
Forks of MPU6050

A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

Copy of MPU6050
fork from > MPU6050 library that is kinda beta and will probably never leave beta but it might help some people. MPU6000, MPU6050, MPU60x0
MPU6050 library that is kinda beta and will probably never leave beta but it might help some people. MPU6000, MPU6050, MPU60x0
MPU6050 library that is kinda beta and will probably never leave beta but it might help some people. MPU6000, MPU6050, MPU60x0
MPU6050 library that is kinda beta and will probably never leave beta but it might help some people. MPU6000, MPU6050, MPU60x0
MPU6050 library that is kinda beta and will probably never leave beta but it might help some people. MPU6000, MPU6050, MPU60x0
program test MPU6050
MPU6050 library that is kinda beta and will probably never leave beta but it might help some people. MPU6000, MPU6050, MPU60x0
Chaged the i2c address to 0x68 from 0x69 rest was fine with the old libraray. MPU6000, MPU6050, MPU60x0
Not a real MPU6050 but imc-20689
library of measure the sensor MPU6050 by I2C MPU6050
MPU6050 library that is kinda beta and will probably never leave beta but it might help some people. MPU6000, MPU6050, MPU60x0
Thanks Erik Olieman for his beta library, that saved me a huge amount of time when getting Raw data from MPU6050 module! I was able to update this library by …
Basic MPU6050 Test Fails