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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2018-2021, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
5  *
6  */
7 /**
8  * \file psa/crypto_values.h
9  *
10  * \brief PSA cryptography module: macros to build and analyze integer values.
11  *
12  * \note This file may not be included directly. Applications must
13  * include psa/crypto.h. Drivers must include the appropriate driver
14  * header file.
15  *
16  * This file contains portable definitions of macros to build and analyze
17  * values of integral types that encode properties of cryptographic keys,
18  * designations of cryptographic algorithms, and error codes returned by
19  * the library.
20  *
21  * This header file only defines preprocessor macros.
22  */
27 #include "mbedtls_svc_key_id.h"
29 /** \defgroup error Error codes
30  * @{
31  */
33 /* PSA error codes */
35 /** The action was completed successfully. */
36 #ifndef PSA_SUCCESS
37 #define PSA_SUCCESS ((psa_status_t)0)
38 #endif
40 /** An error occurred that does not correspond to any defined
41  * failure cause.
42  *
43  * Implementations may use this error code if none of the other standard
44  * error codes are applicable. */
45 #define PSA_ERROR_GENERIC_ERROR ((psa_status_t)-132)
47 /** The requested operation or a parameter is not supported
48  * by this implementation.
49  *
50  * Implementations should return this error code when an enumeration
51  * parameter such as a key type, algorithm, etc. is not recognized.
52  * If a combination of parameters is recognized and identified as
53  * not valid, return #PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT instead. */
54 #define PSA_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED ((psa_status_t)-134)
56 /** The requested action is denied by a policy.
57  *
58  * Implementations should return this error code when the parameters
59  * are recognized as valid and supported, and a policy explicitly
60  * denies the requested operation.
61  *
62  * If a subset of the parameters of a function call identify a
63  * forbidden operation, and another subset of the parameters are
64  * not valid or not supported, it is unspecified whether the function
67 #define PSA_ERROR_NOT_PERMITTED ((psa_status_t)-133)
69 /** An output buffer is too small.
70  *
71  * Applications can call the \c PSA_xxx_SIZE macro listed in the function
72  * description to determine a sufficient buffer size.
73  *
74  * Implementations should preferably return this error code only
75  * in cases when performing the operation with a larger output
76  * buffer would succeed. However implementations may return this
77  * error if a function has invalid or unsupported parameters in addition
78  * to the parameters that determine the necessary output buffer size. */
79 #define PSA_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL ((psa_status_t)-138)
81 /** Asking for an item that already exists
82  *
83  * Implementations should return this error, when attempting
84  * to write an item (like a key) that already exists. */
85 #define PSA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS ((psa_status_t)-139)
87 /** Asking for an item that doesn't exist
88  *
89  * Implementations should return this error, if a requested item (like
90  * a key) does not exist. */
91 #define PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST ((psa_status_t)-140)
93 /** The requested action cannot be performed in the current state.
94  *
95  * Multipart operations return this error when one of the
96  * functions is called out of sequence. Refer to the function
97  * descriptions for permitted sequencing of functions.
98  *
99  * Implementations shall not return this error code to indicate
100  * that a key either exists or not,
101  * but shall instead return #PSA_ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS or #PSA_ERROR_DOES_NOT_EXIST
102  * as applicable.
103  *
104  * Implementations shall not return this error code to indicate that a
105  * key identifier is invalid, but shall return #PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
106  * instead. */
107 #define PSA_ERROR_BAD_STATE ((psa_status_t)-137)
109 /** The parameters passed to the function are invalid.
110  *
111  * Implementations may return this error any time a parameter or
112  * combination of parameters are recognized as invalid.
113  *
114  * Implementations shall not return this error code to indicate that a
115  * key identifier is invalid, but shall return #PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE
116  * instead.
117  */
118 #define PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT ((psa_status_t)-135)
120 /** There is not enough runtime memory.
121  *
122  * If the action is carried out across multiple security realms, this
123  * error can refer to available memory in any of the security realms. */
124 #define PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY ((psa_status_t)-141)
126 /** There is not enough persistent storage.
127  *
128  * Functions that modify the key storage return this error code if
129  * there is insufficient storage space on the host media. In addition,
130  * many functions that do not otherwise access storage may return this
131  * error code if the implementation requires a mandatory log entry for
132  * the requested action and the log storage space is full. */
133 #define PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE ((psa_status_t)-142)
135 /** There was a communication failure inside the implementation.
136  *
137  * This can indicate a communication failure between the application
138  * and an external cryptoprocessor or between the cryptoprocessor and
139  * an external volatile or persistent memory. A communication failure
140  * may be transient or permanent depending on the cause.
141  *
142  * \warning If a function returns this error, it is undetermined
143  * whether the requested action has completed or not. Implementations
144  * should return #PSA_SUCCESS on successful completion whenever
145  * possible, however functions may return #PSA_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE
146  * if the requested action was completed successfully in an external
147  * cryptoprocessor but there was a breakdown of communication before
148  * the cryptoprocessor could report the status to the application.
149  */
150 #define PSA_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE ((psa_status_t)-145)
152 /** There was a storage failure that may have led to data loss.
153  *
154  * This error indicates that some persistent storage is corrupted.
155  * It should not be used for a corruption of volatile memory
156  * (use #PSA_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED), for a communication error
157  * between the cryptoprocessor and its external storage (use
158  * #PSA_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE), or when the storage is
159  * in a valid state but is full (use #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE).
160  *
161  * Note that a storage failure does not indicate that any data that was
162  * previously read is invalid. However this previously read data may no
163  * longer be readable from storage.
164  *
165  * When a storage failure occurs, it is no longer possible to ensure
166  * the global integrity of the keystore. Depending on the global
167  * integrity guarantees offered by the implementation, access to other
168  * data may or may not fail even if the data is still readable but
169  * its integrity cannot be guaranteed.
170  *
171  * Implementations should only use this error code to report a
172  * permanent storage corruption. However application writers should
173  * keep in mind that transient errors while reading the storage may be
174  * reported using this error code. */
175 #define PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE ((psa_status_t)-146)
177 /** A hardware failure was detected.
178  *
179  * A hardware failure may be transient or permanent depending on the
180  * cause. */
181 #define PSA_ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE ((psa_status_t)-147)
183 /** A tampering attempt was detected.
184  *
185  * If an application receives this error code, there is no guarantee
186  * that previously accessed or computed data was correct and remains
187  * confidential. Applications should not perform any security function
188  * and should enter a safe failure state.
189  *
190  * Implementations may return this error code if they detect an invalid
191  * state that cannot happen during normal operation and that indicates
192  * that the implementation's security guarantees no longer hold. Depending
193  * on the implementation architecture and on its security and safety goals,
194  * the implementation may forcibly terminate the application.
195  *
196  * This error code is intended as a last resort when a security breach
197  * is detected and it is unsure whether the keystore data is still
198  * protected. Implementations shall only return this error code
199  * to report an alarm from a tampering detector, to indicate that
200  * the confidentiality of stored data can no longer be guaranteed,
201  * or to indicate that the integrity of previously returned data is now
202  * considered compromised. Implementations shall not use this error code
203  * to indicate a hardware failure that merely makes it impossible to
204  * perform the requested operation (use #PSA_ERROR_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE,
206  * #PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_ENTROPY or other applicable error code
207  * instead).
208  *
209  * This error indicates an attack against the application. Implementations
210  * shall not return this error code as a consequence of the behavior of
211  * the application itself. */
212 #define PSA_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED ((psa_status_t)-151)
214 /** There is not enough entropy to generate random data needed
215  * for the requested action.
216  *
217  * This error indicates a failure of a hardware random generator.
218  * Application writers should note that this error can be returned not
219  * only by functions whose purpose is to generate random data, such
220  * as key, IV or nonce generation, but also by functions that execute
221  * an algorithm with a randomized result, as well as functions that
222  * use randomization of intermediate computations as a countermeasure
223  * to certain attacks.
224  *
225  * Implementations should avoid returning this error after psa_crypto_init()
226  * has succeeded. Implementations should generate sufficient
227  * entropy during initialization and subsequently use a cryptographically
228  * secure pseudorandom generator (PRNG). However implementations may return
229  * this error at any time if a policy requires the PRNG to be reseeded
230  * during normal operation. */
231 #define PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_ENTROPY ((psa_status_t)-148)
233 /** The signature, MAC or hash is incorrect.
234  *
235  * Verification functions return this error if the verification
236  * calculations completed successfully, and the value to be verified
237  * was determined to be incorrect.
238  *
239  * If the value to verify has an invalid size, implementations may return
241 #define PSA_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE ((psa_status_t)-149)
243 /** The decrypted padding is incorrect.
244  *
245  * \warning In some protocols, when decrypting data, it is essential that
246  * the behavior of the application does not depend on whether the padding
247  * is correct, down to precise timing. Applications should prefer
248  * protocols that use authenticated encryption rather than plain
249  * encryption. If the application must perform a decryption of
250  * unauthenticated data, the application writer should take care not
251  * to reveal whether the padding is invalid.
252  *
253  * Implementations should strive to make valid and invalid padding
254  * as close as possible to indistinguishable to an external observer.
255  * In particular, the timing of a decryption operation should not
256  * depend on the validity of the padding. */
257 #define PSA_ERROR_INVALID_PADDING ((psa_status_t)-150)
259 /** Return this error when there's insufficient data when attempting
260  * to read from a resource. */
261 #define PSA_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_DATA ((psa_status_t)-143)
263 /** The key identifier is not valid. See also :ref:\`key-handles\`.
264  */
265 #define PSA_ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE ((psa_status_t)-136)
267 /** Stored data has been corrupted.
268  *
269  * This error indicates that some persistent storage has suffered corruption.
270  * It does not indicate the following situations, which have specific error
271  * codes:
272  *
273  * - A corruption of volatile memory - use #PSA_ERROR_CORRUPTION_DETECTED.
274  * - A communication error between the cryptoprocessor and its external
276  * - When the storage is in a valid state but is full - use
278  * - When the storage fails for other reasons - use
280  * - When the stored data is not valid - use #PSA_ERROR_DATA_INVALID.
281  *
282  * \note A storage corruption does not indicate that any data that was
283  * previously read is invalid. However this previously read data might no
284  * longer be readable from storage.
285  *
286  * When a storage failure occurs, it is no longer possible to ensure the
287  * global integrity of the keystore.
288  */
289 #define PSA_ERROR_DATA_CORRUPT ((psa_status_t)-152)
291 /** Data read from storage is not valid for the implementation.
292  *
293  * This error indicates that some data read from storage does not have a valid
294  * format. It does not indicate the following situations, which have specific
295  * error codes:
296  *
297  * - When the storage or stored data is corrupted - use #PSA_ERROR_DATA_CORRUPT
298  * - When the storage fails for other reasons - use #PSA_ERROR_STORAGE_FAILURE
299  * - An invalid argument to the API - use #PSA_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT
300  *
301  * This error is typically a result of either storage corruption on a
302  * cleartext storage backend, or an attempt to read data that was
303  * written by an incompatible version of the library.
304  */
305 #define PSA_ERROR_DATA_INVALID ((psa_status_t)-153)
307 /**@}*/
309 /** \defgroup crypto_types Key and algorithm types
310  * @{
311  */
313 /** An invalid key type value.
314  *
315  * Zero is not the encoding of any key type.
316  */
317 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_NONE ((psa_key_type_t)0x0000)
319 /** Vendor-defined key type flag.
320  *
321  * Key types defined by this standard will never have the
322  * #PSA_KEY_TYPE_VENDOR_FLAG bit set. Vendors who define additional key types
323  * must use an encoding with the #PSA_KEY_TYPE_VENDOR_FLAG bit set and should
324  * respect the bitwise structure used by standard encodings whenever practical.
325  */
326 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_VENDOR_FLAG ((psa_key_type_t)0x8000)
328 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_CATEGORY_MASK ((psa_key_type_t)0x7000)
329 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_CATEGORY_RAW ((psa_key_type_t)0x1000)
330 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_CATEGORY_SYMMETRIC ((psa_key_type_t)0x2000)
331 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_CATEGORY_PUBLIC_KEY ((psa_key_type_t)0x4000)
332 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_CATEGORY_KEY_PAIR ((psa_key_type_t)0x7000)
334 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_CATEGORY_FLAG_PAIR ((psa_key_type_t)0x3000)
336 /** Whether a key type is vendor-defined.
337  *
338  * See also #PSA_KEY_TYPE_VENDOR_FLAG.
339  */
340 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_VENDOR_DEFINED(type) \
341  (((type) & PSA_KEY_TYPE_VENDOR_FLAG) != 0)
343 /** Whether a key type is an unstructured array of bytes.
344  *
345  * This encompasses both symmetric keys and non-key data.
346  */
347 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_UNSTRUCTURED(type) \
351 /** Whether a key type is asymmetric: either a key pair or a public key. */
352 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_ASYMMETRIC(type) \
353  (((type) & PSA_KEY_TYPE_CATEGORY_MASK \
356 /** Whether a key type is the public part of a key pair. */
357 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_PUBLIC_KEY(type) \
359 /** Whether a key type is a key pair containing a private part and a public
360  * part. */
361 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_KEY_PAIR(type) \
363 /** The key pair type corresponding to a public key type.
364  *
365  * You may also pass a key pair type as \p type, it will be left unchanged.
366  *
367  * \param type A public key type or key pair type.
368  *
369  * \return The corresponding key pair type.
370  * If \p type is not a public key or a key pair,
371  * the return value is undefined.
372  */
375 /** The public key type corresponding to a key pair type.
376  *
377  * You may also pass a key pair type as \p type, it will be left unchanged.
378  *
379  * \param type A public key type or key pair type.
380  *
381  * \return The corresponding public key type.
382  * If \p type is not a public key or a key pair,
383  * the return value is undefined.
384  */
388 /** Raw data.
389  *
390  * A "key" of this type cannot be used for any cryptographic operation.
391  * Applications may use this type to store arbitrary data in the keystore. */
392 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_RAW_DATA ((psa_key_type_t)0x1001)
394 /** HMAC key.
395  *
396  * The key policy determines which underlying hash algorithm the key can be
397  * used for.
398  *
399  * HMAC keys should generally have the same size as the underlying hash.
400  * This size can be calculated with #PSA_HASH_LENGTH(\c alg) where
401  * \c alg is the HMAC algorithm or the underlying hash algorithm. */
402 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_HMAC ((psa_key_type_t)0x1100)
404 /** A secret for key derivation.
405  *
406  * This key type is for high-entropy secrets only. For low-entropy secrets,
407  * #PSA_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD should be used instead.
408  *
409  * These keys can be used as the #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SECRET or
410  * #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_PASSWORD input of key derivation algorithms.
411  *
412  * The key policy determines which key derivation algorithm the key
413  * can be used for.
414  */
415 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_DERIVE ((psa_key_type_t)0x1200)
417 /** A low-entropy secret for password hashing or key derivation.
418  *
419  * This key type is suitable for passwords and passphrases which are typically
420  * intended to be memorizable by humans, and have a low entropy relative to
421  * their size. It can be used for randomly generated or derived keys with
422  * maximum or near-maximum entropy, but #PSA_KEY_TYPE_DERIVE is more suitable
423  * for such keys. It is not suitable for passwords with extremely low entropy,
424  * such as numerical PINs.
425  *
426  * These keys can be used as the #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_PASSWORD input of
427  * key derivation algorithms. Algorithms that accept such an input were
428  * designed to accept low-entropy secret and are known as password hashing or
429  * key stretching algorithms.
430  *
431  * These keys cannot be used as the #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SECRET input of
432  * key derivation algorithms, as the algorithms that take such an input expect
433  * it to be high-entropy.
434  *
435  * The key policy determines which key derivation algorithm the key can be
436  * used for, among the permissible subset defined above.
437  */
438 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD ((psa_key_type_t)0x1203)
440 /** A secret value that can be used to verify a password hash.
441  *
442  * The key policy determines which key derivation algorithm the key
443  * can be used for, among the same permissible subset as for
445  */
446 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD_HASH ((psa_key_type_t)0x1205)
448 /** A secret value that can be used in when computing a password hash.
449  *
450  * The key policy determines which key derivation algorithm the key
451  * can be used for, among the subset of algorithms that can use pepper.
452  */
453 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_PEPPER ((psa_key_type_t)0x1206)
455 /** Key for a cipher, AEAD or MAC algorithm based on the AES block cipher.
456  *
457  * The size of the key can be 16 bytes (AES-128), 24 bytes (AES-192) or
458  * 32 bytes (AES-256).
459  */
460 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_AES ((psa_key_type_t)0x2400)
462 /** Key for a cipher or MAC algorithm based on DES or 3DES (Triple-DES).
463  *
464  * The size of the key can be 64 bits (single DES), 128 bits (2-key 3DES) or
465  * 192 bits (3-key 3DES).
466  *
467  * Note that single DES and 2-key 3DES are weak and strongly
468  * deprecated and should only be used to decrypt legacy data. 3-key 3DES
469  * is weak and deprecated and should only be used in legacy protocols.
470  */
471 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_DES ((psa_key_type_t)0x2301)
473 /** Key for a cipher, AEAD or MAC algorithm based on the
474  * Camellia block cipher. */
475 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_CAMELLIA ((psa_key_type_t)0x2403)
477 /** Key for the ChaCha20 stream cipher or the Chacha20-Poly1305 AEAD algorithm.
478  *
479  * ChaCha20 and the ChaCha20_Poly1305 construction are defined in RFC 7539.
480  *
481  * Implementations must support 12-byte nonces, may support 8-byte nonces,
482  * and should reject other sizes.
483  */
484 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_CHACHA20 ((psa_key_type_t)0x2004)
486 /** RSA public key.
487  *
488  * The size of an RSA key is the bit size of the modulus.
489  */
490 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_RSA_PUBLIC_KEY ((psa_key_type_t)0x4001)
491 /** RSA key pair (private and public key).
492  *
493  * The size of an RSA key is the bit size of the modulus.
494  */
495 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_RSA_KEY_PAIR ((psa_key_type_t)0x7001)
496 /** Whether a key type is an RSA key (pair or public-only). */
497 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_RSA(type) \
500 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_PUBLIC_KEY_BASE ((psa_key_type_t)0x4100)
501 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_KEY_PAIR_BASE ((psa_key_type_t)0x7100)
502 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_CURVE_MASK ((psa_key_type_t)0x00ff)
503 /** Elliptic curve key pair.
504  *
505  * The size of an elliptic curve key is the bit size associated with the curve,
506  * i.e. the bit size of *q* for a curve over a field *F<sub>q</sub>*.
507  * See the documentation of `PSA_ECC_FAMILY_xxx` curve families for details.
508  *
509  * \param curve A value of type ::psa_ecc_family_t that
510  * identifies the ECC curve to be used.
511  */
512 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_KEY_PAIR(curve) \
514 /** Elliptic curve public key.
515  *
516  * The size of an elliptic curve public key is the same as the corresponding
517  * private key (see #PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_KEY_PAIR and the documentation of
518  * `PSA_ECC_FAMILY_xxx` curve families).
519  *
520  * \param curve A value of type ::psa_ecc_family_t that
521  * identifies the ECC curve to be used.
522  */
523 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_PUBLIC_KEY(curve) \
526 /** Whether a key type is an elliptic curve key (pair or public-only). */
527 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_ECC(type) \
530 /** Whether a key type is an elliptic curve key pair. */
531 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_ECC_KEY_PAIR(type) \
532  (((type) & ~PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_CURVE_MASK) == \
534 /** Whether a key type is an elliptic curve public key. */
535 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_ECC_PUBLIC_KEY(type) \
536  (((type) & ~PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_CURVE_MASK) == \
539 /** Extract the curve from an elliptic curve key type. */
540 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_GET_FAMILY(type) \
541  ((psa_ecc_family_t) (PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_ECC(type) ? \
542  ((type) & PSA_KEY_TYPE_ECC_CURVE_MASK) : \
543  0))
545 /** SEC Koblitz curves over prime fields.
546  *
547  * This family comprises the following curves:
548  * secp192k1, secp224k1, secp256k1.
549  * They are defined in _Standards for Efficient Cryptography_,
550  * _SEC 2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters_.
551  * https://www.secg.org/sec2-v2.pdf
552  */
553 #define PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_K1 ((psa_ecc_family_t) 0x17)
555 /** SEC random curves over prime fields.
556  *
557  * This family comprises the following curves:
558  * secp192k1, secp224r1, secp256r1, secp384r1, secp521r1.
559  * They are defined in _Standards for Efficient Cryptography_,
560  * _SEC 2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters_.
561  * https://www.secg.org/sec2-v2.pdf
562  */
563 #define PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_R1 ((psa_ecc_family_t) 0x12)
564 /* SECP160R2 (SEC2 v1, obsolete) */
565 #define PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECP_R2 ((psa_ecc_family_t) 0x1b)
567 /** SEC Koblitz curves over binary fields.
568  *
569  * This family comprises the following curves:
570  * sect163k1, sect233k1, sect239k1, sect283k1, sect409k1, sect571k1.
571  * They are defined in _Standards for Efficient Cryptography_,
572  * _SEC 2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters_.
573  * https://www.secg.org/sec2-v2.pdf
574  */
575 #define PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECT_K1 ((psa_ecc_family_t) 0x27)
577 /** SEC random curves over binary fields.
578  *
579  * This family comprises the following curves:
580  * sect163r1, sect233r1, sect283r1, sect409r1, sect571r1.
581  * They are defined in _Standards for Efficient Cryptography_,
582  * _SEC 2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters_.
583  * https://www.secg.org/sec2-v2.pdf
584  */
585 #define PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECT_R1 ((psa_ecc_family_t) 0x22)
587 /** SEC additional random curves over binary fields.
588  *
589  * This family comprises the following curve:
590  * sect163r2.
591  * It is defined in _Standards for Efficient Cryptography_,
592  * _SEC 2: Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters_.
593  * https://www.secg.org/sec2-v2.pdf
594  */
595 #define PSA_ECC_FAMILY_SECT_R2 ((psa_ecc_family_t) 0x2b)
597 /** Brainpool P random curves.
598  *
599  * This family comprises the following curves:
600  * brainpoolP160r1, brainpoolP192r1, brainpoolP224r1, brainpoolP256r1,
601  * brainpoolP320r1, brainpoolP384r1, brainpoolP512r1.
602  * It is defined in RFC 5639.
603  */
604 #define PSA_ECC_FAMILY_BRAINPOOL_P_R1 ((psa_ecc_family_t) 0x30)
606 /** Curve25519 and Curve448.
607  *
608  * This family comprises the following Montgomery curves:
609  * - 255-bit: Bernstein et al.,
610  * _Curve25519: new Diffie-Hellman speed records_, LNCS 3958, 2006.
611  * The algorithm #PSA_ALG_ECDH performs X25519 when used with this curve.
612  * - 448-bit: Hamburg,
613  * _Ed448-Goldilocks, a new elliptic curve_, NIST ECC Workshop, 2015.
614  * The algorithm #PSA_ALG_ECDH performs X448 when used with this curve.
615  */
616 #define PSA_ECC_FAMILY_MONTGOMERY ((psa_ecc_family_t) 0x41)
618 /** The twisted Edwards curves Ed25519 and Ed448.
619  *
620  * These curves are suitable for EdDSA (#PSA_ALG_PURE_EDDSA for both curves,
621  * #PSA_ALG_ED25519PH for the 255-bit curve,
622  * #PSA_ALG_ED448PH for the 448-bit curve).
623  *
624  * This family comprises the following twisted Edwards curves:
625  * - 255-bit: Edwards25519, the twisted Edwards curve birationally equivalent
626  * to Curve25519.
627  * Bernstein et al., _Twisted Edwards curves_, Africacrypt 2008.
628  * - 448-bit: Edwards448, the twisted Edwards curve birationally equivalent
629  * to Curve448.
630  * Hamburg, _Ed448-Goldilocks, a new elliptic curve_, NIST ECC Workshop, 2015.
631  */
632 #define PSA_ECC_FAMILY_TWISTED_EDWARDS ((psa_ecc_family_t) 0x42)
634 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_PUBLIC_KEY_BASE ((psa_key_type_t)0x4200)
635 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_KEY_PAIR_BASE ((psa_key_type_t)0x7200)
636 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_GROUP_MASK ((psa_key_type_t)0x00ff)
637 /** Diffie-Hellman key pair.
638  *
639  * \param group A value of type ::psa_dh_family_t that identifies the
640  * Diffie-Hellman group to be used.
641  */
642 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_KEY_PAIR(group) \
643  (PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_KEY_PAIR_BASE | (group))
644 /** Diffie-Hellman public key.
645  *
646  * \param group A value of type ::psa_dh_family_t that identifies the
647  * Diffie-Hellman group to be used.
648  */
649 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_PUBLIC_KEY(group) \
652 /** Whether a key type is a Diffie-Hellman key (pair or public-only). */
653 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_DH(type) \
656 /** Whether a key type is a Diffie-Hellman key pair. */
657 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_DH_KEY_PAIR(type) \
658  (((type) & ~PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_GROUP_MASK) == \
660 /** Whether a key type is a Diffie-Hellman public key. */
661 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_DH_PUBLIC_KEY(type) \
662  (((type) & ~PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_GROUP_MASK) == \
665 /** Extract the group from a Diffie-Hellman key type. */
666 #define PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_GET_FAMILY(type) \
667  ((psa_dh_family_t) (PSA_KEY_TYPE_IS_DH(type) ? \
668  ((type) & PSA_KEY_TYPE_DH_GROUP_MASK) : \
669  0))
671 /** Diffie-Hellman groups defined in RFC 7919 Appendix A.
672  *
673  * This family includes groups with the following key sizes (in bits):
674  * 2048, 3072, 4096, 6144, 8192. A given implementation may support
675  * all of these sizes or only a subset.
676  */
677 #define PSA_DH_FAMILY_RFC7919 ((psa_dh_family_t) 0x03)
680  (((type) >> 8) & 7)
681 /** The block size of a block cipher.
682  *
683  * \param type A cipher key type (value of type #psa_key_type_t).
684  *
685  * \return The block size for a block cipher, or 1 for a stream cipher.
686  * The return value is undefined if \p type is not a supported
687  * cipher key type.
688  *
689  * \note It is possible to build stream cipher algorithms on top of a block
690  * cipher, for example CTR mode (#PSA_ALG_CTR).
691  * This macro only takes the key type into account, so it cannot be
692  * used to determine the size of the data that #psa_cipher_update()
693  * might buffer for future processing in general.
694  *
695  * \note This macro returns a compile-time constant if its argument is one.
696  *
697  * \warning This macro may evaluate its argument multiple times.
698  */
702  0u)
704 /** Vendor-defined algorithm flag.
705  *
706  * Algorithms defined by this standard will never have the #PSA_ALG_VENDOR_FLAG
707  * bit set. Vendors who define additional algorithms must use an encoding with
708  * the #PSA_ALG_VENDOR_FLAG bit set and should respect the bitwise structure
709  * used by standard encodings whenever practical.
710  */
711 #define PSA_ALG_VENDOR_FLAG ((psa_algorithm_t)0x80000000)
713 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_MASK ((psa_algorithm_t)0x7f000000)
714 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_HASH ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000000)
715 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_MAC ((psa_algorithm_t)0x03000000)
716 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_CIPHER ((psa_algorithm_t)0x04000000)
717 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_AEAD ((psa_algorithm_t)0x05000000)
718 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_SIGN ((psa_algorithm_t)0x06000000)
719 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_ASYMMETRIC_ENCRYPTION ((psa_algorithm_t)0x07000000)
720 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_KEY_DERIVATION ((psa_algorithm_t)0x08000000)
721 #define PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_KEY_AGREEMENT ((psa_algorithm_t)0x09000000)
723 /** Whether an algorithm is vendor-defined.
724  *
725  * See also #PSA_ALG_VENDOR_FLAG.
726  */
727 #define PSA_ALG_IS_VENDOR_DEFINED(alg) \
728  (((alg) & PSA_ALG_VENDOR_FLAG) != 0)
730 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a hash algorithm.
731  *
732  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
733  *
734  * \return 1 if \p alg is a hash algorithm, 0 otherwise.
735  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
736  * algorithm identifier.
737  */
738 #define PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(alg) \
741 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a MAC algorithm.
742  *
743  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
744  *
745  * \return 1 if \p alg is a MAC algorithm, 0 otherwise.
746  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
747  * algorithm identifier.
748  */
749 #define PSA_ALG_IS_MAC(alg) \
752 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a symmetric cipher algorithm.
753  *
754  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
755  *
756  * \return 1 if \p alg is a symmetric cipher algorithm, 0 otherwise.
757  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
758  * algorithm identifier.
759  */
760 #define PSA_ALG_IS_CIPHER(alg) \
763 /** Whether the specified algorithm is an authenticated encryption
764  * with associated data (AEAD) algorithm.
765  *
766  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
767  *
768  * \return 1 if \p alg is an AEAD algorithm, 0 otherwise.
769  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
770  * algorithm identifier.
771  */
772 #define PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(alg) \
775 /** Whether the specified algorithm is an asymmetric signature algorithm,
776  * also known as public-key signature algorithm.
777  *
778  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
779  *
780  * \return 1 if \p alg is an asymmetric signature algorithm, 0 otherwise.
781  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
782  * algorithm identifier.
783  */
784 #define PSA_ALG_IS_SIGN(alg) \
787 /** Whether the specified algorithm is an asymmetric encryption algorithm,
788  * also known as public-key encryption algorithm.
789  *
790  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
791  *
792  * \return 1 if \p alg is an asymmetric encryption algorithm, 0 otherwise.
793  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
794  * algorithm identifier.
795  */
799 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a key agreement algorithm.
800  *
801  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
802  *
803  * \return 1 if \p alg is a key agreement algorithm, 0 otherwise.
804  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
805  * algorithm identifier.
806  */
807 #define PSA_ALG_IS_KEY_AGREEMENT(alg) \
810 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a key derivation algorithm.
811  *
812  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
813  *
814  * \return 1 if \p alg is a key derivation algorithm, 0 otherwise.
815  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
816  * algorithm identifier.
817  */
818 #define PSA_ALG_IS_KEY_DERIVATION(alg) \
821 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a key stretching / password hashing
822  * algorithm.
823  *
824  * A key stretching / password hashing algorithm is a key derivation algorithm
825  * that is suitable for use with a low-entropy secret such as a password.
826  * Equivalently, it's a key derivation algorithm that uses a
828  *
829  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
830  *
831  * \return 1 if \p alg is a key stretching / password hashing algorithm, 0
832  * otherwise. This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a
833  * supported algorithm identifier.
834  */
839 #define PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK ((psa_algorithm_t)0x000000ff)
840 /** MD5 */
841 #define PSA_ALG_MD5 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000003)
842 /** PSA_ALG_RIPEMD160 */
843 #define PSA_ALG_RIPEMD160 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000004)
844 /** SHA1 */
845 #define PSA_ALG_SHA_1 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000005)
846 /** SHA2-224 */
847 #define PSA_ALG_SHA_224 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000008)
848 /** SHA2-256 */
849 #define PSA_ALG_SHA_256 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000009)
850 /** SHA2-384 */
851 #define PSA_ALG_SHA_384 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x0200000a)
852 /** SHA2-512 */
853 #define PSA_ALG_SHA_512 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x0200000b)
854 /** SHA2-512/224 */
855 #define PSA_ALG_SHA_512_224 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x0200000c)
856 /** SHA2-512/256 */
857 #define PSA_ALG_SHA_512_256 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x0200000d)
858 /** SHA3-224 */
859 #define PSA_ALG_SHA3_224 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000010)
860 /** SHA3-256 */
861 #define PSA_ALG_SHA3_256 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000011)
862 /** SHA3-384 */
863 #define PSA_ALG_SHA3_384 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000012)
864 /** SHA3-512 */
865 #define PSA_ALG_SHA3_512 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000013)
866 /** The first 512 bits (64 bytes) of the SHAKE256 output.
867  *
868  * This is the prehashing for Ed448ph (see #PSA_ALG_ED448PH). For other
869  * scenarios where a hash function based on SHA3/SHAKE is desired, SHA3-512
870  * has the same output size and a (theoretically) higher security strength.
871  */
872 #define PSA_ALG_SHAKE256_512 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x02000015)
874 /** In a hash-and-sign algorithm policy, allow any hash algorithm.
875  *
876  * This value may be used to form the algorithm usage field of a policy
877  * for a signature algorithm that is parametrized by a hash. The key
878  * may then be used to perform operations using the same signature
879  * algorithm parametrized with any supported hash.
880  *
881  * That is, suppose that `PSA_xxx_SIGNATURE` is one of the following macros:
884  * Then you may create and use a key as follows:
885  * - Set the key usage field using #PSA_ALG_ANY_HASH, for example:
886  * ```
887  * psa_set_key_usage_flags(&attributes, PSA_KEY_USAGE_SIGN_HASH); // or VERIFY
888  * psa_set_key_algorithm(&attributes, PSA_xxx_SIGNATURE(PSA_ALG_ANY_HASH));
889  * ```
890  * - Import or generate key material.
891  * - Call psa_sign_hash() or psa_verify_hash(), passing
892  * an algorithm built from `PSA_xxx_SIGNATURE` and a specific hash. Each
893  * call to sign or verify a message may use a different hash.
894  * ```
895  * psa_sign_hash(key, PSA_xxx_SIGNATURE(PSA_ALG_SHA_256), ...);
896  * psa_sign_hash(key, PSA_xxx_SIGNATURE(PSA_ALG_SHA_512), ...);
897  * psa_sign_hash(key, PSA_xxx_SIGNATURE(PSA_ALG_SHA3_256), ...);
898  * ```
899  *
900  * This value may not be used to build other algorithms that are
901  * parametrized over a hash. For any valid use of this macro to build
902  * an algorithm \c alg, #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH_AND_SIGN(\c alg) is true.
903  *
904  * This value may not be used to build an algorithm specification to
905  * perform an operation. It is only valid to build policies.
906  */
907 #define PSA_ALG_ANY_HASH ((psa_algorithm_t)0x020000ff)
909 #define PSA_ALG_MAC_SUBCATEGORY_MASK ((psa_algorithm_t)0x00c00000)
910 #define PSA_ALG_HMAC_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x03800000)
911 /** Macro to build an HMAC algorithm.
912  *
913  * For example, #PSA_ALG_HMAC(#PSA_ALG_SHA_256) is HMAC-SHA-256.
914  *
915  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
916  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
917  *
918  * \return The corresponding HMAC algorithm.
919  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
920  * hash algorithm.
921  */
922 #define PSA_ALG_HMAC(hash_alg) \
923  (PSA_ALG_HMAC_BASE | ((hash_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
925 #define PSA_ALG_HMAC_GET_HASH(hmac_alg) \
928 /** Whether the specified algorithm is an HMAC algorithm.
929  *
930  * HMAC is a family of MAC algorithms that are based on a hash function.
931  *
932  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
933  *
934  * \return 1 if \p alg is an HMAC algorithm, 0 otherwise.
935  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
936  * algorithm identifier.
937  */
938 #define PSA_ALG_IS_HMAC(alg) \
942 /* In the encoding of a MAC algorithm, the bits corresponding to
943  * PSA_ALG_MAC_TRUNCATION_MASK encode the length to which the MAC is
944  * truncated. As an exception, the value 0 means the untruncated algorithm,
945  * whatever its length is. The length is encoded in 6 bits, so it can
946  * reach up to 63; the largest MAC is 64 bytes so its trivial truncation
947  * to full length is correctly encoded as 0 and any non-trivial truncation
948  * is correctly encoded as a value between 1 and 63. */
949 #define PSA_ALG_MAC_TRUNCATION_MASK ((psa_algorithm_t)0x003f0000)
952 /* In the encoding of a MAC algorithm, the bit corresponding to
953  * #PSA_ALG_MAC_AT_LEAST_THIS_LENGTH_FLAG encodes the fact that the algorithm
954  * is a wildcard algorithm. A key with such wildcard algorithm as permitted
955  * algorithm policy can be used with any algorithm corresponding to the
956  * same base class and having a (potentially truncated) MAC length greater or
957  * equal than the one encoded in #PSA_ALG_MAC_TRUNCATION_MASK. */
958 #define PSA_ALG_MAC_AT_LEAST_THIS_LENGTH_FLAG ((psa_algorithm_t)0x00008000)
960 /** Macro to build a truncated MAC algorithm.
961  *
962  * A truncated MAC algorithm is identical to the corresponding MAC
963  * algorithm except that the MAC value for the truncated algorithm
964  * consists of only the first \p mac_length bytes of the MAC value
965  * for the untruncated algorithm.
966  *
967  * \note This macro may allow constructing algorithm identifiers that
968  * are not valid, either because the specified length is larger
969  * than the untruncated MAC or because the specified length is
970  * smaller than permitted by the implementation.
971  *
972  * \note It is implementation-defined whether a truncated MAC that
973  * is truncated to the same length as the MAC of the untruncated
974  * algorithm is considered identical to the untruncated algorithm
975  * for policy comparison purposes.
976  *
977  * \param mac_alg A MAC algorithm identifier (value of type
978  * #psa_algorithm_t such that #PSA_ALG_IS_MAC(\p mac_alg)
979  * is true). This may be a truncated or untruncated
980  * MAC algorithm.
981  * \param mac_length Desired length of the truncated MAC in bytes.
982  * This must be at most the full length of the MAC
983  * and must be at least an implementation-specified
984  * minimum. The implementation-specified minimum
985  * shall not be zero.
986  *
987  * \return The corresponding MAC algorithm with the specified
988  * length.
989  * \return Unspecified if \p mac_alg is not a supported
990  * MAC algorithm or if \p mac_length is too small or
991  * too large for the specified MAC algorithm.
992  */
993 #define PSA_ALG_TRUNCATED_MAC(mac_alg, mac_length) \
994  (((mac_alg) & ~(PSA_ALG_MAC_TRUNCATION_MASK | \
998 /** Macro to build the base MAC algorithm corresponding to a truncated
999  * MAC algorithm.
1000  *
1001  * \param mac_alg A MAC algorithm identifier (value of type
1002  * #psa_algorithm_t such that #PSA_ALG_IS_MAC(\p mac_alg)
1003  * is true). This may be a truncated or untruncated
1004  * MAC algorithm.
1005  *
1006  * \return The corresponding base MAC algorithm.
1007  * \return Unspecified if \p mac_alg is not a supported
1008  * MAC algorithm.
1009  */
1010 #define PSA_ALG_FULL_LENGTH_MAC(mac_alg) \
1011  ((mac_alg) & ~(PSA_ALG_MAC_TRUNCATION_MASK | \
1014 /** Length to which a MAC algorithm is truncated.
1015  *
1016  * \param mac_alg A MAC algorithm identifier (value of type
1017  * #psa_algorithm_t such that #PSA_ALG_IS_MAC(\p mac_alg)
1018  * is true).
1019  *
1020  * \return Length of the truncated MAC in bytes.
1021  * \return 0 if \p mac_alg is a non-truncated MAC algorithm.
1022  * \return Unspecified if \p mac_alg is not a supported
1023  * MAC algorithm.
1024  */
1025 #define PSA_MAC_TRUNCATED_LENGTH(mac_alg) \
1028 /** Macro to build a MAC minimum-MAC-length wildcard algorithm.
1029  *
1030  * A minimum-MAC-length MAC wildcard algorithm permits all MAC algorithms
1031  * sharing the same base algorithm, and where the (potentially truncated) MAC
1032  * length of the specific algorithm is equal to or larger then the wildcard
1033  * algorithm's minimum MAC length.
1034  *
1035  * \note When setting the minimum required MAC length to less than the
1036  * smallest MAC length allowed by the base algorithm, this effectively
1037  * becomes an 'any-MAC-length-allowed' policy for that base algorithm.
1038  *
1039  * \param mac_alg A MAC algorithm identifier (value of type
1040  * #psa_algorithm_t such that #PSA_ALG_IS_MAC(\p mac_alg)
1041  * is true).
1042  * \param min_mac_length Desired minimum length of the message authentication
1043  * code in bytes. This must be at most the untruncated
1044  * length of the MAC and must be at least 1.
1045  *
1046  * \return The corresponding MAC wildcard algorithm with the
1047  * specified minimum length.
1048  * \return Unspecified if \p mac_alg is not a supported MAC
1049  * algorithm or if \p min_mac_length is less than 1 or
1050  * too large for the specified MAC algorithm.
1051  */
1052 #define PSA_ALG_AT_LEAST_THIS_LENGTH_MAC(mac_alg, min_mac_length) \
1053  ( PSA_ALG_TRUNCATED_MAC(mac_alg, min_mac_length) | \
1056 #define PSA_ALG_CIPHER_MAC_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x03c00000)
1057 /** The CBC-MAC construction over a block cipher
1058  *
1059  * \warning CBC-MAC is insecure in many cases.
1060  * A more secure mode, such as #PSA_ALG_CMAC, is recommended.
1061  */
1062 #define PSA_ALG_CBC_MAC ((psa_algorithm_t)0x03c00100)
1063 /** The CMAC construction over a block cipher */
1064 #define PSA_ALG_CMAC ((psa_algorithm_t)0x03c00200)
1066 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a MAC algorithm based on a block cipher.
1067  *
1068  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1069  *
1070  * \return 1 if \p alg is a MAC algorithm based on a block cipher, 0 otherwise.
1071  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
1072  * algorithm identifier.
1073  */
1074 #define PSA_ALG_IS_BLOCK_CIPHER_MAC(alg) \
1078 #define PSA_ALG_CIPHER_STREAM_FLAG ((psa_algorithm_t)0x00800000)
1079 #define PSA_ALG_CIPHER_FROM_BLOCK_FLAG ((psa_algorithm_t)0x00400000)
1081 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a stream cipher.
1082  *
1083  * A stream cipher is a symmetric cipher that encrypts or decrypts messages
1084  * by applying a bitwise-xor with a stream of bytes that is generated
1085  * from a key.
1086  *
1087  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1088  *
1089  * \return 1 if \p alg is a stream cipher algorithm, 0 otherwise.
1090  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
1091  * algorithm identifier or if it is not a symmetric cipher algorithm.
1092  */
1093 #define PSA_ALG_IS_STREAM_CIPHER(alg) \
1097 /** The stream cipher mode of a stream cipher algorithm.
1098  *
1099  * The underlying stream cipher is determined by the key type.
1100  * - To use ChaCha20, use a key type of #PSA_KEY_TYPE_CHACHA20.
1101  */
1102 #define PSA_ALG_STREAM_CIPHER ((psa_algorithm_t)0x04800100)
1104 /** The CTR stream cipher mode.
1105  *
1106  * CTR is a stream cipher which is built from a block cipher.
1107  * The underlying block cipher is determined by the key type.
1108  * For example, to use AES-128-CTR, use this algorithm with
1109  * a key of type #PSA_KEY_TYPE_AES and a length of 128 bits (16 bytes).
1110  */
1111 #define PSA_ALG_CTR ((psa_algorithm_t)0x04c01000)
1113 /** The CFB stream cipher mode.
1114  *
1115  * The underlying block cipher is determined by the key type.
1116  */
1117 #define PSA_ALG_CFB ((psa_algorithm_t)0x04c01100)
1119 /** The OFB stream cipher mode.
1120  *
1121  * The underlying block cipher is determined by the key type.
1122  */
1123 #define PSA_ALG_OFB ((psa_algorithm_t)0x04c01200)
1125 /** The XTS cipher mode.
1126  *
1127  * XTS is a cipher mode which is built from a block cipher. It requires at
1128  * least one full block of input, but beyond this minimum the input
1129  * does not need to be a whole number of blocks.
1130  */
1131 #define PSA_ALG_XTS ((psa_algorithm_t)0x0440ff00)
1133 /** The Electronic Code Book (ECB) mode of a block cipher, with no padding.
1134  *
1135  * \warning ECB mode does not protect the confidentiality of the encrypted data
1136  * except in extremely narrow circumstances. It is recommended that applications
1137  * only use ECB if they need to construct an operating mode that the
1138  * implementation does not provide. Implementations are encouraged to provide
1139  * the modes that applications need in preference to supporting direct access
1140  * to ECB.
1141  *
1142  * The underlying block cipher is determined by the key type.
1143  *
1144  * This symmetric cipher mode can only be used with messages whose lengths are a
1145  * multiple of the block size of the chosen block cipher.
1146  *
1147  * ECB mode does not accept an initialization vector (IV). When using a
1148  * multi-part cipher operation with this algorithm, psa_cipher_generate_iv()
1149  * and psa_cipher_set_iv() must not be called.
1150  */
1151 #define PSA_ALG_ECB_NO_PADDING ((psa_algorithm_t)0x04404400)
1153 /** The CBC block cipher chaining mode, with no padding.
1154  *
1155  * The underlying block cipher is determined by the key type.
1156  *
1157  * This symmetric cipher mode can only be used with messages whose lengths
1158  * are whole number of blocks for the chosen block cipher.
1159  */
1160 #define PSA_ALG_CBC_NO_PADDING ((psa_algorithm_t)0x04404000)
1162 /** The CBC block cipher chaining mode with PKCS#7 padding.
1163  *
1164  * The underlying block cipher is determined by the key type.
1165  *
1166  * This is the padding method defined by PKCS#7 (RFC 2315) &sect;10.3.
1167  */
1168 #define PSA_ALG_CBC_PKCS7 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x04404100)
1170 #define PSA_ALG_AEAD_FROM_BLOCK_FLAG ((psa_algorithm_t)0x00400000)
1172 /** Whether the specified algorithm is an AEAD mode on a block cipher.
1173  *
1174  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1175  *
1176  * \return 1 if \p alg is an AEAD algorithm which is an AEAD mode based on
1177  * a block cipher, 0 otherwise.
1178  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
1179  * algorithm identifier.
1180  */
1181 #define PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD_ON_BLOCK_CIPHER(alg) \
1185 /** The CCM authenticated encryption algorithm.
1186  *
1187  * The underlying block cipher is determined by the key type.
1188  */
1189 #define PSA_ALG_CCM ((psa_algorithm_t)0x05500100)
1191 /** The GCM authenticated encryption algorithm.
1192  *
1193  * The underlying block cipher is determined by the key type.
1194  */
1195 #define PSA_ALG_GCM ((psa_algorithm_t)0x05500200)
1197 /** The Chacha20-Poly1305 AEAD algorithm.
1198  *
1199  * The ChaCha20_Poly1305 construction is defined in RFC 7539.
1200  *
1201  * Implementations must support 12-byte nonces, may support 8-byte nonces,
1202  * and should reject other sizes.
1203  *
1204  * Implementations must support 16-byte tags and should reject other sizes.
1205  */
1206 #define PSA_ALG_CHACHA20_POLY1305 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x05100500)
1208 /* In the encoding of a AEAD algorithm, the bits corresponding to
1209  * PSA_ALG_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH_MASK encode the length of the AEAD tag.
1210  * The constants for default lengths follow this encoding.
1211  */
1212 #define PSA_ALG_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH_MASK ((psa_algorithm_t)0x003f0000)
1215 /* In the encoding of an AEAD algorithm, the bit corresponding to
1216  * #PSA_ALG_AEAD_AT_LEAST_THIS_LENGTH_FLAG encodes the fact that the algorithm
1217  * is a wildcard algorithm. A key with such wildcard algorithm as permitted
1218  * algorithm policy can be used with any algorithm corresponding to the
1219  * same base class and having a tag length greater than or equal to the one
1220  * encoded in #PSA_ALG_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH_MASK. */
1221 #define PSA_ALG_AEAD_AT_LEAST_THIS_LENGTH_FLAG ((psa_algorithm_t)0x00008000)
1223 /** Macro to build a shortened AEAD algorithm.
1224  *
1225  * A shortened AEAD algorithm is similar to the corresponding AEAD
1226  * algorithm, but has an authentication tag that consists of fewer bytes.
1227  * Depending on the algorithm, the tag length may affect the calculation
1228  * of the ciphertext.
1229  *
1230  * \param aead_alg An AEAD algorithm identifier (value of type
1231  * #psa_algorithm_t such that #PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(\p alg)
1232  * is true).
1233  * \param tag_length Desired length of the authentication tag in bytes.
1234  *
1235  * \return The corresponding AEAD algorithm with the specified
1236  * length.
1237  * \return Unspecified if \p alg is not a supported
1238  * AEAD algorithm or if \p tag_length is not valid
1239  * for the specified AEAD algorithm.
1240  */
1241 #define PSA_ALG_AEAD_WITH_TAG_LENGTH(aead_alg, tag_length) \
1242  (((aead_alg) & ~PSA_ALG_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH_MASK) | \
1243  ((tag_length) << PSA_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET & \
1246 /** Macro to build a shortened AEAD algorithm.
1247  *
1248  * A shortened AEAD algorithm is similar to the corresponding AEAD
1249  * algorithm, but has an authentication tag that consists of fewer bytes.
1250  * Depending on the algorithm, the tag length may affect the calculation
1251  * of the ciphertext.
1252  *
1253  * \param aead_alg An AEAD algorithm identifier (value of type
1254  * #psa_algorithm_t such that #PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(\p aead_alg)
1255  * is true).
1256  * \param tag_length Desired length of the authentication tag in bytes.
1257  *
1258  * \return The corresponding AEAD algorithm with the specified
1259  * length.
1260  * \return Unspecified if \p aead_alg is not a supported
1261  * AEAD algorithm or if \p tag_length is not valid
1262  * for the specified AEAD algorithm.
1263  */
1264 #define PSA_ALG_AEAD_WITH_SHORTENED_TAG(aead_alg, tag_length) \
1265  (((aead_alg) & ~(PSA_ALG_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH_MASK | \
1267  ((tag_length) << PSA_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH_OFFSET & \
1270 /** Retrieve the tag length of a specified AEAD algorithm
1271  *
1272  * \param aead_alg An AEAD algorithm identifier (value of type
1273  * #psa_algorithm_t such that #PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(\p aead_alg)
1274  * is true).
1275  *
1276  * \return The tag length specified by the input algorithm.
1277  * \return Unspecified if \p aead_alg is not a supported
1278  * AEAD algorithm.
1279  */
1280 #define PSA_ALG_AEAD_GET_TAG_LENGTH(aead_alg) \
1281  (((aead_alg) & PSA_ALG_AEAD_TAG_LENGTH_MASK) >> \
1284 /** Calculate the corresponding AEAD algorithm with the default tag length.
1285  *
1286  * \param aead_alg An AEAD algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1287  * #PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(\p aead_alg) is true).
1288  *
1289  * \return The corresponding AEAD algorithm with the default
1290  * tag length for that algorithm.
1291  */
1292 #define PSA_ALG_AEAD_WITH_DEFAULT_LENGTH_TAG(aead_alg) \
1293  ( \
1297  0)
1298 #define PSA_ALG_AEAD_WITH_DEFAULT_LENGTH_TAG_CASE(aead_alg, ref) \
1299  PSA_ALG_AEAD_WITH_SHORTENED_TAG(aead_alg, 0) == \
1301  ref :
1303 /** Macro to build an AEAD minimum-tag-length wildcard algorithm.
1304  *
1305  * A minimum-tag-length AEAD wildcard algorithm permits all AEAD algorithms
1306  * sharing the same base algorithm, and where the tag length of the specific
1307  * algorithm is equal to or larger then the minimum tag length specified by the
1308  * wildcard algorithm.
1309  *
1310  * \note When setting the minimum required tag length to less than the
1311  * smallest tag length allowed by the base algorithm, this effectively
1312  * becomes an 'any-tag-length-allowed' policy for that base algorithm.
1313  *
1314  * \param aead_alg An AEAD algorithm identifier (value of type
1315  * #psa_algorithm_t such that
1316  * #PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(\p aead_alg) is true).
1317  * \param min_tag_length Desired minimum length of the authentication tag in
1318  * bytes. This must be at least 1 and at most the largest
1319  * allowed tag length of the algorithm.
1320  *
1321  * \return The corresponding AEAD wildcard algorithm with the
1322  * specified minimum length.
1323  * \return Unspecified if \p aead_alg is not a supported
1324  * AEAD algorithm or if \p min_tag_length is less than 1
1325  * or too large for the specified AEAD algorithm.
1326  */
1327 #define PSA_ALG_AEAD_WITH_AT_LEAST_THIS_LENGTH_TAG(aead_alg, min_tag_length) \
1328  ( PSA_ALG_AEAD_WITH_SHORTENED_TAG(aead_alg, min_tag_length) | \
1331 #define PSA_ALG_RSA_PKCS1V15_SIGN_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x06000200)
1332 /** RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature with hashing.
1333  *
1334  * This is the signature scheme defined by RFC 8017
1335  * (PKCS#1: RSA Cryptography Specifications) under the name
1336  * RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5.
1337  *
1338  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1339  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
1340  * This includes #PSA_ALG_ANY_HASH
1341  * when specifying the algorithm in a usage policy.
1342  *
1343  * \return The corresponding RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature algorithm.
1344  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
1345  * hash algorithm.
1346  */
1347 #define PSA_ALG_RSA_PKCS1V15_SIGN(hash_alg) \
1348  (PSA_ALG_RSA_PKCS1V15_SIGN_BASE | ((hash_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1349 /** Raw PKCS#1 v1.5 signature.
1350  *
1351  * The input to this algorithm is the DigestInfo structure used by
1352  * RFC 8017 (PKCS#1: RSA Cryptography Specifications), &sect;9.2
1353  * steps 3&ndash;6.
1354  */
1356 #define PSA_ALG_IS_RSA_PKCS1V15_SIGN(alg) \
1359 #define PSA_ALG_RSA_PSS_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x06000300)
1360 /** RSA PSS signature with hashing.
1361  *
1362  * This is the signature scheme defined by RFC 8017
1363  * (PKCS#1: RSA Cryptography Specifications) under the name
1364  * RSASSA-PSS, with the message generation function MGF1, and with
1365  * a salt length equal to the length of the hash. The specified
1366  * hash algorithm is used to hash the input message, to create the
1367  * salted hash, and for the mask generation.
1368  *
1369  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1370  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
1371  * This includes #PSA_ALG_ANY_HASH
1372  * when specifying the algorithm in a usage policy.
1373  *
1374  * \return The corresponding RSA PSS signature algorithm.
1375  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
1376  * hash algorithm.
1377  */
1378 #define PSA_ALG_RSA_PSS(hash_alg) \
1379  (PSA_ALG_RSA_PSS_BASE | ((hash_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1380 #define PSA_ALG_IS_RSA_PSS(alg) \
1381  (((alg) & ~PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK) == PSA_ALG_RSA_PSS_BASE)
1383 #define PSA_ALG_ECDSA_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x06000600)
1384 /** ECDSA signature with hashing.
1385  *
1386  * This is the ECDSA signature scheme defined by ANSI X9.62,
1387  * with a random per-message secret number (*k*).
1388  *
1389  * The representation of the signature as a byte string consists of
1390  * the concatentation of the signature values *r* and *s*. Each of
1391  * *r* and *s* is encoded as an *N*-octet string, where *N* is the length
1392  * of the base point of the curve in octets. Each value is represented
1393  * in big-endian order (most significant octet first).
1394  *
1395  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1396  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
1397  * This includes #PSA_ALG_ANY_HASH
1398  * when specifying the algorithm in a usage policy.
1399  *
1400  * \return The corresponding ECDSA signature algorithm.
1401  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
1402  * hash algorithm.
1403  */
1404 #define PSA_ALG_ECDSA(hash_alg) \
1405  (PSA_ALG_ECDSA_BASE | ((hash_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1406 /** ECDSA signature without hashing.
1407  *
1408  * This is the same signature scheme as #PSA_ALG_ECDSA(), but
1409  * without specifying a hash algorithm. This algorithm may only be
1410  * used to sign or verify a sequence of bytes that should be an
1411  * already-calculated hash. Note that the input is padded with
1412  * zeros on the left or truncated on the left as required to fit
1413  * the curve size.
1414  */
1416 #define PSA_ALG_DETERMINISTIC_ECDSA_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x06000700)
1417 /** Deterministic ECDSA signature with hashing.
1418  *
1419  * This is the deterministic ECDSA signature scheme defined by RFC 6979.
1420  *
1421  * The representation of a signature is the same as with #PSA_ALG_ECDSA().
1422  *
1423  * Note that when this algorithm is used for verification, signatures
1424  * made with randomized ECDSA (#PSA_ALG_ECDSA(\p hash_alg)) with the
1425  * same private key are accepted. In other words,
1426  * #PSA_ALG_DETERMINISTIC_ECDSA(\p hash_alg) differs from
1427  * #PSA_ALG_ECDSA(\p hash_alg) only for signature, not for verification.
1428  *
1429  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1430  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
1431  * This includes #PSA_ALG_ANY_HASH
1432  * when specifying the algorithm in a usage policy.
1433  *
1434  * \return The corresponding deterministic ECDSA signature
1435  * algorithm.
1436  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
1437  * hash algorithm.
1438  */
1439 #define PSA_ALG_DETERMINISTIC_ECDSA(hash_alg) \
1441 #define PSA_ALG_ECDSA_DETERMINISTIC_FLAG ((psa_algorithm_t)0x00000100)
1442 #define PSA_ALG_IS_ECDSA(alg) \
1449 #define PSA_ALG_IS_RANDOMIZED_ECDSA(alg) \
1452 /** Edwards-curve digital signature algorithm without prehashing (PureEdDSA),
1453  * using standard parameters.
1454  *
1455  * Contexts are not supported in the current version of this specification
1456  * because there is no suitable signature interface that can take the
1457  * context as a parameter. A future version of this specification may add
1458  * suitable functions and extend this algorithm to support contexts.
1459  *
1460  * PureEdDSA requires an elliptic curve key on a twisted Edwards curve.
1461  * In this specification, the following curves are supported:
1462  * - #PSA_ECC_FAMILY_TWISTED_EDWARDS, 255-bit: Ed25519 as specified
1463  * in RFC 8032.
1464  * The curve is Edwards25519.
1465  * The hash function used internally is SHA-512.
1466  * - #PSA_ECC_FAMILY_TWISTED_EDWARDS, 448-bit: Ed448 as specified
1467  * in RFC 8032.
1468  * The curve is Edwards448.
1469  * The hash function used internally is the first 114 bytes of the
1470  * SHAKE256 output.
1471  *
1472  * This algorithm can be used with psa_sign_message() and
1473  * psa_verify_message(). Since there is no prehashing, it cannot be used
1474  * with psa_sign_hash() or psa_verify_hash().
1475  *
1476  * The signature format is the concatenation of R and S as defined by
1477  * RFC 8032 §5.1.6 and §5.2.6 (a 64-byte string for Ed25519, a 114-byte
1478  * string for Ed448).
1479  */
1480 #define PSA_ALG_PURE_EDDSA ((psa_algorithm_t)0x06000800)
1482 #define PSA_ALG_HASH_EDDSA_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x06000900)
1483 #define PSA_ALG_IS_HASH_EDDSA(alg) \
1486 /** Edwards-curve digital signature algorithm with prehashing (HashEdDSA),
1487  * using SHA-512 and the Edwards25519 curve.
1488  *
1489  * See #PSA_ALG_PURE_EDDSA regarding context support and the signature format.
1490  *
1491  * This algorithm is Ed25519 as specified in RFC 8032.
1492  * The curve is Edwards25519.
1493  * The prehash is SHA-512.
1494  * The hash function used internally is SHA-512.
1495  *
1496  * This is a hash-and-sign algorithm: to calculate a signature,
1497  * you can either:
1498  * - call psa_sign_message() on the message;
1499  * - or calculate the SHA-512 hash of the message
1500  * with psa_hash_compute()
1501  * or with a multi-part hash operation started with psa_hash_setup(),
1502  * using the hash algorithm #PSA_ALG_SHA_512,
1503  * then sign the calculated hash with psa_sign_hash().
1504  * Verifying a signature is similar, using psa_verify_message() or
1505  * psa_verify_hash() instead of the signature function.
1506  */
1507 #define PSA_ALG_ED25519PH \
1510 /** Edwards-curve digital signature algorithm with prehashing (HashEdDSA),
1511  * using SHAKE256 and the Edwards448 curve.
1512  *
1513  * See #PSA_ALG_PURE_EDDSA regarding context support and the signature format.
1514  *
1515  * This algorithm is Ed448 as specified in RFC 8032.
1516  * The curve is Edwards448.
1517  * The prehash is the first 64 bytes of the SHAKE256 output.
1518  * The hash function used internally is the first 114 bytes of the
1519  * SHAKE256 output.
1520  *
1521  * This is a hash-and-sign algorithm: to calculate a signature,
1522  * you can either:
1523  * - call psa_sign_message() on the message;
1524  * - or calculate the first 64 bytes of the SHAKE256 output of the message
1525  * with psa_hash_compute()
1526  * or with a multi-part hash operation started with psa_hash_setup(),
1527  * using the hash algorithm #PSA_ALG_SHAKE256_512,
1528  * then sign the calculated hash with psa_sign_hash().
1529  * Verifying a signature is similar, using psa_verify_message() or
1530  * psa_verify_hash() instead of the signature function.
1531  */
1532 #define PSA_ALG_ED448PH \
1535 /* Default definition, to be overridden if the library is extended with
1536  * more hash-and-sign algorithms that we want to keep out of this header
1537  * file. */
1538 #define PSA_ALG_IS_VENDOR_HASH_AND_SIGN(alg) 0
1540 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a hash-and-sign algorithm.
1541  *
1542  * Hash-and-sign algorithms are asymmetric (public-key) signature algorithms
1543  * structured in two parts: first the calculation of a hash in a way that
1544  * does not depend on the key, then the calculation of a signature from the
1545  * hash value and the key.
1546  *
1547  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1548  *
1549  * \return 1 if \p alg is a hash-and-sign algorithm, 0 otherwise.
1550  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
1551  * algorithm identifier.
1552  */
1553 #define PSA_ALG_IS_HASH_AND_SIGN(alg) \
1554  (PSA_ALG_IS_RSA_PSS(alg) || PSA_ALG_IS_RSA_PKCS1V15_SIGN(alg) || \
1555  PSA_ALG_IS_ECDSA(alg) || PSA_ALG_IS_HASH_EDDSA(alg) || \
1558 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a signature algorithm that can be used
1559  * with psa_sign_message() and psa_verify_message().
1560  *
1561  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1562  *
1563  * \return 1 if alg is a signature algorithm that can be used to sign a
1564  * message. 0 if \p alg is a signature algorithm that can only be used
1565  * to sign an already-calculated hash. 0 if \p alg is not a signature
1566  * algorithm. This macro can return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a
1567  * supported algorithm identifier.
1568  */
1569 #define PSA_ALG_IS_SIGN_MESSAGE(alg) \
1570  (PSA_ALG_IS_HASH_AND_SIGN(alg) || (alg) == PSA_ALG_PURE_EDDSA )
1572 /** Get the hash used by a hash-and-sign signature algorithm.
1573  *
1574  * A hash-and-sign algorithm is a signature algorithm which is
1575  * composed of two phases: first a hashing phase which does not use
1576  * the key and produces a hash of the input message, then a signing
1577  * phase which only uses the hash and the key and not the message
1578  * itself.
1579  *
1580  * \param alg A signature algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1581  * #PSA_ALG_IS_SIGN(\p alg) is true).
1582  *
1583  * \return The underlying hash algorithm if \p alg is a hash-and-sign
1584  * algorithm.
1585  * \return 0 if \p alg is a signature algorithm that does not
1586  * follow the hash-and-sign structure.
1587  * \return Unspecified if \p alg is not a signature algorithm or
1588  * if it is not supported by the implementation.
1589  */
1590 #define PSA_ALG_SIGN_GET_HASH(alg) \
1591  (PSA_ALG_IS_HASH_AND_SIGN(alg) ? \
1592  ((alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK) == 0 ? /*"raw" algorithm*/ 0 : \
1594  0)
1596 /** RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 encryption.
1597  */
1598 #define PSA_ALG_RSA_PKCS1V15_CRYPT ((psa_algorithm_t)0x07000200)
1600 #define PSA_ALG_RSA_OAEP_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x07000300)
1601 /** RSA OAEP encryption.
1602  *
1603  * This is the encryption scheme defined by RFC 8017
1604  * (PKCS#1: RSA Cryptography Specifications) under the name
1605  * RSAES-OAEP, with the message generation function MGF1.
1606  *
1607  * \param hash_alg The hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1608  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true) to use
1609  * for MGF1.
1610  *
1611  * \return The corresponding RSA OAEP encryption algorithm.
1612  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
1613  * hash algorithm.
1614  */
1615 #define PSA_ALG_RSA_OAEP(hash_alg) \
1616  (PSA_ALG_RSA_OAEP_BASE | ((hash_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1617 #define PSA_ALG_IS_RSA_OAEP(alg) \
1619 #define PSA_ALG_RSA_OAEP_GET_HASH(alg) \
1620  (PSA_ALG_IS_RSA_OAEP(alg) ? \
1622  0)
1624 #define PSA_ALG_HKDF_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x08000100)
1625 /** Macro to build an HKDF algorithm.
1626  *
1627  * For example, `PSA_ALG_HKDF(PSA_ALG_SHA256)` is HKDF using HMAC-SHA-256.
1628  *
1629  * This key derivation algorithm uses the following inputs:
1630  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SALT is the salt used in the "extract" step.
1631  * It is optional; if omitted, the derivation uses an empty salt.
1632  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SECRET is the secret key used in the "extract" step.
1633  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_INFO is the info string used in the "expand" step.
1635  * You may pass #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_INFO at any time after steup and before
1636  * starting to generate output.
1637  *
1638  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1639  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
1640  *
1641  * \return The corresponding HKDF algorithm.
1642  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
1643  * hash algorithm.
1644  */
1645 #define PSA_ALG_HKDF(hash_alg) \
1646  (PSA_ALG_HKDF_BASE | ((hash_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1647 /** Whether the specified algorithm is an HKDF algorithm.
1648  *
1649  * HKDF is a family of key derivation algorithms that are based on a hash
1650  * function and the HMAC construction.
1651  *
1652  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1653  *
1654  * \return 1 if \c alg is an HKDF algorithm, 0 otherwise.
1655  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \c alg is not a supported
1656  * key derivation algorithm identifier.
1657  */
1658 #define PSA_ALG_IS_HKDF(alg) \
1659  (((alg) & ~PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK) == PSA_ALG_HKDF_BASE)
1660 #define PSA_ALG_HKDF_GET_HASH(hkdf_alg) \
1661  (PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_HASH | ((hkdf_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1663 #define PSA_ALG_TLS12_PRF_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x08000200)
1664 /** Macro to build a TLS-1.2 PRF algorithm.
1665  *
1666  * TLS 1.2 uses a custom pseudorandom function (PRF) for key schedule,
1667  * specified in Section 5 of RFC 5246. It is based on HMAC and can be
1668  * used with either SHA-256 or SHA-384.
1669  *
1670  * This key derivation algorithm uses the following inputs, which must be
1671  * passed in the order given here:
1672  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SEED is the seed.
1673  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SECRET is the secret key.
1674  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_LABEL is the label.
1675  *
1676  * For the application to TLS-1.2 key expansion, the seed is the
1677  * concatenation of ServerHello.Random + ClientHello.Random,
1678  * and the label is "key expansion".
1679  *
1680  * For example, `PSA_ALG_TLS12_PRF(PSA_ALG_SHA256)` represents the
1681  * TLS 1.2 PRF using HMAC-SHA-256.
1682  *
1683  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1684  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
1685  *
1686  * \return The corresponding TLS-1.2 PRF algorithm.
1687  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
1688  * hash algorithm.
1689  */
1690 #define PSA_ALG_TLS12_PRF(hash_alg) \
1691  (PSA_ALG_TLS12_PRF_BASE | ((hash_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1693 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a TLS-1.2 PRF algorithm.
1694  *
1695  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1696  *
1697  * \return 1 if \c alg is a TLS-1.2 PRF algorithm, 0 otherwise.
1698  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \c alg is not a supported
1699  * key derivation algorithm identifier.
1700  */
1701 #define PSA_ALG_IS_TLS12_PRF(alg) \
1702  (((alg) & ~PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK) == PSA_ALG_TLS12_PRF_BASE)
1703 #define PSA_ALG_TLS12_PRF_GET_HASH(hkdf_alg) \
1704  (PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_HASH | ((hkdf_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1706 #define PSA_ALG_TLS12_PSK_TO_MS_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x08000300)
1707 /** Macro to build a TLS-1.2 PSK-to-MasterSecret algorithm.
1708  *
1709  * In a pure-PSK handshake in TLS 1.2, the master secret is derived
1710  * from the PreSharedKey (PSK) through the application of padding
1711  * (RFC 4279, Section 2) and the TLS-1.2 PRF (RFC 5246, Section 5).
1712  * The latter is based on HMAC and can be used with either SHA-256
1713  * or SHA-384.
1714  *
1715  * This key derivation algorithm uses the following inputs, which must be
1716  * passed in the order given here:
1717  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SEED is the seed.
1718  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SECRET is the secret key.
1719  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_LABEL is the label.
1720  *
1721  * For the application to TLS-1.2, the seed (which is
1722  * forwarded to the TLS-1.2 PRF) is the concatenation of the
1723  * ClientHello.Random + ServerHello.Random,
1724  * and the label is "master secret" or "extended master secret".
1725  *
1726  * For example, `PSA_ALG_TLS12_PSK_TO_MS(PSA_ALG_SHA256)` represents the
1727  * TLS-1.2 PSK to MasterSecret derivation PRF using HMAC-SHA-256.
1728  *
1729  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1730  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
1731  *
1732  * \return The corresponding TLS-1.2 PSK to MS algorithm.
1733  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
1734  * hash algorithm.
1735  */
1736 #define PSA_ALG_TLS12_PSK_TO_MS(hash_alg) \
1737  (PSA_ALG_TLS12_PSK_TO_MS_BASE | ((hash_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1739 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a TLS-1.2 PSK to MS algorithm.
1740  *
1741  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1742  *
1743  * \return 1 if \c alg is a TLS-1.2 PSK to MS algorithm, 0 otherwise.
1744  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \c alg is not a supported
1745  * key derivation algorithm identifier.
1746  */
1747 #define PSA_ALG_IS_TLS12_PSK_TO_MS(alg) \
1748  (((alg) & ~PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK) == PSA_ALG_TLS12_PSK_TO_MS_BASE)
1749 #define PSA_ALG_TLS12_PSK_TO_MS_GET_HASH(hkdf_alg) \
1750  (PSA_ALG_CATEGORY_HASH | ((hkdf_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1752 /* This flag indicates whether the key derivation algorithm is suitable for
1753  * use on low-entropy secrets such as password - these algorithms are also
1754  * known as key stretching or password hashing schemes. These are also the
1755  * algorithms that accepts inputs of type #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_PASSWORD.
1756  *
1757  * Those algorithms cannot be combined with a key agreement algorithm.
1758  */
1759 #define PSA_ALG_KEY_DERIVATION_STRETCHING_FLAG ((psa_algorithm_t)0x00800000)
1761 #define PSA_ALG_PBKDF2_HMAC_BASE ((psa_algorithm_t)0x08800100)
1762 /** Macro to build a PBKDF2-HMAC password hashing / key stretching algorithm.
1763  *
1764  * PBKDF2 is defined by PKCS#5, republished as RFC 8018 (section 5.2).
1765  * This macro specifies the PBKDF2 algorithm constructed using a PRF based on
1766  * HMAC with the specified hash.
1767  * For example, `PSA_ALG_PBKDF2_HMAC(PSA_ALG_SHA256)` specifies PBKDF2
1768  * using the PRF HMAC-SHA-256.
1769  *
1770  * This key derivation algorithm uses the following inputs, which must be
1771  * provided in the following order:
1772  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_COST is the iteration count.
1773  * This input step must be used exactly once.
1774  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SALT is the salt.
1775  * This input step must be used one or more times; if used several times, the
1776  * inputs will be concatenated. This can be used to build the final salt
1777  * from multiple sources, both public and secret (also known as pepper).
1778  * - #PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_PASSWORD is the password to be hashed.
1779  * This input step must be used exactly once.
1780  *
1781  * \param hash_alg A hash algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such that
1782  * #PSA_ALG_IS_HASH(\p hash_alg) is true).
1783  *
1784  * \return The corresponding PBKDF2-HMAC-XXX algorithm.
1785  * \return Unspecified if \p hash_alg is not a supported
1786  * hash algorithm.
1787  */
1788 #define PSA_ALG_PBKDF2_HMAC(hash_alg) \
1789  (PSA_ALG_PBKDF2_HMAC_BASE | ((hash_alg) & PSA_ALG_HASH_MASK))
1791 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a PBKDF2-HMAC algorithm.
1792  *
1793  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1794  *
1795  * \return 1 if \c alg is a PBKDF2-HMAC algorithm, 0 otherwise.
1796  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \c alg is not a supported
1797  * key derivation algorithm identifier.
1798  */
1799 #define PSA_ALG_IS_PBKDF2_HMAC(alg) \
1802 /** The PBKDF2-AES-CMAC-PRF-128 password hashing / key stretching algorithm.
1803  *
1804  * PBKDF2 is defined by PKCS#5, republished as RFC 8018 (section 5.2).
1805  * This macro specifies the PBKDF2 algorithm constructed using the
1806  * AES-CMAC-PRF-128 PRF specified by RFC 4615.
1807  *
1808  * This key derivation algorithm uses the same inputs as
1809  * #PSA_ALG_PBKDF2_HMAC() with the same constraints.
1810  */
1811 #define PSA_ALG_PBKDF2_AES_CMAC_PRF_128 ((psa_algorithm_t)0x08800200)
1813 #define PSA_ALG_KEY_DERIVATION_MASK ((psa_algorithm_t)0xfe00ffff)
1814 #define PSA_ALG_KEY_AGREEMENT_MASK ((psa_algorithm_t)0xffff0000)
1816 /** Macro to build a combined algorithm that chains a key agreement with
1817  * a key derivation.
1818  *
1819  * \param ka_alg A key agreement algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such
1820  * that #PSA_ALG_IS_KEY_AGREEMENT(\p ka_alg) is true).
1821  * \param kdf_alg A key derivation algorithm (\c PSA_ALG_XXX value such
1822  * that #PSA_ALG_IS_KEY_DERIVATION(\p kdf_alg) is true).
1823  *
1824  * \return The corresponding key agreement and derivation
1825  * algorithm.
1826  * \return Unspecified if \p ka_alg is not a supported
1827  * key agreement algorithm or \p kdf_alg is not a
1828  * supported key derivation algorithm.
1829  */
1830 #define PSA_ALG_KEY_AGREEMENT(ka_alg, kdf_alg) \
1831  ((ka_alg) | (kdf_alg))
1833 #define PSA_ALG_KEY_AGREEMENT_GET_KDF(alg) \
1836 #define PSA_ALG_KEY_AGREEMENT_GET_BASE(alg) \
1839 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a raw key agreement algorithm.
1840  *
1841  * A raw key agreement algorithm is one that does not specify
1842  * a key derivation function.
1843  * Usually, raw key agreement algorithms are constructed directly with
1844  * a \c PSA_ALG_xxx macro while non-raw key agreement algorithms are
1845  * constructed with #PSA_ALG_KEY_AGREEMENT().
1846  *
1847  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1848  *
1849  * \return 1 if \p alg is a raw key agreement algorithm, 0 otherwise.
1850  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \p alg is not a supported
1851  * algorithm identifier.
1852  */
1853 #define PSA_ALG_IS_RAW_KEY_AGREEMENT(alg) \
1854  (PSA_ALG_IS_KEY_AGREEMENT(alg) && \
1860 /** The finite-field Diffie-Hellman (DH) key agreement algorithm.
1861  *
1862  * The shared secret produced by key agreement is
1863  * `g^{ab}` in big-endian format.
1864  * It is `ceiling(m / 8)` bytes long where `m` is the size of the prime `p`
1865  * in bits.
1866  */
1867 #define PSA_ALG_FFDH ((psa_algorithm_t)0x09010000)
1869 /** Whether the specified algorithm is a finite field Diffie-Hellman algorithm.
1870  *
1871  * This includes the raw finite field Diffie-Hellman algorithm as well as
1872  * finite-field Diffie-Hellman followed by any supporter key derivation
1873  * algorithm.
1874  *
1875  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1876  *
1877  * \return 1 if \c alg is a finite field Diffie-Hellman algorithm, 0 otherwise.
1878  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \c alg is not a supported
1879  * key agreement algorithm identifier.
1880  */
1881 #define PSA_ALG_IS_FFDH(alg) \
1884 /** The elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key agreement algorithm.
1885  *
1886  * The shared secret produced by key agreement is the x-coordinate of
1887  * the shared secret point. It is always `ceiling(m / 8)` bytes long where
1888  * `m` is the bit size associated with the curve, i.e. the bit size of the
1889  * order of the curve's coordinate field. When `m` is not a multiple of 8,
1890  * the byte containing the most significant bit of the shared secret
1891  * is padded with zero bits. The byte order is either little-endian
1892  * or big-endian depending on the curve type.
1893  *
1894  * - For Montgomery curves (curve types `PSA_ECC_FAMILY_CURVEXXX`),
1895  * the shared secret is the x-coordinate of `d_A Q_B = d_B Q_A`
1896  * in little-endian byte order.
1897  * The bit size is 448 for Curve448 and 255 for Curve25519.
1898  * - For Weierstrass curves over prime fields (curve types
1900  * the shared secret is the x-coordinate of `d_A Q_B = d_B Q_A`
1901  * in big-endian byte order.
1902  * The bit size is `m = ceiling(log_2(p))` for the field `F_p`.
1903  * - For Weierstrass curves over binary fields (curve types
1905  * the shared secret is the x-coordinate of `d_A Q_B = d_B Q_A`
1906  * in big-endian byte order.
1907  * The bit size is `m` for the field `F_{2^m}`.
1908  */
1909 #define PSA_ALG_ECDH ((psa_algorithm_t)0x09020000)
1911 /** Whether the specified algorithm is an elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman
1912  * algorithm.
1913  *
1914  * This includes the raw elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman algorithm as well as
1915  * elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman followed by any supporter key derivation
1916  * algorithm.
1917  *
1918  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1919  *
1920  * \return 1 if \c alg is an elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman algorithm,
1921  * 0 otherwise.
1922  * This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \c alg is not a supported
1923  * key agreement algorithm identifier.
1924  */
1925 #define PSA_ALG_IS_ECDH(alg) \
1928 /** Whether the specified algorithm encoding is a wildcard.
1929  *
1930  * Wildcard values may only be used to set the usage algorithm field in
1931  * a policy, not to perform an operation.
1932  *
1933  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1934  *
1935  * \return 1 if \c alg is a wildcard algorithm encoding.
1936  * \return 0 if \c alg is a non-wildcard algorithm encoding (suitable for
1937  * an operation).
1938  * \return This macro may return either 0 or 1 if \c alg is not a supported
1939  * algorithm identifier.
1940  */
1941 #define PSA_ALG_IS_WILDCARD(alg) \
1942  (PSA_ALG_IS_HASH_AND_SIGN(alg) ? \
1944  PSA_ALG_IS_MAC(alg) ? \
1945  (alg & PSA_ALG_MAC_AT_LEAST_THIS_LENGTH_FLAG) != 0 : \
1946  PSA_ALG_IS_AEAD(alg) ? \
1948  (alg) == PSA_ALG_ANY_HASH)
1950 /** Get the hash used by a composite algorithm.
1951  *
1952  * \param alg An algorithm identifier (value of type #psa_algorithm_t).
1953  *
1954  * \return The underlying hash algorithm if alg is a composite algorithm that
1955  * uses a hash algorithm.
1956  *
1957  * \return \c 0 if alg is not a composite algorithm that uses a hash.
1958  */
1959 #define PSA_ALG_GET_HASH(alg) \
1960  (((alg) & 0x000000ff) == 0 ? ((psa_algorithm_t)0) : 0x02000000 | ((alg) & 0x000000ff))
1962 /**@}*/
1964 /** \defgroup key_lifetimes Key lifetimes
1965  * @{
1966  */
1968 /** The default lifetime for volatile keys.
1969  *
1970  * A volatile key only exists as long as the identifier to it is not destroyed.
1971  * The key material is guaranteed to be erased on a power reset.
1972  *
1973  * A key with this lifetime is typically stored in the RAM area of the
1974  * PSA Crypto subsystem. However this is an implementation choice.
1975  * If an implementation stores data about the key in a non-volatile memory,
1976  * it must release all the resources associated with the key and erase the
1977  * key material if the calling application terminates.
1978  */
1979 #define PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_VOLATILE ((psa_key_lifetime_t)0x00000000)
1981 /** The default lifetime for persistent keys.
1982  *
1983  * A persistent key remains in storage until it is explicitly destroyed or
1984  * until the corresponding storage area is wiped. This specification does
1985  * not define any mechanism to wipe a storage area, but integrations may
1986  * provide their own mechanism (for example to perform a factory reset,
1987  * to prepare for device refurbishment, or to uninstall an application).
1988  *
1989  * This lifetime value is the default storage area for the calling
1990  * application. Integrations of Mbed TLS may support other persistent lifetimes.
1991  * See ::psa_key_lifetime_t for more information.
1992  */
1993 #define PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_PERSISTENT ((psa_key_lifetime_t)0x00000001)
1995 /** The persistence level of volatile keys.
1996  *
1997  * See ::psa_key_persistence_t for more information.
1998  */
1999 #define PSA_KEY_PERSISTENCE_VOLATILE ((psa_key_persistence_t)0x00)
2001 /** The default persistence level for persistent keys.
2002  *
2003  * See ::psa_key_persistence_t for more information.
2004  */
2005 #define PSA_KEY_PERSISTENCE_DEFAULT ((psa_key_persistence_t)0x01)
2007 /** A persistence level indicating that a key is never destroyed.
2008  *
2009  * See ::psa_key_persistence_t for more information.
2010  */
2011 #define PSA_KEY_PERSISTENCE_READ_ONLY ((psa_key_persistence_t)0xff)
2013 #define PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_GET_PERSISTENCE(lifetime) \
2014  ((psa_key_persistence_t)((lifetime) & 0x000000ff))
2016 #define PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_GET_LOCATION(lifetime) \
2017  ((psa_key_location_t)((lifetime) >> 8))
2019 /** Whether a key lifetime indicates that the key is volatile.
2020  *
2021  * A volatile key is automatically destroyed by the implementation when
2022  * the application instance terminates. In particular, a volatile key
2023  * is automatically destroyed on a power reset of the device.
2024  *
2025  * A key that is not volatile is persistent. Persistent keys are
2026  * preserved until the application explicitly destroys them or until an
2027  * implementation-specific device management event occurs (for example,
2028  * a factory reset).
2029  *
2030  * \param lifetime The lifetime value to query (value of type
2031  * ::psa_key_lifetime_t).
2032  *
2033  * \return \c 1 if the key is volatile, otherwise \c 0.
2034  */
2035 #define PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_IS_VOLATILE(lifetime) \
2039 /** Whether a key lifetime indicates that the key is read-only.
2040  *
2041  * Read-only keys cannot be created or destroyed through the PSA Crypto API.
2042  * They must be created through platform-specific means that bypass the API.
2043  *
2044  * Some platforms may offer ways to destroy read-only keys. For example,
2045  * consider a platform with multiple levels of privilege, where a
2046  * low-privilege application can use a key but is not allowed to destroy
2047  * it, and the platform exposes the key to the application with a read-only
2048  * lifetime. High-privilege code can destroy the key even though the
2049  * application sees the key as read-only.
2050  *
2051  * \param lifetime The lifetime value to query (value of type
2052  * ::psa_key_lifetime_t).
2053  *
2054  * \return \c 1 if the key is read-only, otherwise \c 0.
2055  */
2056 #define PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_IS_READ_ONLY(lifetime) \
2060 /** Construct a lifetime from a persistence level and a location.
2061  *
2062  * \param persistence The persistence level
2063  * (value of type ::psa_key_persistence_t).
2064  * \param location The location indicator
2065  * (value of type ::psa_key_location_t).
2066  *
2067  * \return The constructed lifetime value.
2068  */
2069 #define PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_FROM_PERSISTENCE_AND_LOCATION(persistence, location) \
2070  ((location) << 8 | (persistence))
2072 /** The local storage area for persistent keys.
2073  *
2074  * This storage area is available on all systems that can store persistent
2075  * keys without delegating the storage to a third-party cryptoprocessor.
2076  *
2077  * See ::psa_key_location_t for more information.
2078  */
2079 #define PSA_KEY_LOCATION_LOCAL_STORAGE ((psa_key_location_t)0x000000)
2081 #define PSA_KEY_LOCATION_VENDOR_FLAG ((psa_key_location_t)0x800000)
2083 /** The minimum value for a key identifier chosen by the application.
2084  */
2085 #define PSA_KEY_ID_USER_MIN ((psa_key_id_t)0x00000001)
2086 /** The maximum value for a key identifier chosen by the application.
2087  */
2088 #define PSA_KEY_ID_USER_MAX ((psa_key_id_t)0x3fffffff)
2089 /** The minimum value for a key identifier chosen by the implementation.
2090  */
2091 #define PSA_KEY_ID_VENDOR_MIN ((psa_key_id_t)0x40000000)
2092 /** The maximum value for a key identifier chosen by the implementation.
2093  */
2094 #define PSA_KEY_ID_VENDOR_MAX ((psa_key_id_t)0x7fffffff)
2096 /**@}*/
2098 /** \defgroup policy Key policies
2099  * @{
2100  */
2102 /** Whether the key may be exported.
2103  *
2104  * A public key or the public part of a key pair may always be exported
2105  * regardless of the value of this permission flag.
2106  *
2107  * If a key does not have export permission, implementations shall not
2108  * allow the key to be exported in plain form from the cryptoprocessor,
2109  * whether through psa_export_key() or through a proprietary interface.
2110  * The key may however be exportable in a wrapped form, i.e. in a form
2111  * where it is encrypted by another key.
2112  */
2113 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_EXPORT ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000001)
2115 /** Whether the key may be copied.
2116  *
2117  * This flag allows the use of psa_copy_key() to make a copy of the key
2118  * with the same policy or a more restrictive policy.
2119  *
2120  * For lifetimes for which the key is located in a secure element which
2121  * enforce the non-exportability of keys, copying a key outside the secure
2122  * element also requires the usage flag #PSA_KEY_USAGE_EXPORT.
2123  * Copying the key inside the secure element is permitted with just
2124  * #PSA_KEY_USAGE_COPY if the secure element supports it.
2125  * For keys with the lifetime #PSA_KEY_LIFETIME_VOLATILE or
2127  * is sufficient to permit the copy.
2128  */
2129 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_COPY ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000002)
2131 /** Whether the key may be used to encrypt a message.
2132  *
2133  * This flag allows the key to be used for a symmetric encryption operation,
2134  * for an AEAD encryption-and-authentication operation,
2135  * or for an asymmetric encryption operation,
2136  * if otherwise permitted by the key's type and policy.
2137  *
2138  * For a key pair, this concerns the public key.
2139  */
2140 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_ENCRYPT ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000100)
2142 /** Whether the key may be used to decrypt a message.
2143  *
2144  * This flag allows the key to be used for a symmetric decryption operation,
2145  * for an AEAD decryption-and-verification operation,
2146  * or for an asymmetric decryption operation,
2147  * if otherwise permitted by the key's type and policy.
2148  *
2149  * For a key pair, this concerns the private key.
2150  */
2151 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_DECRYPT ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000200)
2153 /** Whether the key may be used to sign a message.
2154  *
2155  * This flag allows the key to be used for a MAC calculation operation or for
2156  * an asymmetric message signature operation, if otherwise permitted by the
2157  * key’s type and policy.
2158  *
2159  * For a key pair, this concerns the private key.
2160  */
2161 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_SIGN_MESSAGE ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000400)
2163 /** Whether the key may be used to verify a message.
2164  *
2165  * This flag allows the key to be used for a MAC verification operation or for
2166  * an asymmetric message signature verification operation, if otherwise
2167  * permitted by the key’s type and policy.
2168  *
2169  * For a key pair, this concerns the public key.
2170  */
2171 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY_MESSAGE ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00000800)
2173 /** Whether the key may be used to sign a message.
2174  *
2175  * This flag allows the key to be used for a MAC calculation operation
2176  * or for an asymmetric signature operation,
2177  * if otherwise permitted by the key's type and policy.
2178  *
2179  * For a key pair, this concerns the private key.
2180  */
2181 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_SIGN_HASH ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00001000)
2183 /** Whether the key may be used to verify a message signature.
2184  *
2185  * This flag allows the key to be used for a MAC verification operation
2186  * or for an asymmetric signature verification operation,
2187  * if otherwise permitted by by the key's type and policy.
2188  *
2189  * For a key pair, this concerns the public key.
2190  */
2191 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY_HASH ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00002000)
2193 /** Whether the key may be used to derive other keys or produce a password
2194  * hash.
2195  *
2196  * This flag allows the key to be used for a key derivation operation or for
2197  * a key agreement operation, if otherwise permitted by by the key's type and
2198  * policy.
2199  *
2200  * If this flag is present on all keys used in calls to
2201  * psa_key_derivation_input_key() for a key derivation operation, then it
2202  * permits calling psa_key_derivation_output_bytes() or
2203  * psa_key_derivation_output_key() at the end of the operation.
2204  */
2205 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_DERIVE ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00004000)
2207 /** Whether the key may be used to verify the result of a key derivation,
2208  * including password hashing.
2209  *
2210  * This flag allows the key to be used:
2211  *
2212  * This flag allows the key to be used in a key derivation operation, if
2213  * otherwise permitted by by the key's type and policy.
2214  *
2215  * If this flag is present on all keys used in calls to
2216  * psa_key_derivation_input_key() for a key derivation operation, then it
2217  * permits calling psa_key_derivation_verify_bytes() or
2218  * psa_key_derivation_verify_key() at the end of the operation.
2219  */
2220 #define PSA_KEY_USAGE_VERIFY_DERIVATION ((psa_key_usage_t)0x00008000)
2222 /**@}*/
2224 /** \defgroup derivation Key derivation
2225  * @{
2226  */
2228 /** A secret input for key derivation.
2229  *
2230  * This should be a key of type #PSA_KEY_TYPE_DERIVE
2231  * (passed to psa_key_derivation_input_key())
2232  * or the shared secret resulting from a key agreement
2233  * (obtained via psa_key_derivation_key_agreement()).
2234  *
2235  * The secret can also be a direct input (passed to
2236  * key_derivation_input_bytes()). In this case, the derivation operation
2237  * may not be used to derive keys: the operation will only allow
2238  * psa_key_derivation_output_bytes(),
2239  * psa_key_derivation_verify_bytes(), or
2240  * psa_key_derivation_verify_key(), but not
2241  * psa_key_derivation_output_key().
2242  */
2243 #define PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SECRET ((psa_key_derivation_step_t)0x0101)
2245 /** A low-entropy secret input for password hashing / key stretching.
2246  *
2247  * This is usually a key of type #PSA_KEY_TYPE_PASSWORD (passed to
2248  * psa_key_derivation_input_key()) or a direct input (passed to
2249  * psa_key_derivation_input_bytes()) that is a password or passphrase. It can
2250  * also be high-entropy secret such as a key of type #PSA_KEY_TYPE_DERIVE or
2251  * the shared secret resulting from a key agreement.
2252  *
2253  * The secret can also be a direct input (passed to
2254  * key_derivation_input_bytes()). In this case, the derivation operation
2255  * may not be used to derive keys: the operation will only allow
2256  * psa_key_derivation_output_bytes(),
2257  * psa_key_derivation_verify_bytes(), or
2258  * psa_key_derivation_verify_key(), but not
2259  * psa_key_derivation_output_key().
2260  */
2261 #define PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_PASSWORD ((psa_key_derivation_step_t)0x0102)
2263 /** A label for key derivation.
2264  *
2265  * This should be a direct input.
2266  * It can also be a key of type #PSA_KEY_TYPE_RAW_DATA.
2267  */
2268 #define PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_LABEL ((psa_key_derivation_step_t)0x0201)
2270 /** A salt for key derivation.
2271  *
2272  * This should be a direct input.
2273  * It can also be a key of type #PSA_KEY_TYPE_RAW_DATA or
2275  */
2276 #define PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SALT ((psa_key_derivation_step_t)0x0202)
2278 /** An information string for key derivation.
2279  *
2280  * This should be a direct input.
2281  * It can also be a key of type #PSA_KEY_TYPE_RAW_DATA.
2282  */
2283 #define PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_INFO ((psa_key_derivation_step_t)0x0203)
2285 /** A seed for key derivation.
2286  *
2287  * This should be a direct input.
2288  * It can also be a key of type #PSA_KEY_TYPE_RAW_DATA.
2289  */
2290 #define PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_SEED ((psa_key_derivation_step_t)0x0204)
2292 /** A cost parameter for password hashing / key stretching.
2293  *
2294  * This must be a direct input, passed to psa_key_derivation_input_integer().
2295  */
2296 #define PSA_KEY_DERIVATION_INPUT_COST ((psa_key_derivation_step_t)0x0205)
2298 /**@}*/
2300 /** \defgroup helper_macros Helper macros
2301  * @{
2302  */
2304 /* Helper macros */
2306 /** Check if two AEAD algorithm identifiers refer to the same AEAD algorithm
2307  * regardless of the tag length they encode.
2308  *
2309  * \param aead_alg_1 An AEAD algorithm identifier.
2310  * \param aead_alg_2 An AEAD algorithm identifier.
2311  *
2312  * \return 1 if both identifiers refer to the same AEAD algorithm,
2313  * 0 otherwise.
2314  * Unspecified if neither \p aead_alg_1 nor \p aead_alg_2 are
2315  * a supported AEAD algorithm.
2316  */
2317 #define MBEDTLS_PSA_ALG_AEAD_EQUAL(aead_alg_1, aead_alg_2) \
2318  (!(((aead_alg_1) ^ (aead_alg_2)) & \
2321 /**@}*/
2323 #endif /* PSA_CRYPTO_VALUES_H */
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