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1 /**
2  ******************************************************************************
3  * @file tl.h
4  * @author MCD Application Team
5  * @brief Header for tl module
6  ******************************************************************************
7  * @attention
8  *
9  * <h2><center>&copy; Copyright (c) 2019 STMicroelectronics.
10  * All rights reserved.</center></h2>
11  *
12  * This software component is licensed by ST under BSD 3-Clause license,
13  * the "License"; You may not use this file except in compliance with the
14  * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
15  * opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
16  *
17  ******************************************************************************
18  */
21 /* Define to prevent recursive inclusion -------------------------------------*/
22 #ifndef __TL_H
23 #define __TL_H
25 #ifdef __cplusplus
26 extern "C" {
27 #endif
30 /* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/
31 #include "stm32_wpan_common.h"
33 /* Exported defines -----------------------------------------------------------*/
34 #define TL_BLECMD_PKT_TYPE ( 0x01 )
35 #define TL_ACL_DATA_PKT_TYPE ( 0x02 )
36 #define TL_BLEEVT_PKT_TYPE ( 0x04 )
37 #define TL_OTCMD_PKT_TYPE ( 0x08 )
38 #define TL_OTRSP_PKT_TYPE ( 0x09 )
39 #define TL_CLICMD_PKT_TYPE ( 0x0A )
40 #define TL_OTNOT_PKT_TYPE ( 0x0C )
41 #define TL_OTACK_PKT_TYPE ( 0x0D )
42 #define TL_CLINOT_PKT_TYPE ( 0x0E )
43 #define TL_CLIACK_PKT_TYPE ( 0x0F )
44 #define TL_SYSCMD_PKT_TYPE ( 0x10 )
45 #define TL_SYSRSP_PKT_TYPE ( 0x11 )
46 #define TL_SYSEVT_PKT_TYPE ( 0x12 )
47 #define TL_CLIRESP_PKT_TYPE ( 0x15 )
48 #define TL_M0CMD_PKT_TYPE ( 0x16 )
49 #define TL_LOCCMD_PKT_TYPE ( 0x20 )
50 #define TL_LOCRSP_PKT_TYPE ( 0x21 )
51 #define TL_TRACES_APP_PKT_TYPE ( 0x40 )
52 #define TL_TRACES_WL_PKT_TYPE ( 0x41 )
54 #define TL_CMD_HDR_SIZE (4)
55 #define TL_EVT_HDR_SIZE (3)
56 #define TL_EVT_CS_PAYLOAD_SIZE (4)
58 #define TL_BLEEVT_CC_OPCODE (0x0E)
59 #define TL_BLEEVT_CS_OPCODE (0x0F)
60 #define TL_BLEEVT_VS_OPCODE (0xFF)
62 #define TL_BLEEVT_CS_PACKET_SIZE (TL_EVT_HDR_SIZE + sizeof(TL_CsEvt_t))
63 #define TL_BLEEVT_CS_BUFFER_SIZE (sizeof(TL_PacketHeader_t) + TL_BLEEVT_CS_PACKET_SIZE)
65 /* Exported types ------------------------------------------------------------*/
66 /**< Packet header */
67 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
68 {
69  uint32_t *next;
70  uint32_t *prev;
73 /*******************************************************************************
74  * Event type
75  */
77 /**
78  * This the payload of TL_Evt_t for a command status event
79  */
80 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
81 {
82  uint8_t status;
83  uint8_t numcmd;
84  uint16_t cmdcode;
85 } TL_CsEvt_t;
87 /**
88  * This the payload of TL_Evt_t for a command complete event
89  */
90 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
91 {
92  uint8_t numcmd;
93  uint16_t cmdcode;
94  uint8_t payload[1];
95 } TL_CcEvt_t;
97 /**
98  * This the payload of TL_Evt_t for an asynchronous event
99  */
100 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
101 {
102  uint16_t subevtcode;
103  uint8_t payload[1];
106 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
107 {
108  uint8_t evtcode;
109  uint8_t plen;
110  uint8_t payload[1];
111 } TL_Evt_t;
113 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
114 {
115  uint8_t type;
116  TL_Evt_t evt;
117 } TL_EvtSerial_t;
119 /**
120  * This format shall be used for all events (asynchronous and command response) reported
121  * by the CPU2 except for the command response of a system command where the header is not there
122  * and the format to be used shall be TL_EvtSerial_t.
123  * Note: Be careful that the asynchronous events reported by the CPU2 on the system channel do
124  * include the header and shall use TL_EvtPacket_t format. Only the command response format on the
125  * system channel is different.
126  */
127 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
128 {
129  TL_PacketHeader_t header;
130  TL_EvtSerial_t evtserial;
133 /*****************************************************************************************
134  * Command type
135  */
137 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
138 {
139  uint16_t cmdcode;
140  uint8_t plen;
141  uint8_t payload[255];
142 } TL_Cmd_t;
144 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
145 {
146  uint8_t type;
147  TL_Cmd_t cmd;
148 } TL_CmdSerial_t;
150 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
151 {
152  TL_PacketHeader_t header;
153  TL_CmdSerial_t cmdserial;
154 } TL_CmdPacket_t;
156 /*****************************************************************************************
157  * HCI ACL DATA type
158  */
159 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
160 {
161  uint8_t type;
162  uint16_t handle;
163  uint16_t length;
164  uint8_t acl_data[1];
165 } TL_AclDataSerial_t;
167 typedef PACKED_STRUCT
168 {
169  TL_PacketHeader_t header;
170  TL_AclDataSerial_t AclDataSerial;
171 } TL_AclDataPacket_t;
173 typedef struct
174 {
175  uint8_t *p_BleSpareEvtBuffer;
176  uint8_t *p_SystemSpareEvtBuffer;
177  uint8_t *p_AsynchEvtPool;
178  uint32_t AsynchEvtPoolSize;
179  uint8_t *p_TracesEvtPool;
180  uint32_t TracesEvtPoolSize;
183 typedef struct
184 {
185  uint8_t *p_ThreadOtCmdRspBuffer;
186  uint8_t *p_ThreadCliRspBuffer;
187  uint8_t *p_ThreadNotAckBuffer;
190 typedef struct
191 {
192  uint8_t *p_LldTestsCliCmdRspBuffer;
193  uint8_t *p_LldTestsM0CmdBuffer;
196 typedef struct
197 {
198  uint8_t *p_BleLldCmdRspBuffer;
199  uint8_t *p_BleLldM0CmdBuffer;
202 typedef struct
203 {
204  uint8_t *p_Mac_802_15_4_CmdRspBuffer;
205  uint8_t *p_Mac_802_15_4_NotAckBuffer;
208 typedef struct
209 {
210  uint8_t *p_ZigbeeOtCmdRspBuffer;
211  uint8_t *p_ZigbeeNotAckBuffer;
212  uint8_t *p_ZigbeeNotifRequestBuffer;
215 /**
216  * @brief Contain the BLE HCI Init Configuration
217  * @{
218  */
219 typedef struct
220 {
221  void (* IoBusEvtCallBack) ( TL_EvtPacket_t *phcievt );
222  void (* IoBusAclDataTxAck) ( void );
223  uint8_t *p_cmdbuffer;
224  uint8_t *p_AclDataBuffer;
227 /**
228  * @brief Contain the SYSTEM HCI Init Configuration
229  * @{
230  */
231 typedef struct
232 {
233  void (* IoBusCallBackCmdEvt) (TL_EvtPacket_t *phcievt);
234  void (* IoBusCallBackUserEvt) (TL_EvtPacket_t *phcievt);
235  uint8_t *p_cmdbuffer;
238 /* Exported constants --------------------------------------------------------*/
239 /* External variables --------------------------------------------------------*/
240 /* Exported macros -----------------------------------------------------------*/
241 /* Exported functions ------------------------------------------------------- */
243 /******************************************************************************
244  * GENERAL
245  ******************************************************************************/
246 void TL_Enable( void );
247 void TL_Init( void );
249 /******************************************************************************
250  * BLE
251  ******************************************************************************/
252 int32_t TL_BLE_Init( void* pConf );
253 int32_t TL_BLE_SendCmd( uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t size );
254 int32_t TL_BLE_SendAclData( uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t size );
256 /******************************************************************************
257  * SYSTEM
258  ******************************************************************************/
259 int32_t TL_SYS_Init( void* pConf );
260 int32_t TL_SYS_SendCmd( uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t size );
262 /******************************************************************************
263  * THREAD
264  ******************************************************************************/
265 void TL_THREAD_Init( TL_TH_Config_t *p_Config );
266 void TL_OT_SendCmd( void );
267 void TL_CLI_SendCmd( void );
268 void TL_OT_CmdEvtReceived( TL_EvtPacket_t * Otbuffer );
269 void TL_THREAD_NotReceived( TL_EvtPacket_t * Notbuffer );
270 void TL_THREAD_SendAck ( void );
271 void TL_THREAD_CliSendAck ( void );
272 void TL_THREAD_CliNotReceived( TL_EvtPacket_t * Notbuffer );
274 /******************************************************************************
275  * LLD TESTS
276  ******************************************************************************/
277 void TL_LLDTESTS_Init( TL_LLD_tests_Config_t *p_Config );
278 void TL_LLDTESTS_SendCliCmd( void );
279 void TL_LLDTESTS_ReceiveCliRsp( TL_CmdPacket_t * Notbuffer );
280 void TL_LLDTESTS_SendCliRspAck( void );
281 void TL_LLDTESTS_ReceiveM0Cmd( TL_CmdPacket_t * Notbuffer );
282 void TL_LLDTESTS_SendM0CmdAck( void );
284 /******************************************************************************
285  * BLE LLD
286  ******************************************************************************/
287 void TL_BLE_LLD_Init( TL_BLE_LLD_Config_t *p_Config );
288 void TL_BLE_LLD_SendCliCmd( void );
289 void TL_BLE_LLD_ReceiveCliRsp( TL_CmdPacket_t * Notbuffer );
290 void TL_BLE_LLD_SendCliRspAck( void );
291 void TL_BLE_LLD_ReceiveM0Cmd( TL_CmdPacket_t * Notbuffer );
292 void TL_BLE_LLD_SendM0CmdAck( void );
293 void TL_BLE_LLD_SendCmd( void );
294 void TL_BLE_LLD_ReceiveRsp( TL_CmdPacket_t * Notbuffer );
295 void TL_BLE_LLD_SendRspAck( void );
296 /******************************************************************************
298  ******************************************************************************/
299 void TL_MM_Init( TL_MM_Config_t *p_Config );
300 void TL_MM_EvtDone( TL_EvtPacket_t * hcievt );
302 /******************************************************************************
303  * TRACES
304  ******************************************************************************/
305 void TL_TRACES_Init( void );
306 void TL_TRACES_EvtReceived( TL_EvtPacket_t * hcievt );
308 /******************************************************************************
309  * MAC 802.15.4
310  ******************************************************************************/
311 void TL_MAC_802_15_4_Init( TL_MAC_802_15_4_Config_t *p_Config );
312 void TL_MAC_802_15_4_SendCmd( void );
313 void TL_MAC_802_15_4_CmdEvtReceived( TL_EvtPacket_t * Otbuffer );
314 void TL_MAC_802_15_4_NotReceived( TL_EvtPacket_t * Notbuffer );
315 void TL_MAC_802_15_4_SendAck ( void );
317 /******************************************************************************
318  * ZIGBEE
319  ******************************************************************************/
320 void TL_ZIGBEE_Init( TL_ZIGBEE_Config_t *p_Config );
321 void TL_ZIGBEE_SendM4RequestToM0( void );
322 void TL_ZIGBEE_SendM4AckToM0Notify ( void );
323 void TL_ZIGBEE_NotReceived( TL_EvtPacket_t * Notbuffer );
324 void TL_ZIGBEE_CmdEvtReceived( TL_EvtPacket_t * Otbuffer );
325 void TL_ZIGBEE_M0RequestReceived(TL_EvtPacket_t * Otbuffer );
326 void TL_ZIGBEE_SendM4AckToM0Request(void);
328 #ifdef __cplusplus
329 } /* extern "C" */
330 #endif
332 #endif /*__TL_H */
334 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/
__packed struct @32 TL_EvtPacket_t
This format shall be used for all events (asynchronous and command response) reported by the CPU2 exc...
Common file to utilities.
Contain the BLE HCI Init Configuration.
Definition: tl.h:219
__packed struct @26 TL_PacketHeader_t
< Packet header
Contain the SYSTEM HCI Init Configuration.
Definition: tl.h:231
__packed struct @27 TL_CsEvt_t
This the payload of TL_Evt_t for a command status event.
__packed struct @28 TL_CcEvt_t
This the payload of TL_Evt_t for a command complete event.
__packed struct @29 TL_AsynchEvt_t
This the payload of TL_Evt_t for an asynchronous event.
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