Dependents of QEI

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

PS3 version
Het complete motorscript met alle gewenste functies
Het complete motorscript met alle gewenste functies
Yea it is working. done programinging for a while!
The final program for the #include AIR robot
EMG driven robot which shoots elastic bands Band, Elastic, EMG, Gun, robot, Rubber
The final program for the #include AIR robot
The Chenne Robot
Full program of BioRobotics 2015 group 16
aquarium light controller wannabe
controlador PID con encoder
code to go straight with pid
2015 全国ロボコン 福島B プログラム
PD Control for KL05Z
Configuración de una alarma mediante dispositivo con comunicación i2c para encender un led. alarma, I2C
Despertador con RTC-DS1307 y Encoder
En este archivo se encuentra la programación completa de la tarea de I2C (Alarma)
trabajo de creacion de un despertador por i2c configurado por un encoder
Decoupled position and current control working.
Experimental Zumy code for interfacing with encoders (as well as IMU as in abuchan's code base). Berkeley, encoders, Robotics
PI Step test csv
Project Template for Micromouse Competition
dog v3.3 test motor control
alarmclock with 2 alarm times, 128x64 LCD with KS0108, displays time / time&date / a menu to change time & alarms, rotary encoder with push button, relay which switsches on … alarm, backup, clock, Date, Encoder, KS0108, LCD, menu, QEI, rotary, time
first publish
Test for MS5803 and MS5837 pressure sensors (pressure and temp readings) and QEI testing for encoder.
Code written for the encoder
Everything put together
Zumy code for sending struct data RPCFunction, software reset, Watch Dog Timer
One big fixed period control loop
Fixed PWM
Has the Limbic Controller act as a mouse over HID protocol (and wire). Generates absolute position from seat rotation (both shells cumulative), as such disables use of regular mouse.