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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 altcp.hApplication layered TCP connection API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
 altcp_priv.hApplication layered TCP connection API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
This interface mimics the tcp callback API to the application while preventing direct linking (much like virtual functions)
 altcp_proxyconnect.hApplication layered TCP connection API that executes a proxy-connect
 altcp_tcp.hApplication layered TCP connection API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
This interface mimics the tcp callback API to the application while preventing direct linking (much like virtual functions)
 altcp_tls.hApplication layered TCP/TLS connection API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
 altcp_tls_mbedtls_mem.hApplication layered TCP/TLS connection API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
 altcp_tls_mbedtls_opts.hApplication layered TCP/TLS connection API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
 altcp_tls_mbedtls_structs.hApplication layered TCP/TLS connection API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
 api.hNetconn API (to be used from non-TCPIP threads)
 api_msg.hNetconn API lwIP internal implementations (do not use in application code)
 arch.hSupport for different processor and compiler architectures
 att_api.hAttribute protocol client and server API
 att_defs.hAttribute protocol constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification
 att_eatt.hEnhanced ATT (EATT) main module
 att_handler.hInterface to ATT event handler
 att_main.hATT main module
 att_sign.hATT optional signed PDU processing functions
 att_uuid.hAttribute protocol UUIDs from the Bluetooth specification
 attc_main.hATT client main module
 attest_token.hAttestation Token Creation Interface
 atts_main.hATT server main module
 autoip.hAutoIP Automatic LinkLocal IP Configuration
 prot/autoip.hAutoIP protocol definitions
 bb_api.hBaseband interface file
 bb_ble_api.hBLE baseband interface file
 bb_ble_api_op.hBLE baseband interface file
 bb_ble_api_pdufilt.hBLE baseband PDU filtering interface file
 bb_ble_api_periodiclist.hBLE baseband periodiclist interface file
 bb_ble_api_reslist.hBLE baseband resolving list interface file
 bb_ble_api_whitelist.hBLE baseband whitelist interface file
 bb_ble_int.hInternal BLE baseband interface file
 bb_ble_sniffer_api.hPacket sniffer interface file
 bb_int.hInternal baseband interface file
 bda.hBluetooth device address utilities
 bridgeif.hLwIP netif implementing an IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridge
 bridgeif_opts.hLwIP netif implementing an IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridge
 bstream.hByte stream to integer conversion macros
 calc128.h128-bit integer utilities
 ccsw_crys_rsa_shared_types.hThis file contains the types for the CCSW RSA module
 CellularContext.hCellular PDP context class
 CellularDevice.hClass CellularDevice
 cfg_mac.hMAC system configuration
 cfg_mac_ble.hBLE MAC system configuration
 cfg_stack.hStack configuration
 chci_api.hController HCI transport API
 chci_tr.hController HCI transport interface file
 ControlPlane_netif.hImplements support for data transfer using Control Plane CIoT EPS optimization
 crc32.hCRC-32 utilities
 crypto_accel_driver.hPSA cryptography accelerator driver module
 crypto_client_struct.hPSA cryptography client key attribute definitions
 crypto_common.hHeader file for common mbedtls acceleration functions
 crypto_config.hPSA crypto configuration options (set of defines)
 crypto_driver_common.hDefinitions for all PSA crypto drivers
 crypto_entropy_driver.hPSA entropy source driver module
 crypto_se_driver.hPSA external cryptoprocessor driver module
 crys_aesccm.hThis file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS AESCCM APIs, as well as the APIs themselves. The API supports AES-CCM and AES-CCM* as defined in ieee-802.15.4
 crys_aesccm_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS AESCCM errors
 crys_chacha.hThis file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS CHACHA APIs, as well as the APIs themselves
 crys_chacha_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS CHACHA errors
 crys_chacha_poly.hThis file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS CHACHA-POLY APIs, as well as the APIs themselves
 crys_chacha_poly_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS CHACHA POLY errors
 crys_dh.hThis module defines the API that supports Diffie-Hellman key exchange, as defined in [PKCS3] and in [X9.42] (key lengths 1024 and 2048 bits)
 crys_dh_error.hThis file contains error codes definitions for CRYS DH module
 crys_dh_kg.hThis module defines the API that supports Diffie-Hellman domain
 crys_ec_edw_api.hThis file contains the CRYS APIs used for EC EDW (Edwards) ed25519 algorithms
 crys_ec_mont_api.hThis file contains the CRYS APIs used for EC MONT (Montgomery Curve25519) algorithms
 crys_ec_mont_edw_error.hThis module containes the definitions of the CRYS ECC-25519 errors
 crys_ecpki_build.hThis module defines functions for building key structures used in Elliptic Curves Cryptography (ECC)
 crys_ecpki_dh.hDefines the API that supports EC Diffie-Hellman shared secret value derivation primitives
 crys_ecpki_domain.hDefines the ecpki build domain API
 crys_ecpki_ecdsa.hDefines the APIs that support the ECDSA functions
 crys_ecpki_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS ECPKI errors
 crys_ecpki_kg.hDefines the API for generation of ECC private and public keys
 crys_ecpki_types.hContains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS ECPKI APIs
 crys_error.hThis module defines the error return code types and the numbering spaces of the error codes for each module of the layers listed below
 crys_hash.hThis file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS HASH APIs, as well as the APIs themselves
 crys_hash_defs.hThis file contains HASH definitions
 crys_hash_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS HASH errors
 crys_hkdf.hThis module defines the API that supports HMAC Key derivation function as defined by RFC5869
 crys_hkdf_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS HKDF errors
 crys_hmac.hThis file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS HMAC APIs, as well as the APIs themselves
 crys_hmac_defs.hThis file contains HMAC definitions
 crys_hmac_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS HMAC errors
 crys_kdf.hThis module defines the API that supports Key derivation function in modes as defined in PKCS#3, ANSI X9.42-2001, and ANSI X9.63-1999
 crys_kdf_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS KDF errors
 crys_pka_defs_hw.hThe file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used in the PKA related code
 crys_poly.hThis file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS POLY APIs, as well as the APIs themselves
 crys_poly_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS POLY errors
 crys_rnd.hThis file contains the CRYS APIs used for random number generation. The random-number generation module implements referenced standard [SP800-90]
 crys_rnd_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS RND errors
 crys_rsa_build.hThis module defines some utility functions for working with RSA cryptography
 crys_rsa_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS RSA errors
 crys_rsa_kg.hGenerates a RSA pair of public and private keys
 crys_rsa_prim.hThis module defines the API that implements the [PKCS1_2.1] primitive functions
 crys_rsa_schemes.hThis module defines APIs that support [PKCS1_1.5] and [PKCS1_2.1] encryption and signature schemes
 crys_rsa_types.hThis file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS RSA APIs
 crys_srp.hThis file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CRYS SRP APIs, as well as the APIs themselves
 crys_srp_error.hThis module contains the definitions of the CRYS SRP errors
 cy_network_buffer.hBasic set of APIs for dealing with network packet buffers
 cy_wifi_fw_section.hDetermines the start and end of the region the WiFi firmware is stored in
 cybsp_wifi.hBasic abstraction layer for dealing with boards containing a Cypress MCU
 debug.hDebug messages infrastructure
 def.hVarious utility macros
 dhcp.hDHCP client API
 prot/dhcp.hDHCP protocol definitions
 dhcp6.hDHCPv6 client: IPv6 address autoconfiguration as per RFC 3315 (stateful DHCPv6) and RFC 3736 (stateless DHCPv6)
 prot/dhcp6.hDHCPv6 protocol definitions
 dm_adv.hDM advertising module
 dm_api.hDevice Manager subsystem API
 dm_cis.hDM Connected Isochronous Stream (CIS) management module
 dm_conn.hDM connection management module
 dm_dev.hDM local device management module
 dm_handler.hInterface to DM event handler
 dm_main.hDM main module
 dm_phy.hDM PHY module
 dm_priv.hDM privacy module
 dm_scan.hDM scan module
 dm_sec.hDM security module
 DNS.hDomain Name Service
 dns.hDNS API
 prot/dns.hDNS - host name to IP address resolver
 eatt_api.hEnhanced attribute protocol client and server API
 ecp.hThis file provides an API for Elliptic Curves over GF(P) (ECP)
 err.hLwIP Error codes
 errno.hThis file is a posix/stdc wrapper for lwip/errno.h
 lwip/etharp.hEthernet output function - handles OUTGOING ethernet level traffic, implements ARP resolving
 lwip/prot/etharp.hARP protocol definitions
 lwip/prot/ethernet.hEthernet protocol definitions
 netif/ethernet.hEthernet input function - handles INCOMING ethernet level traffic To be used in most low-level netif implementations
 ethip6.hEthernet output for IPv6
 fcs.hFCS utilities (3GPP TS 27.010)
 fsfat_debug.hComponent debug header file
 fsfat_test.hMbed Microcontroller Library Copyright (c) 2006-2016 ARM Limited SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 fslittle_debug.hComponent debug header file
 fslittle_test.hMbed Microcontroller Library Copyright (c) 2006-2016 ARM Limited SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 hci_api.hHCI subsystem API
 hci_cmd.hHCI command module
 hci_core.hHCI core interfaces
 hci_core_ps.hHCI core platform-specific interfaces for dual-chip
 hci_defs.hHCI constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification
 hci_drv.hHCI driver interface
 hci_drv_apollo3.hSupport functions for the Nationz BTLE radio in Apollo3
 hci_evt.hHCI event module
 hci_handler.hInterface to HCI event handler
 hci_main.hHCI main module
 hci_tr.hHCI transport interface
 http_client.hHTTP client
 httpd.hHTTP server
 httpd_opts.hHTTP server options list
 iana.hIANA assigned numbers (RFC 1700 and successors)
 icmp.hICMP API
 prot/icmp.hICMP protocol definitions
 icmp6.hIPv6 version of ICMP, as per RFC 4443
 prot/icmp6.hICMP6 protocol definitions
 ieee.hIEEE assigned numbers
 ieee802154.hDefinitions for IEEE 802.15.4 MAC frames
 if.hThis file is a posix wrapper for lwip/if_api.h
 if_api.hInterface Identification APIs from: RFC 3493: Basic Socket Interface Extensions for IPv6 Section 4: Interface Identification
 igmp.hIGMP API
 prot/igmp.hIGMP protocol definitions
 compat/posix/arpa/inet.hThis file is a posix wrapper for lwip/sockets.h
 lwip/inet.hThis file (together with sockets.h) aims to provide structs and functions from
 inet_chksum.hIP checksum calculation functions
 init.hLwIP initialization API
 ip.hIP API
 prot/ip.hIP protocol definitions
 ip4.hIPv4 API
 prot/ip4.hIPv4 protocol definitions
 ip4_addr.hIPv4 address API
 ip4_frag.hIP fragmentation/reassembly
 ip6.hIPv6 layer
 prot/ip6.hIPv6 protocol definitions
 ip6_addr.hIPv6 addresses
 ip6_frag.hIPv6 fragmentation and reassembly
 ip6_zone.hIPv6 address scopes, zones, and scoping policy
 ip_addr.hIP address API (common IPv4 and IPv6)
 l2c_api.hL2CAP subsystem API
 l2c_defs.hL2CAP constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification
 l2c_handler.hL2CAP handler interface
 l2c_main.hL2CAP main module
 lan8742.hThis file contains all the functions prototypes for the lan8742.c PHY driver
 lctr_api.hLink layer controller common interface file
 lctr_api_adv_acad.hLink layer controller ACAD definitions
 lctr_api_adv_master.hLink layer controller scanning master interface file
 lctr_api_adv_master_ae.hLink layer controller extended scanning master interface file
 lctr_api_adv_slave.hLink layer controller advertising slave interface file
 lctr_api_adv_slave_ae.hLink layer controller extended advertising slave interface file
 lctr_api_bis_master.hLink layer controller BIS slave interface file
 lctr_api_bis_slave.hLink layer controller BIS slave interface file
 lctr_api_cis.hLink layer controller CIS slave interface file
 lctr_api_cis_master.hLink layer controller CIS master interface file
 lctr_api_cis_slave.hLink layer controller CIS slave interface file
 lctr_api_conn.hLink layer controller connection interface file
 lctr_api_conn_cs2.hLink layer controller channel selection interface file
 lctr_api_init_master.hLink layer controller initiating master interface file
 lctr_api_init_master_ae.hLink layer controller extended initiating master interface file
 lctr_api_iso.hLink layer controller common ISO interface file
 lctr_api_pc.hLink layer controller power control interface file
 lctr_api_phy.hLink layer controller PHY features interface file
 lctr_api_priv.hLink layer controller privacy interface file
 lctr_api_sc.hLink layer controller secure connections interface file
 lctr_int.hInternal link layer controller interface file
 lctr_int_adv_ae.hExtended advertising common header file
 lctr_int_adv_master.hInternal link layer controller scanning master interface file
 lctr_int_adv_master_ae.hInternal link layer controller extended scanning master interface file
 lctr_int_adv_slave.hInternal link layer controller advertising slave interface file
 lctr_int_adv_slave_ae.hInternal link layer controller slave extended advertising interface file
 lctr_int_bis.hInternal link layer controller connected isochronous interface file
 lctr_int_bis_master.hInternal link layer controller isochronous master interface file
 lctr_int_bis_slave.hInternal link layer controller isochronous slave interface file
 lctr_int_cis.hInternal link layer controller connected isochronous stream interface file
 lctr_int_cis_master.hInternal link layer controller master connected isochronous stream interface file
 lctr_int_cis_slave.hInternal link layer controller connected isochronous stream slave interface file
 lctr_int_conn.hInternal link layer controller connection interface file
 lctr_int_conn_master.hInternal link layer controller master connection interface file
 lctr_int_conn_slave.hInternal link layer controller slave connection interface file
 lctr_int_enc_master.hInternal link layer controller master connection interface file
 lctr_int_enc_slave.hInternal link layer controller slave connection interface file
 lctr_int_init_master.hInternal link layer controller scanning master interface file
 lctr_int_init_master_ae.hInternal link layer controller scanning master interface file
 lctr_int_iso.hInternal link layer controller connection interface file
 lctr_int_master_phy.hInternal link layer controller PHY features (master) interface file
 lctr_int_pc.hInternal link layer controller power control interface file
 lctr_int_priv.hInternal link layer controller privacy interface file
 lctr_int_slave_phy.hInternal link layer controller PHY features (slave) interface file
 lctr_pdu_adv.hLink layer controller advertising channel packet interface file
 lctr_pdu_adv_ae.hLink layer controller extended advertising channel packet interface file
 lctr_pdu_conn.hLink layer controller data channel packet interface file
 lctr_pdu_iso.hLink layer controller data channel packet interface file
 lhci_api.hLink layer HCI subsystem API
 lhci_int.hLL HCI main module interface file
 lifecycle.hThis file describes the PSA RoT Lifecycle API
 ll_api.hLink layer interface file
 ll_defs.hLink layer constant definitions
 ll_init_api.hLL initialization implementation file
 ll_math.hLink Layer math utilities
 lmgr_api.hLink layer manager common interface file
 lmgr_api_adv_master.hLink layer manager advertising master interface file
 lmgr_api_adv_master_ae.hLink layer manager advertising extension interface file
 lmgr_api_adv_slave.hLink layer manager advertising slave interface file
 lmgr_api_adv_slave_ae.hLink layer manager advertising extension interface file
 lmgr_api_cis_master.hLink layer manager connected isochronous stream master interface file
 lmgr_api_cis_slave.hLink layer manager connected isochronous stream slave interface file
 lmgr_api_conn.hLink layer manager connection interface file
 lmgr_api_iso.hLink layer manager connection interface file
 lmgr_api_priv.hLink layer manager privacy interface file
 lmgr_api_sc.hLink layer manager secure connections interface file
 lora_phy_ds.hData structures relating to PHY layer
 LoRaMac.hLoRa MAC layer implementation
 LoRaMacCommand.hLoRa MAC layer implementation
 LoRaPHY.hAn abstract class providing radio object to children and provide base for implementing LoRa PHY layer
 LoRaPHYAS923.hImplements LoRaPHY for Asia-Pacific 923 MHz band
 LoRaPHYAU915.hImplements LoRaPHY for Australian 915 MHz band
 LoRaPHYCN470.hImplements LoRaPHY for Chinese 470 MHz band
 LoRaPHYCN779.hImplements LoRaPHY for Chinese 779 MHz band
 LoRaPHYEU433.hImplements LoRaPHY for European 433 MHz band
 LoRaPHYEU868.hImplements LoRaPHY for European 868 MHz band
 LoRaPHYIN865.hImplements LoRaPHY for Indian 865 MHz band
 LoRaPHYKR920.hImplements LoRaPHY for Korean 920 MHz band
 LoRaPHYUS915.hImplements LoRaPHY for US 915 MHz band
 lorawan_data_structures.hContains common data structures used by Mbed-OS LoRaWAN mplementation
 lorawan_types.hContains data structures required by LoRaWANBase class
 LoRaWANStack.hLoRaWAN stack layer implementation
 lowpan6.h6LowPAN output for IPv6
 lowpan6_ble.h6LowPAN over BLE for IPv6 (RFC7668)
 lowpan6_common.hCommon 6LowPAN routines for IPv6
 lowpan6_opts.h6LowPAN options list
 lpc17xx_emac.hContains all macro definitions and function prototypes support for Ethernet MAC firmware library on LPC17xx
 lpc_emac_config.hPHY and EMAC configuration file
 lpc_phy.hCommon PHY definitions used with all PHYs
 lwip_errno.hPosix Errno defines
 lwip_snmp_asn1.hAbstract Syntax Notation One (ISO 8824, 8825) codec
 lwip_snmp_msg.hSNMP Agent message handling structures (internal API, do not use in client code)
 lwip_snmp_pbuf_stream.hSNMP pbuf stream wrapper (internal API, do not use in client code)
 lwip_snmpv3_priv.hAdditional SNMPv3 functionality RFC3414 and RFC3826 (internal API, do not use in client code)
 lwiperf.hLwIP iPerf server implementation
 mbedtls_ecc_group_to_psa.hExcerpted from Mbed TLS for internal use by Mbed TLS's PK module to interface with generic PSA Crypto implementations
 mbox_def.hMailbox definition
 md5.hMD5 message digest algorithm (hash function)
 mdns.hMDNS responder
 mdns_opts.hMDNS responder
 mdns_priv.hMDNS responder private definitions
 mem.hHeap API
 mem_priv.hLwIP internal memory implementations (do not use in application code)
 memp.hMemory pool API
 memp_priv.hMemory pools lwIP internal implementations (do not use in application code)
 memp_std.hLwIP internal memory pools (do not use in application code) This file is deliberately included multiple times: once with empty definition of LWIP_MEMPOOL() to handle all includes and multiple times to build up various lists of mem pools
 mld6.hMulticast listener discovery for IPv6
 prot/mld6.hMLD6 protocol definitions
 mqtt.hMQTT client
 mqtt_opts.hMQTT client options
 mqtt_priv.hMQTT client (private interface)
 nd6.hNeighbor discovery and stateless address autoconfiguration for IPv6
 prot/nd6.hND6 protocol definitions
 nd6_priv.hNeighbor discovery and stateless address autoconfiguration for IPv6
 netbiosns.hNETBIOS name service responder
 netbiosns_opts.hNETBIOS name service responder options
 netbuf.hNetbuf API (for netconn API)
 compat/posix/netdb.hThis file is a posix wrapper for lwip/netdb.h
 lwip/netdb.hNETDB API (sockets)
 netif.hNetif API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
 netifapi.hNetif API (to be used from non-TCPIP threads)
 NetworkInterface.hNetwork Interface base class
 NetworkStack.hNetworkStack class
 ns_cmdline.hCommand line library - mbedOS shell
 opt.hLwIP Options Configuration
 pal_attestation_eat.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 pal_attestation_intf.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 pal_bb.hBaseband interface file
 pal_bb_154.hIEEE 802.15.4 MAC Baseband driver interface file
 pal_bb_ble.hBLE Baseband interface file
 pal_bb_ble_tester.hBLE Baseband tester interface file
 pal_btn.hButton driver definition
 pal_cfg.hSystem configuration definition
 pal_client_api_intf.hCopyright (c) 2018-2020, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 pal_codec.hHardware audio codec interface file
 pal_common.hCopyright (c) 2018, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 pal_crypto.hCrypto driver definition
 pal_flash.hPAL flash driver
 pal_i2s.hI2S driver definition
 pal_interfaces_ns.hCopyright (c) 2018-2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 pal_internal_trusted_storage_intf.hCopyright (c) 2018, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 pal_io_exp.hI/O expander driver definition
 pal_led.hLED driver definition
 pal_protected_storage_intf.hCopyright (c) 2018, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 pal_radio.hRadio interface file
 pal_radio2.hRadio interface file
 pal_rtc.hRTC timer interface file
 pal_spi.hSPI driver definition
 pal_sys.hSystem hooks
 pal_timer.hTimer interface file
 pal_twi.hTWI driver definition
 pal_types.hPlatform-independent data types
 pal_uart.hUART driver definition
 pbuf.hPbuf API
 pppol2tp.hNetwork Point to Point Protocol over Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol header file
 pppos.hNetwork Point to Point Protocol over Serial header file
 prand.hPseudo-random number generator interface
 print.hPrint functions
 TARGET_MBED_PSA_SRV/inc/psa/protected_storage.hThis file describes the PSA Protected Storage API
 psa_crypto_invasive.hPSA cryptography module: invasive interfaces for test only
 psa_crypto_its.hInterface of trusted storage that crypto is built on
 psa_crypto_storage.hPSA cryptography module: Mbed TLS key storage
 psa_prot_internal_storage.hThis file describes the PSA Internal Trusted Storage API
 qcbor.hQ C B O R E n c o d e / D e c o d e
 raw.hRaw API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
See also raw_raw
 raw_priv.hRaw API internal implementations (do not use in application code)
 sch_api.hMulti-protocol scheduler interface file
 sch_api_ble.hLink layer scheduler interface file
 sch_int.hInternal multi-protocol scheduler interface file
 sch_int_rm.hInternal scheduler resource manager interface file
 sch_int_tm.hBLE topology manager internal interface file
 scl_emac.hProvides EMAC interface functions to be used with the SCL_EMAC object
 SclSTAInterface.hProvides SCL interface functions to be used with WiFiInterface or NetworkInterface Objects
 sec_api.hAES and random number security service API
 sec_main.hInternal security service structures
 sha1.hSHA-1 cryptographic hash function
 shci.hHCI command for the system channel
 shci_tl.hSystem HCI command header for the system channel
 slipif.hSLIP netif API
 smp_api.hSMP subsystem API
 smp_defs.hSecurity manager constants and definitions from the Bluetooth specification
 smp_handler.hInterface to SMP event handler
 smp_main.hSMP main module
 smp_sc_main.hSMP main module header file
 smpi_main.hSMP initiator main module
 smpr_main.hSMP responder main module
 apps/snmp.hSNMP server main API - start and basic configuration
 snmp.hSNMP support API for implementing netifs and statitics for MIB2
 snmp_core.hSNMP core API for implementing MIBs
 snmp_mib2.hSNMP MIB2 API
 snmp_opts.hSNMP server options list
 snmp_scalar.hSNMP server MIB API to implement scalar nodes
 snmp_table.hSNMP server MIB API to implement table nodes
 snmp_threadsync.hSNMP server MIB API to implement thread synchronization
 snmpv3.hAdditional SNMPv3 functionality RFC3414 and RFC3826
 sns_silib.hThis file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CryptoCell Lib init and finish APIs, as well as the APIs themselves
 sntp.hSNTP client API
 sntp_opts.hSNTP client options list
 Socket.hAbstract Socket interface
 socket.hThis file is a posix wrapper for lwip/sockets.h
 SocketAddress.hSocketAddress class
 sockets.hSocket API (to be used from non-TCPIP threads)
 sockets_priv.hSockets API internal implementations (do not use in application code)
 ssi_aes.hThis file contains all of the enums and definitions that are used for the CryptoCell AES APIs, as well as the APIs themselves
 ssi_aes_defs.hThis file contains definitions that are used for the ARM CryptoCell 3xx version of the CryptoCell AES APIs
 ssi_aes_error.hThis file contains the definitions of the CryptoCell AES errors
 ssi_pal_compiler.hThis file contains compiler related definitions
 ssi_pal_types.hThis file contains the platform dependent definitions and types
 ssi_pal_types_plat.hThis file contains basic type definitions that are platform dependent
 ssi_pka_hw_plat_defs.hContains the enums and definitions that are used in the PKA code (definitions that are platform dependent)
 stats.hStatistics API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
 stm32_wpan_common.hCommon file to utilities
 STM32WL_radio_driver.hSTM32WL driver implementation
 stm_list.hHeader file for linked list library
 TARGET_MBED_PSA_SRV/inc/psa/storage_common.hThis file includes common definitions for PSA storage
 svc_core.hExample GATT and GAP service implementations
 sys.hOS abstraction layer
 t_cose_common.hDefines common to all public t_cose interfaces
 t_cose_crypto.hThis is the adaptation layer for cryptographic functions used by t_cose
 t_cose_defines.hConstants from COSE standard and IANA registry
 t_cose_sign1_sign.hCreate a COSE_Sign1, usually for EAT or CWT Token
 t_cose_util.hUtility functions used internally by the t_cose implementation
 prot/tcp.hTCP protocol definitions
 tcp.hTCP API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
See also tcp_raw
 tcp_priv.hTCP internal implementations (do not use in application code)
 tcpbase.hBase TCP API definitions shared by TCP and ALTCP
See also tcp_raw
 tcpip.hFunctions to sync with TCPIP thread
 tcpip_priv.hTCPIP API internal implementations (do not use in application code)
 TCPSocket.hTCPSocket class
 terminal.hTerminal handler
 test_a001.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s001/test_its_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s002/test_its_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s003/test_its_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s004/test_its_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s005/test_its_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s006/test_its_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s007/test_its_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s008/test_its_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s009/test_its_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s010/test_its_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s001/test_ps_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or ps affiliates
 test_s002/test_ps_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or ps affiliates
 test_s003/test_ps_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or ps affiliates
 test_s004/test_ps_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or ps affiliates
 test_s005/test_ps_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or ps affiliates
 test_s006/test_ps_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or ps affiliates
 test_s007/test_ps_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or ps affiliates
 test_s008/test_ps_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or ps affiliates
 test_s009/test_ps_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or ps affiliates
 test_s010/test_ps_data.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or ps affiliates
 test_s001.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s002.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s003.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s004.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s005.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s006.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s007.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s008.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s009.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 test_s010.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 tfm_plat_boot_seed.hBoot seed is used by a validating entity to ensure multiple reports were generated in the same boot session
 tfm_plat_device_id.hThe interfaces defined in this file are meant to provide the following attributes of the device:
 tftp_opts.hTrivial File Transfer Protocol (RFC 1350) implementation options
 tftp_server.hTrivial File Transfer Protocol (RFC 1350)
 timeouts.hTimer implementations
 tl.hHeader for tl module
 prot/udp.hUDP protocol definitions
 udp.hUDP API (to be used from TCPIP thread)
See also udp_raw
 useful_buf.hThis is a TF-M coding style version of UsefulBuf
 UsefulBuf.hThe goal of this code is to make buffer and pointer manipulation easier and safer when working with binary data
 val.hCopyright (c) 2018-2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 val_attestation.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 val_client_defs.hCopyright (c) 2018-2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 val_entry.hCopyright (c) 2018-2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 val_interfaces.hCopyright (c) 2018-2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 val_internal_trusted_storage.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 val_protected_storage.hCopyright (c) 2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 val_target.hCopyright (c) 2018-2019, Arm Limited or its affiliates
 whd.hProvides abstract pointer type to act as instance for: driver, interface, buffer funcs, network funcs, resource funcs and bus funcs
 whd_ap.hProvides prototypes / declarations for APSTA functionality
 whd_buffer_api.hProvides prototypes / declarations for common APSTA functionality
 whd_clm.hProvides generic clm blob file download functionality
 whd_events.hHeader for Event detection
 whd_events_int.hHeader for Event detection
 whd_int.hHeader for whd_driver structure
 whd_network_if.hProvides prototypes / declarations for common APSTA functionality
 whd_network_types.hPrototypes of functions corresponding to Buffer and Network Interface
 whd_poll.hHeader for using WHD with no RTOS or network stack
 whd_resource_api.hPrototypes of functions for providing external resources to the radio driver
 whd_resource_if.hProvides prototypes / declarations for common APSTA functionality
 whd_sdpcm.hProvides whd with function prototypes for IOCTL commands, and for communicating with the SDPCM module
 whd_thread.hThe whd Thread allows thread safe access to the whd hardware bus This is an whd internal file and should not be used by functions outside whd
 whd_types.hDefines common data types used with WHD
 whd_types_int.hDefines common constants used with WHD within src folder
 whd_wifi_api.hPrototypes of functions for controlling the Wi-Fi system
 wiced_resource.hWICED Resource API's The Resource Management functions reads resource from a resource location and returns the number of bytes from an offset in an caller filled buffer

NVRAM file for CY8CMOD-062S3-4343W (PSoC6 (512K) with CYW4343W WiFi-BT - Murata's

Type 1DX Module) - Copied from bcm94343wwcd1.txt on 08/04/2019

2.4 GHz, 20 MHz BW mode; With Antenna Diversity

 wsf_assert.hAssert macro
 wsf_buf.hBuffer pool service
 wsf_bufio.hBuffer I/O service
 wsf_cs.hCritical section macros
 wsf_detoken.hToken trace decode header file
 wsf_efs.hEmbedded File System service
 wsf_heap.hBuffer heap service
 wsf_math.hCommon math utilities
 wsf_msg.hMessage passing service
 wsf_os.hSoftware foundation OS API
 wsf_queue.hGeneral purpose queue service
 wsf_timer.hTimer service
 wsf_trace.hTrace message interface
 wsf_types.hPlatform-independent data types
 wstr.hString manipulation functions
 zepif.hA netif implementing the ZigBee Eencapsulation Protocol (ZEP)
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