base controller of ackermann autonomous car

Dependencies:   QEI PID Motor BNO055 LamborSteering ros_lib_kinetic

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API Documentation at this revision

Tue Feb 19 07:14:32 2019 +0000
Commit message:
base controller

Changed in this revision

.gitignore Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
BNO055.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
LamborSteer.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
Motor.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
PID.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
QEI.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed-os.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
ros_lib_kinetic.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/.gitignore	Tue Feb 19 07:14:32 2019 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/BNO055.lib	Tue Feb 19 07:14:32 2019 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/LamborSteer.lib	Tue Feb 19 07:14:32 2019 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Motor.lib	Tue Feb 19 07:14:32 2019 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/PID.lib	Tue Feb 19 07:14:32 2019 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/QEI.lib	Tue Feb 19 07:14:32 2019 +0000
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Tue Feb 19 07:14:32 2019 +0000
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+/***************************< File comment >***************************/  
+/* project:   Lamborghini's base control                              */ 
+/* project description : Mobile Robot                                 */ 
+/* version : 1.0                                                      */ 
+/* board : NUCLEO-F746ZG                                              */ 
+/* detail : DC motor position control with potentiometer              */
+/* create : 14/12/2018                                                */ 
+/* programmer : Worasuchad Haomachai                                  */ 
+/*                           Include file                             */ 
+#include "mbed.h" 
+#include "LamborSteer.h"
+#include "Motor.h"
+#include "QEI.h"
+#include "PID.h"
+#include "BNO055.h"
+#include <ros.h>
+#include <std_msgs/Float64.h>
+#include <std_msgs/Int32.h>
+#include <std_msgs/Empty.h>
+#include <geometry_msgs/Twist.h>
+Timer timer1;
+Thread thread1;                                             //Steering thread
+Thread thread2;                                             //Drive thread
+Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);                                    //Serial Port
+Serial mc(PD_5, PD_6);                                      //Tx Rx Serial Port
+BNO055 imu(I2C_SDA,I2C_SCL);
+ros::NodeHandle nh;
+/* Steering */
+LamborSteer lamborSteer(PE_15, PE_14, PE_12, A4, 0);        //InA, InB, PWM, Potentiometer, Offset
+InterruptIn mybutton1(D13);
+InterruptIn mybutton2(D12);
+servo_status current_status;
+/*  Drive  */
+Motor leftMotor(D6, D7, D8);                                //pwm, inA, inB
+Motor rightMotor(D9, D10, D11);                             //pwm, inB, inA
+QEI leftQei(D2, D3, NC, 200);                               //chanA, chanB, index, ppr (19600 = 200*98)
+QEI rightQei(D4, D5, NC, 200);                              //chanB, chanA, index, ppr
+PID leftPid(0.4312, 0.01, 0.0, 0.01);                        //Kc, Ti, Td
+PID rightPid(0.4312, 0.01, 0.0, 0.01);                       //Kc, Ti, Td
+/*  Sonic  */
+AnalogIn pinL(A2);
+AnalogIn pinR(A1);
+/*  LED    */
+DigitalOut led1(LED1);
+DigitalOut led2(LED2);
+DigitalOut led3(LED3);
+/*                         Global variable                            */ 
+int angle;
+int forward = 1;
+bool cmDrive = true; 
+char cmSteer;
+/*  Drive  */ 
+int leftPulses      = 0;                                    //How far the left wheel has travelled.
+int leftPrevPulses  = 0;                                    //The previous reading of how far the left wheel has travelled.
+float leftVelocity  = 0.0;                                  //The velocity of the left wheel in pulses per second.
+int rightPulses     = 0;                                    //How far the right wheel has travelled.
+int rightPrevPulses = 0;                                    //The previous reading of how far the right wheelhas travelled.
+float rightVelocity = 0.0;                                  //The velocity of the right wheel in pulses persecond.
+int numTick         = 0;
+int norTick         = 0;
+/*  ros  */ 
+float g_req_linear_vel_x = 0;
+float g_req_linear_vel_y = 0;
+float g_req_angular_vel_z = 0;
+float servo_steering_angle;
+float delta_st;
+/*  Timer variable  */
+uint32_t watchTimer;
+uint32_t pubTimer;
+// ros
+uint32_t g_prev_command_time;
+uint32_t prev_control_time;
+#define MAX_STEERING_ANGLE 1.6                             // max steering angle. This only applies to Ackermann steering
+#define PI 3.14 
+// ultrasonic
+float voltL, voltR, inches, mm, cmL, cmR, cmM;
+// IMU
+float yaw_angle = 0.0;
+float init_yaw = 0.0;
+bool yawFirst = true;
+float change_yaw = 0.0;
+float cYaw = 0.0;
+/*                           prototype fun                            */ 
+void pressed();
+void watchSteer();
+void Drive();
+void Ultrasonic();
+void IMU();
+void commandCallback(const geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_msg);
+void moveBase();
+float steer(float steering_angle);
+float mapFloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max);
+ros::Subscriber<geometry_msgs::Twist> cmd_sub("cmd_vel", commandCallback);
+std_msgs::Float64 Tick;
+ros::Publisher Encoder("encTick", &Tick);
+std_msgs::Float64 ackermann;
+ros::Publisher Steer("steerPub", &ackermann);
+std_msgs::Float64 yaw;
+ros::Publisher pub_yaw("eulerYaw", &yaw);
+/*                              main                                  */ 
+int main()
+  pc.baud(115200);
+  mc.baud(115200);
+  nh.initNode();
+  nh.subscribe(cmd_sub);
+  nh.advertise(Encoder);
+  nh.advertise(Steer);
+  nh.advertise(pub_yaw);
+  /* IMU reset */
+  imu.reset();
+  /* Steering */
+  mybutton1.fall(&pressed);
+  mybutton2.fall(&pressed);
+  current_status =;
+  angle = current_status.current_angle;
+  lamborSteer.write(angle);
+  /* Drive */
+  leftMotor.period(0.00005);                             //Set motor PWM periods to 20KHz.
+  rightMotor.period(0.00005);
+  leftPid.setInputLimits(0, 50000);
+  leftPid.setOutputLimits(0.0, 1.0);
+  leftPid.setMode(AUTO_MODE);
+  rightPid.setInputLimits(0, 50000);
+  rightPid.setOutputLimits(0.0, 1.0);
+  rightPid.setMode(AUTO_MODE);
+  //Velocity to mantain in pulses per second.
+  leftPid.setSetPoint(19600);
+  rightPid.setSetPoint(19600);
+  timer1.start();                                        // start timer counting
+  thread1.start(watchSteer);                             // Steering thread start
+  thread2.start(Drive);                                  // Drive thread start 
+  /* IMU Check */
+  if (!imu.check())
+  {
+    while (true)
+    {
+        led3 = !led3;
+        wait(0.1);
+    }
+  }
+  prev_control_time = timer1.read_ms();
+  while(1)
+  {
+        IMU();                                                  // IMU func
+        if ((timer1.read_ms() - prev_control_time) >= 1)        // read time in 1 ms
+        { 
+            moveBase();
+            //mc.printf("%.3f\t\t", g_req_linear_vel_x);
+            //mc.printf("%.3f\t\t", g_req_angular_vel_z);
+            //mc.printf("%.3f\n\r", servo_steering_angle*2);
+            if(change_yaw < -5 && change_yaw > -300)
+            {
+                cYaw = 80;    
+            }
+            else if(change_yaw < -300)
+            {
+                cYaw = -80; 
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                cYaw = 0;
+            }
+            lamborSteer.write(servo_steering_angle*2 + 80 + cYaw);
+            forward = g_req_linear_vel_x/2;
+            prev_control_time = timer1.read_ms();
+        }
+        //IMU();                                                  // IMU func
+        Ultrasonic();                                           // Ultrasonic func
+        nh.spinOnce();
+        wait_ms(1); 
+  }
+/*                              IMU                                   */ 
+void IMU() 
+    imu.setmode(OPERATION_MODE_NDOF);
+    imu.get_calib();
+    imu.get_angles();
+    imu.get_temp();
+    imu.get_quat();
+    if(yawFirst)
+    {
+        init_yaw = imu.euler.yaw; 
+        yawFirst = false;
+    }
+    yaw_angle = imu.euler.yaw;  
+    change_yaw = init_yaw - yaw_angle;      
+ = yaw_angle;
+    pub_yaw.publish(&yaw);
+    //pc.printf("Temperature\t%d\n", imu.temperature);
+    //pc.printf("Quaternion: w:%f\tx:%f\ty:%f\tz:%f\n", imu.quat.w, imu.quat.x, imu.quat.y, imu.quat.z);
+    //pc.printf("%u\t roll:%5.1f\t pitch:%5.1f\t yaw:%5.1f\r\n",imu.calib,imu.euler.roll,imu.euler.pitch,imu.euler.yaw);
+/*                              Ultrasonic                            */ 
+void Ultrasonic()
+  mc.printf("sonic!");
+  voltL = pinL;
+  voltR = pinR;
+  cmL = voltL * 2000;              //Takes bit count and converts it to mm
+  cmR = voltR * 2000;
+  //mc.printf("Distance L = %.3f cm\t\t", cmL);
+  //mc.printf("Distance R = %.3f cm\n\r", cmR);
+  if (cmL < 80 || cmR < 80 )
+  {
+        led1 = 1 ; // LED is ON
+        led2 = 1 ;
+        //led3 = 1 ;
+        forward = 0;
+        //leftMotor.brake();
+        //rightMotor.brake();
+  }
+  else 
+  {        
+        led1 = 0 ; // LED is OFF
+        led2 = 0 ;
+        //led3 = 0 ;
+  }
+  //wait(0.1);
+/*                              checkST                               */ 
+void watchSteer()
+    watchTimer = timer1.read_ms();
+    pubTimer = timer1.read_ms();
+    while(1) 
+    {
+        //lamborSteer.timer_int_routine();
+        if ((timer1.read_ms() - watchTimer) >= 10)                   // read time in 10 ms
+        { 
+            current_status =;
+            //mc.printf("%d\t\t", current_status.current_angle);
+            //mc.printf("%d\t\t", current_status.wanted_angle);
+            //mc.printf("%d\n\r", current_status.speed);
+            lamborSteer.timer_int_routine();
+            /*
+            if(current_status.current_angle < 200)
+            {
+                delta_st = -( (-PI * current_status.current_angle / 400) + (PI / 2) );
+            }
+            else if(current_status.current_angle >= 200)
+            {
+                delta_st = current_status.current_angle - 200;
+                delta_st = PI*delta_st / 400;
+            }
+   = delta_st;
+            Steer.publish( &ackermann );
+            */
+            watchTimer = timer1.read_ms();
+        }
+        /***********************/
+        if((timer1.read_ms() - pubTimer) >= 100)                    // read time in 100 ms
+        {
+            if(current_status.current_angle < 200)
+            {
+                delta_st = -( (-PI * current_status.current_angle / 400) + (PI / 2) );
+            }
+            else if(current_status.current_angle >= 200)
+            {
+                delta_st = current_status.current_angle - 200;
+                delta_st = PI*delta_st / 400;
+            } 
+   = delta_st;
+            Steer.publish( &ackermann );
+            pubTimer = timer1.read_ms();
+        }
+        /***********************/
+    }
+/*                              Drive                                 */ 
+void Drive()
+    while(1) 
+    {
+        if(cmDrive)                                                    // Drive if cmDrive = true
+        { 
+            leftPulses = leftQei.getPulses();
+            leftVelocity = (leftPulses - leftPrevPulses) / 0.01;
+            leftPrevPulses = leftPulses;
+            leftPid.setProcessValue(fabs(leftVelocity));
+            leftMotor.speed(forward*leftPid.compute());
+            rightPulses = rightQei.getPulses();
+            rightVelocity = (rightPulses - rightPrevPulses) / 0.01;
+            norTick = rightPulses - rightPrevPulses;                    // normarlize tick
+            rightPrevPulses = rightPulses;
+            rightPid.setProcessValue(fabs(rightVelocity));
+            rightMotor.speed(forward*rightPid.compute());
+            if( norTick >= 196)                                         // 100 tick-per-r
+            {
+                numTick = numTick + 1;
+       = numTick;
+                Encoder.publish( &Tick );
+                norTick = 0;
+            }
+            wait(0.01);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            leftMotor.brake();
+            rightMotor.brake();
+        }
+    }
+/*                              pressed                               */ 
+void pressed()
+    lamborSteer.stop();
+/*                              ros                                   */ 
+void commandCallback(const geometry_msgs::Twist& cmd_msg)
+    //callback function every time linear and angular speed is received from 'cmd_vel' topic
+    //this callback function receives cmd_msg object where linear and angular speed are stored
+    g_req_linear_vel_x = cmd_msg.linear.x;
+    g_req_linear_vel_y = cmd_msg.linear.y;
+    g_req_angular_vel_z = cmd_msg.angular.z;
+    //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", g_req_linear_vel_x);
+    //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", g_req_linear_vel_y);
+    //pc.printf("%.3f\n\r", g_req_angular_vel_z);
+    g_prev_command_time = timer1.read_ms();;
+void moveBase()
+    float current_steering_angle;    
+    current_steering_angle = steer(g_req_angular_vel_z);
+    //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", g_req_linear_vel_x);
+    //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", g_req_linear_vel_y);
+    //pc.printf("%.3f\t\t", g_req_angular_vel_z);
+    //pc.printf("%.3f\n\r", current_steering_angle);
+float steer(float steering_angle)
+    //steering function for ACKERMANN base
+    //float servo_steering_angle;
+    //steering_angle = constrain(steering_angle, -MAX_STEERING_ANGLE, MAX_STEERING_ANGLE);
+    servo_steering_angle = mapFloat(steering_angle, -MAX_STEERING_ANGLE, MAX_STEERING_ANGLE, 0, PI) * (180 / PI);
+    if(servo_steering_angle < 0)
+    {
+        servo_steering_angle = 0;
+    }
+    else if(servo_steering_angle > 200)
+    {
+        servo_steering_angle = 200;
+    }
+    //servo_steering_angle = mapFloat(steering_angle, -MAX_STEERING_ANGLE, MAX_STEERING_ANGLE, PI, 0) * (180 / PI);
+    //steering_servo.write(servo_steering_angle);
+    //return steering_angle;
+    return servo_steering_angle;
+float mapFloat(float x, float in_min, float in_max, float out_min, float out_max)
+    return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min;
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--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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