programs" page does not show .s files (assembly files) link J.P. Armstrong
Compiled library support - linkAccepted, not yet scheduled Dan Ros Michael Wei Hexley Ball Aaron Goselin Hendrik Lipka Kevin Conley Andy K
Compiler build details of AHBSRAM usage - link Daniel Peter Andy K
Update libraries to use CMSIS 2.0 - linkAccepted, not yet scheduled Dimiter K Michelle smith Tom Kreyche
Add attach for member functions to CAN - link David Smart Michael Allan
Add standard #ifdef check in new header files link Eli Hughes
Add code folding link Scott O'Brien Wim van der Vegt Matías Paragano Adam Osborn joep wolters
Add regions folding and highlighting link Wim van der Vegt Matías Paragano

Accepted bugs/suggestions

We aim to address these issues in the next release.

Bugmbed team commentsAdd username to voteUser feedback
Show asterisk in folder containing modified file - linkScheduled Dan Ros Hexley Ball
Focus edit window on file open - linkScheduled Dan Ros Hexley Ball Hendrik Lipka Matías Paragano
Global search/replace - linkScheduled Steve D Andrew Harpin David Smart Matías Paragano
Brace matching - linkScheduled Kevin Hawkins Matías Paragano K B

Fixed bugs/suggestions

Bugmbed team commentsAdd username to voteUser Feedback
Search/replace recursion - linkTicket c379 fixed, released Dan Ros Andy K Andy K confirms fix
malloc problem - linkAccepted, Fixed and Released in v27 Hendrik Lipka Daniel Peter Hendrik Lipka fix doesn't work for all cases
Build number/timestamp - linkAlready supported by armcc, details in linked thread Dirk-Willem van Gulik (NXP/mbed) Ian Molesworth Daniel Peter Aaron Goselin
InterruptIn triggers on startup linkAccepted, Fixed and Released in v27 Andy K Karl Zweimüller Karl Zweimüller confirms fix in v27
Ticker doesn't allow you to attach/detach in own event linkAccepted, Fixed and Released in v28 Andy K Andy K confirms fix in v28
Copying files/Save As problem linkFixed in betamode compiler Graham Bloice
IE context menu is hidden by editor window linkFixed Very Compact

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