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Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NbleEntry namespace for all BLE API definitions
 NSafeBool_Private namespace used to host details of the SafeBool implementation
 C_mbed_error_ctxMbed_error_ctx struct
 C_MEM_INFO_DESC_Memory Information
 C_MISCELLANEOUS_INFO_HDR_System Miscellaneous Information
 C_QCBORItemQCBORItem holds the type, value and other info for a decoded item returned by GetNextItem()
 C_TARGET_CFG_HDR_Target Configuration Header
 Cadr_req_params_tThis structure contains parameters for ADR request coming from network server
 Cargs_tFlash algo argument structure Contains all registers that should be preserved
 CattcDiscCb_tATT client discovery control block
 CattcDiscCfg_tATT client structure for characteristic and descriptor configuration
 CattcDiscChar_tagATT client structure for characteristic and descriptor discovery
 CattCfg_tATT run-time configurable parameters
 Cattest_token_ctxThe context for creating an attestation token
 CattEvt_tATT callback event
 CattsAttr_tAttribute structure
 CattsCccEvt_tATTS client characteristic configuration callback structure
 CattsCccSet_tClient characteristc configuration settings
 CattsCsfRec_tClient supported features record structure
 CattsGroup_tagAttribute group
 CAudioStdCodecInfo_tStandard codec info block
 CAudioVsCodecInfo_tVS codec info block
 Cband_tDefault user application maximum data size for transmission
 CBatteryServiceBLE Battery service
 CBbBleAdvPktStats_tAdvertising packet statistics
 CBbBleAdvSniffPkt_tSniffer advertisement packet
 CBbBleAuxAdvPktStats_tAuxiliary advertising packet statistics
 CBbBleAuxScanPktStats_tScan packet statistics
 CbbBleCtrlBlk_tBB control block
 CBbBleData_tagBluetooth Low Energy protocol specific operation parameters
 CBbBleDataPktStats_tData packet statistics
 CBbBleDataSniffPkt_tSniffer data packet
 CBbBleMstAdvEvent_tMaster advertising event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_ADV_EVENT)
 CBbBleMstAuxAdvEvent_tMaster auxiliary advertising event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_AUX_ADV_EVENT)
 CBbBleMstBisEvent_tBIS master event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_BIS_EVENT)
 CBbBleMstCisEvent_tCIS master event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_CIS_EVENT)
 CBbBleMstConnEvent_tConnection event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_CONN_EVENT)
 CBbBleMstPerScanEvent_tMaster periodic scanning event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_MST_PER_SCAN_EVENT)
 CbbBlePduExtFiltParams_tExtended PDU filtering parameters
 CbbBlePduFiltParams_tPDU filtering parameters
 CbbBlePduFiltResults_tPDU filtering results
 CBbBlePduFiltStats_tPDU filtering statistics
 CbbBlePerPduFiltParams_tPeriodic PDU filtering parameters
 CBbBlePerScanPktStats_tPeriodic scan packet statistics
 CBbBleScanPktStats_tScan packet statistics
 CBbBleSlvAdvEvent_tSlave advertising event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_SLV_ADV_EVENT)
 CBbBleSlvAuxAdvEvent_tSlave auxiliary advertising event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_SLV_AUX_ADV_EVENT)
 CBbBleSlvBisEvent_tBIS slave event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_SLV_BIS_EVENT)
 CBbBleSlvCisEvent_tCIS slave event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_SLV_CIS_EVENT)
 CBbBleSlvConnEvent_tConnection event operation data (BB_BLE_OP_SLV_CONN_EVENT)
 CBbBleSnifferHciCtx_tHCI output context
 CBbBleSnifferMeta_tSniffer packet metadata
 CBbBleSnifferPkt_tSniffer generic packet
 CBbBleTestRx_tContinuous receive operation data (BB_BLE_OP_TEST_RX)
 CBbBleTestTx_tContinuous transmit operation data (BB_BLE_OP_TEST_TX)
 CBbCtrlBlk_tBB control block
 CBbOpDesc_tagBaseband operation descriptor (BOD)
 CBbRtCfg_tBB runtime configuration parameters
 CbbSnifferCtx_tSniffer context
 Cbridgeif_initdata_sInitialisation data for bridgeif_init
 Cbuffer_sGeneric buffer structure
 Ccaliberation_params_tRepresents a calibration configuration
 Ccalibration_params_tRepresents a calibration configuration
 CCallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContextFunction like object hosting a list of FunctionPointerWithContext
 CCAN_MessageHolder for single CAN message
 CCellularInterfaceCommon interface that is shared between cellular interfaces
 CChainableEventHandlerBase class for chainable EventHandlers
 CChainableGapEventHandlerGap::EventHandler implementation that allows the application to register multiple separate EventHandlers to be called when Gap events happen
 CChainableGattServerEventHandlerGattServer::EventHandler implementation that allows the application to register multiple separate EventHandlers to be called when GattServer events happen
 Cchannel_selection_params_sThe parameter structure for the function RegionNextChannel
 CCharacteristicDescriptorDiscoveryDefinitions of events and event handlers that the characteristic descriptor discovery procedure uses
 Ccore_util_atomic_flagA lock-free, primitive atomic flag
 CCThunkClass for created a pointer with data bound to it
 Ccy_hw_crypto_tCRYPTO object
 Ccy_mac_addr_tStructure for storing a MAC address (Wi-Fi Media Access Control address)
 CCyDhcpServerImplementation of a DHCP sever
 CDataFlashBlockDeviceBlockDevice for DataFlash flash devices
 CDefaultFormFactorThis is a convenience class for use with the above templates
 CDeviceInformationServiceBLE Device Information Service Service: https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/services/Pages/ServiceViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.service.device_information.xml Manufacturer Name String Char: https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/characteristics/Pages/CharacteristicViewer.aspx?u=org.bluetooth.characteristic.manufacturer_name_string.xml
 Cdhcp6_msgMinimum set of fields of any DHCPv6 message
 Cdhcp_msgMinimum set of fields of any DHCP message
 CDiscoveredCharacteristicRepresentation of a characteristic discovered
 CDiscoveredCharacteristicDescriptorRepresentation of a characteristic descriptor discovered
 CDiscoveredServiceRepresentation of a GATT service discovered
 CdmAdvNewAddrIndEvt_tData type for DM_ADV_NEW_ADDR_IND
 CdmAdvSetStartEvt_tData structure for DM_ADV_SET_START_IND
 CdmCfg_tConfiguration structure
 CdmEvt_tUnion of DM callback event data types
 CdmL2cCmdRejEvt_tData structure for DM_L2C_CMD_REJ_IND
 CdmPerAdvSetStartEvt_tData structure for DM_PER_ADV_SET_START_IND
 CdmPerAdvSetStopEvt_tData structure for DM_PER_ADV_SET_STOP_IND
 CdmPrivGenAddrIndEvt_tData type for DM_PRIV_GENERATE_ADDR_IND
 CdmSecAuthReqIndEvt_tData type for DM_SEC_AUTH_REQ_IND
 CdmSecCnfIndEvt_tData type for DM_SEC_COMPARE_IND
 CdmSecCsrk_tCSRK data type
 CdmSecEncryptIndEvt_tData type for DM_SEC_ENCRYPT_IND
 CdmSecIrk_tIRK data type
 CdmSecKey_tUnion of key types
 CdmSecKeyIndEvt_tData type for DM_SEC_KEY_IND
 CdmSecKeypressIndEvt_tData type for DM_SEC_KEYPRESS_IND
 CdmSecLescOobCfg_tData type for DmSecSetOob()
 CdmSecLtk_tLTK data type
 CdmSecOobCalcIndEvt_tData type for DM_SEC_CALC_OOB_IND
 CdmSecPairCmplIndEvt_tData type for DM_SEC_PAIR_CMPL_IND
 CdmSecPairIndEvt_tData type for DM_SEC_PAIR_IND
 CdmSecSlaveIndEvt_tData type for DM_SEC_SLAVE_REQ_IND
 CDNSBase class for DNS provider
 Cdns_hdrDNS message header
 CDTLSSocketDTLSSocket implement DTLS stream over UDP Socket
 CDTLSSocketWrapperDTLSSocketWrapper implement DTLS stream over the existing Socket transport
 CeattCfg_tEATT run-time configurable parameters
 CeattTuple_tEATT multiple notify tuple structure
 Cecc_key_tStructure definition to carry pointer and size information about an Elliptic curve key which is stored in a buffer(key_buf) in raw format (without encoding):
 CEMACThis interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an EMAC device provides when it is registered with a stack
 CEMAC_CFG_TypeEMAC configuration structure definition
 CEMAC_PACKETBUF_TypeTX Data Buffer structure definition
 CEMACInterfaceEMACInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an EMAC-based driver
 CEndpointResolverUtility class for resolving endpoints
 CEnvironmentalServiceBLE Environmental Service
 Cerror_list_elem_tError list element structure
 Ceth_addrAn Ethernet MAC address
 Ceth_hdrEthernet header
 Ceth_vlan_hdrVLAN header inserted between ethernet header and payload if 'type' in ethernet header is ETHTYPE_VLAN
 Cetharp_hdrARP message, see RFC 826 ("Packet format")
 CEthernetInterfaceImplementation of the NetworkStack for an EMAC-based Ethernet driver
 CEthInterfaceCommon interface between Ethernet hardware
 Cevent_list_elem_tEvent list element structure
 Cfilesystem_resource_handle_tFilesystem handle
 Cflash_algo_tTarget flash algorithm structure
 Cflash_sTarget flash configuration For targets not supporting TrustZone, its flash_set_target_config must define target_config
 Cflash_target_config_tFlash configuration structure
 CFlashIAPBlockDeviceBlockDevice using the FlashIAP API
 CftListFlush timeout parameter list
 CftNodeFlush timeout parameter node
 CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF1, f >
 CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF2, f >
 CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF3, f >
 CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF4, f >
 CFunctionCaller< PortType, TF5, f >
 CFunctionPointerWithContextFunction like object adapter over freestanding and member functions
 CGattAttributeRepresentation of a GattServer attribute
 CGattCharacteristicRepresentation of a GattServer characteristic
 CGattDataSentCallbackParamsGatt Data Sent Attribute related events
 CGattHVXCallbackParamsHandle Value Notification/Indication event
 CGattReadAuthCallbackParamsGATT read authorization request event
 CGattReadCallbackParamsGATT Read event definition
 CGattServiceRepresentation of a GattServer service
 CGattUpdatesChangedCallbackParamsGatt Updates Changed Attribute related events
 CGattWriteAuthCallbackParamsGATT write authorization request event
 CGattWriteCallbackParamsGATT Write event definition
 Cgpio_capabilities_tGPIO capabilities for a given pin
 ChciAuthPayloadToExpiredEvt_tAuthenticated payload to expire event
 CHciBigCreateSync_tBIG Create Sync parameters
 CHciCisCigParams_tCIG parameters
 CHciCisCisParams_tCIS parameters
 CHciCisCreateCisParams_tCIS create CIS parameters
 CHciCodecCap_tCodec capability block
 CHciConfigDataPath_tConfigure data path parameters
 ChciConfigDataPathCmdCmplEvt_tConfig data path command complete event
 ChciConnSpec_tConnection specification type
 ChciCoreCb_tMain control block for dual-chip implementation
 ChciCoreCis_tPer-connection structure for OSI packet accounting
 ChciCoreConn_tPer-connection structure for ACL packet accounting
 CHciCreateBig_tBIG Create BIG parameters
 ChciDisconnectCmplEvt_tDisconnect complete event
 ChciEncChangeEvt_tEncryption change event
 ChciEncKeyRefreshCmpl_tEncryption key refresh complete event
 ChciEvt_tUnion of all event types
 ChciEvtStats_tHCI event statistics
 ChciExtAdvEnableParam_tExtended advertising enable parameters
 ChciExtAdvParam_tExtended advertising parameters
 ChciExtInitParam_tInitiating parameters
 ChciExtInitScanParam_tInitiating scan parameters
 ChciExtScanParam_tExtended scanning parameters
 ChciHwErrorEvt_tHardware error event
 CHciIsoSetupDataPath_tSetup ISO data path parameters
 ChciLeAddDevToResListCmdCmplEvt_tLE add device to resolving list command complete event
 ChciLeAdvReportEvt_tLE advertising report event
 ChciLeAdvSetTermEvt_tLE advertising set terminated
 CHciLeBigInfoAdvRptEvt_tLE BIG Info Advertising Report event
 CHciLeBigSyncEstEvt_tLE BIG Sync Established event
 CHciLeBigSyncLostEvt_tLE BIG sync lost event
 CHciLeBigTermSyncCmplEvt_tLE BIG Terminate Sync complete event
 ChciLeChSelAlgoEvt_tLE channel selection algorithm
 CHciLeCisEstEvt_tLE CIS established event
 CHciLeCisReqEvt_tLE CIS request event
 ChciLeClearResListCmdCmplEvt_tLE clear resolving list command complete event
 ChciLeConnCmplEvt_tLE connection complete event
 ChciLeConnCteReqEnableCmdCmplEvt_tLE connection CTE request enable command complete event
 ChciLeConnCteRspEnableCmdCmplEvt_tLE connection CTE response enable command complete event
 ChciLeConnIQReportEvt_tLE connection IQ report
 ChciLeConnUpdateCmplEvt_tLE connection update complete event
 CHciLeCreateBigCmplEvt_tLE Create BIG complete event
 ChciLeCreateConnCancelCmdCmplEvt_tLE create connection cancel command complete event
 ChciLeCteReqFailedEvt_tLE CTE request failed event
 ChciLeDataLenChangeEvt_tLE data length change event
 ChciLeEncryptCmdCmplEvt_tLE encrypt command complete event
 ChciLeExtAdvReportEvt_tLE extended advertising report
 ChciLeGenDhKeyEvt_tLE generate DH key command complete event
 ChciLeLtkReqEvt_tLE LTK request event
 ChciLeLtkReqNegReplCmdCmplEvt_tLE LTK request negative reply command complete event
 ChciLeLtkReqReplCmdCmplEvt_tLE LTK request reply command complete event
 ChciLeP256CmplEvt_tLE local p256 ecc key command complete event
 ChciLePerAdvReportEvt_tLE periodic advertising report
 ChciLePerAdvSetInfoTrsfCmdCmplEvt_tLE set periodic advertising set info transfer command complete event
 ChciLePerAdvSyncEstEvt_tLE periodic advertising sync established
 ChciLePerAdvSyncLostEvt_tLE periodic advertising synch lost
 ChciLePerAdvSyncTrsfCmdCmplEvt_tLE periodic advertising sync transfer command complete event
 CHciLePerAdvSyncTrsfRcvdEvt_tLE periodic advertising sync transfer received
 ChciLePhyUpdateEvt_tLE PHY update complete event
 ChciLeRandCmdCmplEvt_tLE rand command complete event
 ChciLeReadAntennaInfoCmdCmplEvt_tLE read antenna information command complete event
 ChciLeReadDefDataLenEvt_tLE read suggested default data len command complete event
 ChciLeReadLocalResAddrCmdCmplEvt_tLE read local resolving address command complete event
 ChciLeReadMaxDataLenEvt_tLE read maximum data len command complete event
 ChciLeReadPeerResAddrCmdCmplEvt_tLE read peer resolving address command complete event
 ChciLeReadPhyCmdCmplEvt_tLE read PHY command complete event
 ChciLeReadRemoteFeatCmplEvt_tLE read remote features complete event
 ChciLeRemConnParamNegRepEvt_tLE remote connection parameter request negative reply command complete event
 ChciLeRemConnParamRepEvt_tLE remote connection parameter request reply command complete event
 ChciLeRemConnParamReqEvt_tLE remote connetion parameter request event
 ChciLeRemDevFromResListCmdCmplEvt_tLE remove device from resolving list command complete event
 ChciLeRemoveCigCmdCmplEvt_tLE remove CIG command complete event
 ChciLeRemoveIsoDataPathCmdCmplEvt_tLE remove ISO data path command complete event
 CHciLeReqPeerScaCmplEvt_t_tLE request peer SCA complete
 ChciLeScanReqRcvdEvt_tLE scan request received
 ChciLeScanTimeoutEvt_tLE scan timeout
 ChciLeSetAddrResEnableCmdCmplEvt_tLE set address resolving enable command complete event
 ChciLeSetCigParamsCmdCmplEvt_tLE set CIG parameters command complete event
 ChciLeSetConnCteRxParamsCmdCmplEvt_tLE set connection CTE receive parameters command complete event
 ChciLeSetConnCteTxParamsCmdCmplEvt_tLE set connection CTE transmit parameters command complete event
 ChciLeSetDataLenEvt_tLE set data len command complete event
 ChciLeSetDefPhyCmdCmplEvt_tLE set default PHY command complete event
 ChciLeSetupIsoDataPathCmdCmplEvt_tLE setup ISO data path command complete event
 CHciLeTerminateBigCmplEvt_tLE Terminate BIG complete event
 ChciLeWriteDefDataLenEvt_tLE write suggested default data len command complete event
 ChciLocalVerInfo_tLocal version information
 ChciReadChanMapCmdCmplEvt_tLE Read channel map command complete event
 ChciReadLocalSupCodecCapCmdCmplEvt_tRead local supported codec capabilities command complete event
 CHciReadLocalSupCodecCaps_tRead local supported codec capabilities parameters
 ChciReadLocalSupCodecsCmdCmplEvt_tRead local supported codecs command complete event
 CHciReadLocalSupControllerDly_tRead local supported controller delay parameters
 ChciReadRemoteVerInfoCmplEvt_tRead remote version information complete event
 ChciReadRssiCmdCmplEvt_tRead RSSI command complete event
 ChciReadTxPwrLvlCmdCmplEvt_tRead transmit power level command complete event
 CHciStdCodecInfo_tStandard codec info block
 ChciVendorSpecCmdCmplEvt_tVendor specific command complete event
 ChciVendorSpecCmdStatusEvt_tVendor specific command status event
 ChciVendorSpecEvt_tVendor specific event
 CHciVsCodecInfo_tVendor-specific codec info block
 ChciWriteAuthPayloadToCmdCmplEvt_tWrite authenticated payload to command complete event
 CHealthThermometerServiceBLE Health Thermometer Service
 CHeartRateServiceBLE Heart Rate Service
 Ci2c_tAsynch I2C HAL structure
 CI2CEEBlockDeviceBlockDevice for I2C based flash device such as Microchip's 24LC or ATMEL's AT24C ranges
 Cicmp6_echo_hdrThis is the ICMP6 header adapted for echo req/resp
 Cicmp6_hdrThis is the standard ICMP6 header
 Cicmp_echo_hdrThis is the standard ICMP header only that the u32_t data is split to two u16_t like ICMP echo needs it
 CICMPSocketICMP socket implementation
 Cieee_802154_hdrGeneral MAC frame format This shows the full featured header, mainly for documentation
 Cigmp_msgIGMP packet format
 CinfoThe key size
 CInternetDatagramSocketInternetDatagramSocket socket implementation
 CInternetSocketSocket implementation that uses IP network stack
 Cip4_addr_packedThis is the packed version of ip4_addr_t, used in network headers that are itself packed
 Cip4_addr_wordalignedStruct ip4_addr_wordaligned is used in the definition of the ARP packet format in order to support compilers that don't have structure packing
 Cip6_addr_packedThis is the packed version of ip6_addr_t, used in network headers that are itself packed
 Cip6_hdrThe IPv6 header
 Cip_globalsGlobal variables of this module, kept in a struct for efficient access using base+index
 Cl2cCfg_tConfigurable parameters
 Cl2cCocConnectInd_tConnection oriented channel connect indication structure
 Cl2cCocDataCnf_tConnection oriented channel disconnect indication structure
 Cl2cCocDataInd_tConnection oriented channel data indication structure
 Cl2cCocDisconnectInd_tConnection oriented channel disconnect indication structure
 Cl2cCocEnConnectInd_tEnhanced connection oriented channel connect indication structure
 Cl2cCocEnReconfigInd_tEnhanced connection oriented channel reconfiguration indication structure
 Cl2cCocEvt_tConnection oriented channel event structure
 Cl2cCocReg_tConnection oriented channel registration structure
 CL3IPThis interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an l3ip device provides when it is registered with a stack
 CL3IPInterfaceL3IPInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an IP-based driver
 CLctrAcadBigInfo_tACAD data field for channel map update
 CLctrAcadChanMapUpd_tACAD data field for channel map update
 CLctrAcadHdr_tACAD header
 ClctrAcadMsg_tACAD message generic type
 ClctrAcadMsgHdr_tACAD message header
 ClctrAcadParam_tGeneric ACAD packet
 ClctrAcadSlvMsg_tLink layer controller message data
 ClctrAclHdr_tACL header
 ClctrActiveExtScan_tActive extended scanning context
 ClctrAddrResNeededMsg_tAddress resolution pending message
 ClctrAdvbPduHdr_tAdvertising channel PDU header
 ClctrAdvDataBuf_tAdvertising data buffer descriptor
 CLctrAdvMsg_tLink layer controller advertising message data
 ClctrAdvParamMsg_tAdvertising parameter message
 ClctrAdvReportMsg_tAdvertising report message
 ClctrAdvRptFilt_tAdvertising report filter
 ClctrAdvSet_tAdvertising set
 ClctrAuxPtr_tAuxiliary Pointer
 ClctrBigCreated_tBIG created message
 ClctrBigCtx_tagBroadcast Isochronous Group (BIG) context
 CLctrBigInfoMsg_tACAD BIG Info message
 ClctrBisCtx_tBroadcast Isochronous Stream (BIS) context
 ClctrBisDataPduHdr_tISO BIS PDU header
 ClctrChanMapInd_tConnection update indication PDU
 ClctrChanMapUpdate_tChannel map update message
 ClctrCigCtx_tConnected isochronous group context
 ClctrCisCtx_tConnected isochronous stream context
 ClctrCisDataPduHdr_tISO CIS PDU header
 ClctrCisDisc_tDisconnect message
 ClctrCisDisconnect_tDisconnect message. Make sure it has the same structure as lctrDisconnect_t
 ClctrCisInd_tCIS indication PDU
 ClctrCisMsg_tLink layer controller message data
 ClctrCisReq_tCIS request PDU
 ClctrCisRsp_tCIS response PDU
 ClctrCisTermInd_tCIS terminate PDU
 ClctrCodecHandlers_tCodec event handlers
 ClctrConnCtx_tConnection context
 ClctrConnEstablish_tConnection establish
 ClctrConnInd_tConnect request PDU
 ClctrConnMsg_tLink layer controller message data
 ClctrConnParam_tConnection parameter request/response values
 ClctrConnParamNegReply_tRemote connection parameter negative reply message
 ClctrConnParamReply_tRemote connection parameter reply message
 ClctrConnUpdate_tConnection update message
 ClctrConnUpdInd_tConnection update indication PDU
 ClctrCreateCis_tCIS set CIG test CIS parameters
 ClctrCreateCisPend_tCreate CIS pending
 ClctrDataLen_tData length request or response PDU
 ClctrDataLengthChange_tData length change message
 ClctrDataPathCtx_tDatapath context
 ClctrDataPdu_tData channel control PDU
 ClctrDataPduHdr_tData channel PDU header
 ClctrDisconnect_tDisconnect message
 ClctrEncReq_tEncryption request control PDU
 ClctrEncRsp_tEncryption response control PDU
 CLctrExtAdvEnableMsg_tExtended Advertising enable message
 ClctrExtAdvHdr_tExtended advertising channel PDU header
 CLctrExtAdvMsg_tExtended Advertising message data
 ClctrExtAdvParam_tExtended advertising parameters
 ClctrExtInitCtrlBlk_tExtended initiating control block
 ClctrExtInitiateMsg_tExtended initiate message
 ClctrExtScanCtrlBlk_tExtended scanning control block
 ClctrExtScanCtx_tExtended scanning context
 ClctrExtScanEnableMsg_tExtended scan enable message
 CLctrExtScanMsg_tExtended scan message data
 ClctrFeat_tFeature request or response control PDU
 ClctrFtParam_tParameters related to Tx flush timeout
 ClctrInDataPathCtx_tInput datapath context
 ClctrInitiateMsg_tInitiate message
 ClctrIsoalRxCtx_tReceive ISOAL Context
 ClctrIsoalTxCtx_tTransmit ISOAL Context
 ClctrIsoHdr_tISO header
 ClctrIsoSegHdr_tISOAL Segmentation Header
 ClctrIsoTxBufDesc_tTransmit buffer descriptor
 ClctrLtkReply_tRemote connection parameter reply message
 ClctrMinUsedChanInd_tMinimum number of used channels indication PDU
 ClctrMsgHdr_tCommon message structure passed to event handler
 ClctrMsgPwrCtrlReq_tInternal power control request message
 ClctrMstBigMsg_tBIG messages
 ClctrMstScanCtx_tMaster scan state context
 ClctrOutDataPathCtx_tOutput datapath context
 ClctrPeerSca_tPeer SCA response PDU
 CLctrPerAdvEnableMsg_tPeriodic Advertising enable message
 CLctrPerAdvMsg_tPeriodic Advertising message data
 ClctrPerAdvParam_tPeriodic advertising parameters
 ClctrPerAdvSyncTrsf_tPeriodic advertising sync transfer message
 ClctrPerCreateSyncCtrlBlk_tMaster scan state context
 ClctrPerCreateSyncMsg_tPeriodic create sync message
 ClctrPerScanCtx_tPeriodic scanning context
 CLctrPerScanMsg_tPeriodic Advertising message data
 ClctrPerSyncInd_tPeriodic sync indication PDU
 ClctrPerTransferSyncCtrlBlk_tPeriodic sync transfer state context
 ClctrPerTransferSyncMsg_tPeriodic transfer sync message
 ClctrPhy_tPHY request or response PDU
 ClctrPhyUpdate_tPHY update message
 ClctrPhyUpdInd_tPHY update indication PDU
 ClctrPrivCtx_tSlave advertising state context
 CLctrPrivMsg_tAddress resolution pending message
 ClctrPwrChngInd_tPower change indication PDU
 ClctrPwrCtrlReq_tPower control request PDU
 ClctrPwrCtrlRsp_tPower control RSP PDU
 ClctrRejCisReq_tInternal reject CIS request message
 ClctrRejInd_tReject indication control PDU
 ClctrScanEnableMsg_tScan enable message
 ClctrScanParamMsg_tScan parameter message
 ClctrScanReq_tScan request PDU
 ClctrScaReq_tSet minimum number of used channels message
 ClctrSduDesc_tISO SDU descriptor
 ClctrSeCtx_tISR subevent context
 ClctrSetMinUsedChan_tSet minimum number of used channels message
 ClctrSlvAdvCtx_tSlave advertising state context
 CLctrSlvBigMsg_tBIG slave message data
 ClctrSlvExtAdvCtx_tSlave extended advertising state context
 ClctrSlvScanReport_tScan request
 ClctrStartEnc_tStart encryption message
 ClctrSyncInfo_tSync info
 ClctrTermInd_tTerminate indication control PDU
 ClctrUnknownRsp_tUnknown response control PDU
 ClctrVerInd_tVersion indication control PDU
 CLctrVsHandlers_tVendor specific PDU handlers
 Clfs2_cacheInternal littlefs data structures ///
 Clfs_entryLittlefs data structures ///
 ClhciCb_tControl block of the LL HCI subsystem (cleared with resets)
 CLhciHdr_tHCI header
 ClhciIsoCb_tControl block for ISO data generator
 ClhciPersistCb_tControl block of the LL HCI subsystem (persists with resets)
 Clink_adr_params_sStructure containing data for local ADR settings
 CLinkLossServiceThis service defines behavior when a link is lost between two devices
 ClistConnected isochronous stream linked list
 CLlAdvReportInd_tAdvertising report indication
 CLlAdvSetTermInd_tAdvertising set terminated
 CLlAuthPayloadTimeoutInd_tAuthentication payload timeout expired indication
 CLlBigCreateSync_tBIG Create Sync message
 CLlBigInfoAdvRptInd_tBIG Info Advertising Report event
 CLlBigSyncEstInd_tCreate BIG complete (Sync Established) event
 CLlBigSyncLostInd_tBIG sync lost event
 CLlBigTermSyncCnf_tBIG Terminate complete event
 CLlChSelInd_tUsed channel selection indication
 CLlCisCigCisParamsTest_tCIG test CIS parameters
 CLlCisCigParams_tCIG parameters
 CLlCisCigParamsTest_tCIG test CIG parameters
 CLlCisCisParams_tCIS parameters
 CLlCisCreateCisParams_tCreate CIS parameters
 CLlCisEstInd_tCIS established event
 CLlCisReqInd_tCIS request event
 CLlConnInd_tConnect indication
 CLlConnSpec_tConnection specification (LlCreateConn(), LlConnUpdate() and LlExtCreateConn())
 CLlConnUpdateInd_tConnect update indication
 CLlCreateBig_tBIG Create BIG message
 CLlCreateBigCnf_tCreate BIG complete event
 CLlCreateBigTest_tBIG Create BIG Test message
 CLlCreateConnCancelCnf_tCreate connection cancel confirm
 CLlDataLenChangeInd_tData length change
 CLlDevicePerAdvList_tDevice in periodic advertiser list
 CLlDisconnectInd_tDisconnect indication
 CLlEncChangeInd_tEncryption change indication
 CLlEncKeyRefreshInd_tKey refresh indication
 CLlEncMode_tEncryption mode data structure used in LlGetEncMode() and LlSetEncMode()
 CLlEvt_tUnion of all event types
 CLlExtAdvEnableCnf_tExtended advertising enable
 CLlExtAdvEnableParam_tExtended advertising enable parameters
 CLlExtAdvParam_tExtended advertising parameters
 CLlExtAdvReportInd_tExtended advertising report
 CLlExtInitParam_tInitiating parameters (LlExtCreateConn())
 CLlExtInitScanParam_tInitiating scan parameters (LlExtCreateConn())
 CLlExtScanEnableCnf_tExtended scan enable confirm
 CLlExtScanParam_tExtended scan parameters
 CLlGenerateDhKeyInd_tGenerate Diffie-Hellman key complete
 CLlHwErrorInd_tHW error
 CLlInitParam_tInitiating parameters (LlExtCreateConn())
 CLlInitRtCfg_tRuntime configuration parameters
 CLlIsoEventCmplInd_tVS ISO Event complete event
 CLlIsoLinkQual_tISO link quality statistics
 CLlIsoSetupDataPath_tLE setup ISO Data Path command
 CLlIsoTestCtrs_tISO test counter data
 CLlLtkReqInd_tLTK request indication
 CLlLtkReqNegReplyCnf_tLTK request negative reply
 CLlLtkReqReplyCnf_tLTK request reply confirm
 CLlPathLossThresholdEvt_tLE Path loss reporting event
 CLlPeerScaCnf_tLE request peer SCA complete
 CLlPerAdvCreateSyncCmd_tPeriodic advertising create sync command
 CLlPerAdvEnableCnf_tPeriodic advertising enable
 CLlPerAdvParam_tPeriodic advertising parameters
 CLlPerAdvReportInd_tLE periodic advertising report
 CLlPerAdvSyncEstdCnf_tLE periodic advertising synchronization established
 CLlPerAdvSyncLostInd_tLE periodic advertising sync lost
 CLlPerSyncTrsfRcvdInd_tLE periodic advertising sync transfer received
 CLlPhyUpdateInd_tPHY update complete
 CLlPowerReportInd_tLE power reporting indication
 CLlReadLocalP256PubKeyInd_tRead local P-256 key pair complete
 CLlReadRemoteFeatCnf_tRead remote feature confirm
 CLlReadRemoteVerInfoCnf_tRead remote version information confirm
 CLlRemConnParamInd_tConnection parameter change indication
 CLlRtCfg_tLL runtime configuration parameters
 CLlScanParam_tScan parameters
 CLlScanReportInd_tScan report
 CLlScanReqRcvdInd_tScan request received
 CLlTerminateBigInd_tTerminate BIG complete event
 CLlTestReport_tTest report data
 ClmgrAdvbUser_tAdvertising broadcast user data
 ClmgrAdvParam_tAdvertising parameters
 ClmgrChanParam_tChannel parameters
 ClmgrCisMstCtrlBlk_tMaster role device parameter definition
 ClmgrCisSlvCtrlBlk_tSlave role device parameter definition
 ClmgrConnCtrlBlk_tSlave role device parameter definition
 ClmgrCtrlBlk_tLink layer manager control block (cleared with resets)
 ClmgrIsoCtrlBlk_tSlave role device parameter definition
 ClmgrMstScanCtrlBlk_tMaster role device parameter definition
 ClmgrPerAdvSyncEstdInd_tPeriodic advertising sync established event
 ClmgrPersistCtrlBlk_tLink layer manager persistent control block (persists with resets)
 ClmgrPrivCtrlBlk_tSlave role device parameter definition
 ClmgrScanParam_tScan parameters
 ClmgrScCtrlBlk_tSecure connections parameter definition
 ClmgrSlvAdvCtrlBlk_tSlave role device parameter definition
 CLoRaMacLoRaMac Class Implementation of LoRaWAN MAC layer
 Cloramac_tx_message_tStack level TX message structure
 CLoRaMacCommandLoRaMacCommand Class Helper class for LoRaMac layer to handle any MAC commands
 CLoRaPHYLoRaPHY Class Parent class for LoRa regional PHY implementations
 CLoRaRadioInterface for the radios, containing the main functions that a radio needs, and five callback functions
 Clorawan_app_callbacks_tStack level callback functions
 Clorawan_connectLorawan_connect_t structure
 Clorawan_connect_abp_tThe lorawan_connect_abp structure
 Clorawan_connect_otaa_tThe lorawan_connect_otaa structure
 Clorawan_rx_metadataMeta-data collection for the received packet
 Clorawan_sessionLoRaWAN session
 Clorawan_tx_metadataMeta-data collection for a transmission
 CLoRaWANInterfaceLoRaWANInterface Class A network interface for LoRaWAN
 CLoRaWANStackLoRaWANStack Class A controller layer for LoRaWAN MAC and PHY
 CLoRaWANTimeHandler/ _____) _ | | ( (____ _____ ____ _| |_ _____ ____| |__ ____ | ___ | (_ _) ___ |/ ___) _ \ _____) ) ____| | | || |_| ____( (___| | | | (______/|_____)_|_|_| __)_____)____)_| |_| (C)2013 Semtech
 CLoWPANNDInterface6LoWPAN-ND mesh network interface class
 Clwip_cyclic_timerThis struct contains information about a stack-internal timer function that has to be called at a defined interval
 CMB_FUS_DeviceInfoTable_tThis table shall be used only in the case the CPU2 runs the FUS
 CMB_SysTable_tMsg [0:7] = cmd/evt [8:31] = Reserved
 Cmbed_stats_cpu_tStruct mbed_stats_cpu_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_heap_tStruct mbed_stats_heap_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_socket_tStructure to parse socket statistics
 Cmbed_stats_stack_tStruct mbed_stats_stack_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_sys_tStruct mbed_stats_sys_t definition
 Cmbed_stats_thread_tStruct mbed_stats_thread_t definition
 CMbedTesterThe base class for controlling the FPGA CI Test Shield
 Cmbedtls_psa_stats_sStatistics about resource consumption related to the PSA keystore
 Cmemory_resource_handle_tMemory handle
 Cmemp_descMemory pool descriptor
 Cmesh_mac_statistics_tMesh physical layer statistics
 Cmesh_nw_statistics_tMesh network statistics
 CMeshInterfaceCommon interface that is shared between mesh hardware
 CMIDIMessageA MIDI message container
 Cmld_headerMulticast listener report/query/done message header
 Cmodulation_params_tThe type describing the modulation parameters for every packet types
 Cmqtt_client_sMQTT client
 Cmqtt_connect_client_info_tClient information and connection parameters
 Cmqtt_request_tPending request item, binds application callback to pending server requests
 Cmqtt_ringbuf_tRing buffer
 CMsgHeaderIteratorAllows iteration through the list of message headers received in the control parameter of the socket_sendto_control / socket_recvfrom_control methods
 Cna_headerNeighbor advertisement message header
 CNanostackEthernetInterfaceEthernet interface for Nanostack
 CNanostackEthernetPhyEthernet PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackLockGuardRAII style Nanostack mutex acquisition
 CNanostackMACPhyMAC PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackPhyPHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackPPPPhyPPP PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CNanostackRfPhyRadio PHY driver class for Nanostack
 CnetifGeneric data structure used for all lwIP network interfaces
 Cnetif_ext_callback_args_tArgument supplied to netif_ext_callback_fn
 CNetworkInterfaceCommon interface that is shared between network devices
 CNetworkStackNetworkStack class
 CnodeConnected isochronous stream node
 Cns_headerNeighbor solicitation message header
 Cnsapi_addrIP address structure for passing IP addresses by value
 Cnsapi_ip_mreqNsapi_ip_mreq structure
 Cnsapi_latency_reqNsapi_latency_req structure
 Cnsapi_pktinfoNsapi_pktinfo structure
 Cnsapi_stackNsapi_stack structure
 Cnsapi_stack_apiNsapi_stack_api structure
 Cnsapi_stagger_reqNsapi_stagger_req structure
 Cnsapi_wifi_apNsapi_wifi_ap structure
 COnboardNetworkStackMbed OS API for onboard IP stack abstraction
 COSPIFBlockDeviceBlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over OSPI bus
 Cpacket_paramsThe type describing the packet parameters for every packet types
 Cpacket_status_tRepresents the packet status for every packet type
 CPalBb154Chan_t802.15.4 channelization parameters
 CPalBb154DrvPib_tagMAC PIB for driver
 CPalBb154DrvStats_tBaseband driver statistics
 CPalBb154OpParam_tOperation parameters
 CPalBb154TxBufDescTransmit buffer descriptor
 CPalBbBleChan_tBLE channelization parameters
 CPalBbBleDataParam_tBLE data transfer parameters
 CPalBbBleOpParam_tOperation parameters
 CPalBbBleTxBufDesc_tTransmit buffer descriptor
 CPalBbCfg_tBB configuration
 CPalCryptoEnc_tEncryption data
 CPalI2sConfig_tI2S configuration
 CPalSpiConfig_tPeripheral configuration
 CPalTwiDevConfig_tTWI device configuration
 CPalUartConfig_tPeripheral configuration
 CpbufMain packet buffer struct
 Cpbuf_romHelper struct for const-correctness only
 CPlatformMutexUsed to synchronize the execution of threads
 Cppp_serviceThis interface should be used to abstract low level access to networking hardware All operations receive a void * hardware pointer which an ppp device provides when it is registered with a stack
 CPPPInterfacePPPInterface class Implementation of the NetworkInterface for an PPP-service
 Cpsa_audit_recordThis structure contains the record that is added to the audit log by the requesting secure service
 Cpsa_drv_entropy_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to interface to an entropy source
 Cpsa_drv_se_aead_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to implement secure element Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data operations
 Cpsa_drv_se_asymmetric_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to implement asymmetric cryptographic operations using secure elements
 Cpsa_drv_se_cipher_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to implement cipher operations using secure elements
 Cpsa_drv_se_context_tDriver context structure
 Cpsa_drv_se_key_derivation_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to for secure element key derivation and agreement
 Cpsa_drv_se_key_management_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to for secure element key management
 Cpsa_drv_se_mac_tA struct containing all of the function pointers needed to perform secure element MAC operations
 Cpsa_drv_se_tA structure containing pointers to all the entry points of a secure element driver
 Cpsa_invecA read-only input memory region provided to an RoT Service
 Cpsa_key_slot_tThe data structure representing a key slot, containing key material and metadata for one key
 Cpsa_outvecA writable output memory region provided to an RoT Service
 Cpsa_se_key_data_storage_tThe storage representation of a key whose data is in a secure element
 Cpsa_storage_info_tA container for metadata associated with a specific uid
 CQCBORStringAllocatorThis is a set of functions and pointer context (in object-oriented parlance, an "object") used to allocate memory for coalescing the segments of an indefinite length string into one
 CQCBORTagListInThis is used to tell the decoder about tags that it should record in uTagBits in QCBORItem beyond the built-in tags
 CQCBORTagListOutThis is for QCBORDecode_GetNextWithTags() to be able to return the full list of tags on an item
 Cqspi_commandQSPI command
 CQSPIFBlockDeviceBlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over QSPI bus
 Cradio_error_tRepresents the possible radio system error states
 Cradio_eventsReporting functions for upper layers
 Cradio_fsk_packet_handlerFSK packet handle
 Cradio_fsk_settingsFSK modem parameters
 Cradio_lora_packet_handlerLoRa packet Contains information about a LoRa packet
 Cradio_lora_settingsLoRa modem parameters
 Cradio_settingsGlobal radio settings
 Cradio_status_tStructure describing the radio status
 CRDAWiFiInterfaceRDAWiFiInterface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for an EMAC-based Ethernet driver
 CReadOnlyArrayGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a read-only GattCharacteristic with an array value
 CReadOnlyGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a read only GattCharacteristic
 CReadWriteArrayGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a readable and writable GattCharacteristic with an array value
 CReadWriteGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a readable and writable GattCharacteristic
 Credirect_headerRedirect message header
 Creset_reason_capabilities_tReset reason capabilities of the platform
 Cresource_hnd_tResource handle structure
 Crf_ctrlsStructure to hold RF controls for LoRa Radio
 Crs_headerRouter solicitation message header
 Crx_counter_tRepresents the Rx internal counters values when GFSK or LoRa packet type is used
 CRX_DescRX Descriptor structure type definition
 Crx_message_uLora_mac_rx_message_by_type_t union
 Crx_param_setup_req_sContains rx parameter setup request coming from network server
 CRX_StatRX Status structure type definition
 CSafeBoolSafe conversion of objects in boolean context
 CSchCtrlBlk_tScheduler control block
 CSchRmCb_tScheduler resource manager control block
 CschRmRsvn_tReservation descriptor
 CSchTmCb_tTopology manager control block
 CschTmLink_tTopology link descriptor
 CSclAccessPointSclAccessPoint class
 CSclSTAInterfaceSclSTAInterface class Implementation of the Network Stack for the SCL
 CSDBlockDeviceSDBlockDevice class
 CsecAes_tAES Security callback parameters structure
 CsecCcmDecMsg_tCCM-Mode decrypt and authenticate callback parameters structure
 CsecCcmEncMsg_tCCM-Mode encrypt callback parameters structure
 CsecCmacMsg_tCMAC Security callback parameters structure
 CsecEccKey_tECC Security public/private key pair
 CsecEccMsg_tECC Security callback parameters structure
 CsecEccSharedSec_tECC security DH Key shared secret
 CsecMsg_tGeneric security callback parameters structure
 Csector_info_tSector information structure
 Cserial_tAsynch serial HAL structure
 CServiceDiscoveryHost callback types needed by the service discovery procedure
 Cshared_data_tlv_entryShared data TLV entry header format
 Cshared_data_tlv_headerShared data TLV header
 CSingletonPtrUtility class for creating and using a singleton
 CsmpCfg_tConfigurable parameters
 CsmpDmAuthRsp_tData type for SMP_MSG_API_AUTH_RSP
 CsmpDmKeypress_tData type for SMP_MSG_API_USER_KEYPRESS
 CsmpDmMsg_tUnion SMP DM message data types
 CsmpDmPair_tData type for SMP_MSG_API_PAIR_REQ and SMP_MSG_API_PAIR_RSP
 CsmpDmSecurityReq_tData type for SMP_MSG_API_SECURITY_REQ
 Csmtp_send_requestThis structure is used as argument for smtp_send_mail_int(), which in turn can be used with tcpip_callback() to send mail from interrupt context, e.g
 CSocketSocket interface
 CSocketAddressSocketAddress class
 CSocketStatsSocketStats class
 Cspi_capabilities_tDescribes the capabilities of a SPI peripherals
 Cspi_tAsynch SPI HAL structure
 CSPIFBlockDeviceBlockDevice for SFDP based flash devices over SPI bus
 CSPINANDBlockDeviceBlockDevice for SPI NAND flash devices over QSPI bus
 CSX1272_LoRaRadioRadio driver implementation for Semtech SX1272 plus variants
 CSX1276_LoRaRadioRadio driver implementation for Semtech SX1272 plus variants
 CSynchronizedIntegralThread safe wrapper for integral types
 Ct_cose_crypto_hashThe context for use with the hash adaptation layer here
 Ct_cose_sign1_ctxThis is the context for creating a COSE_Sign1 structure
 CTCPSocketTCP socket connection
 CterminalCommand_tagTerminal command
 Ctfm_crypto_pack_iovecStructure used to pack non-pointer types in a call
 Ctftp_contextTFTP context containing callback functions for TFTP transfers
 CThreadInterfaceThread mesh network interface class
 Cticker_data_tTicker's data structure
 Cticker_event_queue_tTicker's event queue structure
 Cticker_event_sTicker's event structure
 Cticker_info_tInformation about the ticker implementation
 Cticker_interface_tTicker's interface structure - required API for a ticker
 Ctimer_event_tTimer object description
 CTL_BLE_InitConf_tContain the BLE HCI Init Configuration
 CTL_SYS_InitConf_tContain the SYSTEM HCI Init Configuration
 CTLSSocketTLSSocket is a wrapper around TCPSocket for interacting with TLS servers
 CTLSSocketWrapperTLSSocket is a wrapper around Socket for interacting with TLS servers
 CtSHciContextContain the SHCI context
 CtSHciIOStructure used to manage the BUS IO operations
 Ctx_config_params_tTX configuration parameters
 CTX_DescTX Descriptor structure type definition
 CTX_StatTX Status structure type definition
 CUDPSocketUDP socket implementation
 CUSBAudioUSBAudio example
 CUSBDeviceCore USB Device driver
 CUSBKeyboardUSBKeyboard example
 CUSBMouseUSBMouse example
 CUSBMouseKeyboardUSBMouseKeyboard example
 CUSBMSDUSBMSD class: generic class in order to use all kinds of blocks storage chip
 CUSBPhyAbstract interface to physical USB hardware
 CUSBPhyEventsEvent handler for USBPhy
 CUSBSerialUSBSerial example
 Cuseful_bufThe non-const UsefulBuf typically used for some allocated memory that is to be filled in
 Cuseful_buf_cUsefulBufC and UsefulBuf are simple data structures to hold a pointer and length for a binary data
 Cuseful_out_bufUsefulOutBuf is a structure and functions (an object) that are good for serializing data into a buffer such as is often done with network protocols or data written to files
 Cutest_v1_scheduler_tThe scheduler interface consists out of the post and cancel functions, which you must implement to use utest
 CUUIDRepresentation of a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
 Cverify_adr_params_sStructure used to store ADR values received from network for verification (legality) purposes
 Cwatchdog_config_tWatchdog configuration
 Cwatchdog_features_tWatchdog features
 Cwhd_ap_infoStructure for storing AP information
 Cwhd_arp_stats_sARP offload statistics
 Cwhd_band_list_tStructure for storing radio band list information
 Cwhd_btc_lescan_paramsStructure for LE Scan parameters
 Cwhd_buffer_funcsAllows WHD to perform buffer related operations like, allocating, releasing, retrieving the current pointer of and size of a packet buffer
 Cwhd_coex_configStructure for coex config parameters which can be set by application
 Cwhd_custom_ie_info_tVendor IE details
 Cwhd_eventEvent structure used by driver msgs
 Cwhd_event_eth_hdrStructure to store ethernet header fields in event packets
 Cwhd_event_ether_headerStructure to store ethernet destination, source and ethertype in event packets
 Cwhd_event_msgStructure to store fields after ethernet header in event message
 Cwhd_init_configStructure for storing WHD init configurations
 Cwhd_listen_interval_tStructure for storing 802.11 powersave listen interval values
See whd_wifi_get_listen_interval for more information
 Cwhd_mac_tStructure for storing a MAC address (Wi-Fi Media Access Control address)
 Cwhd_maclist_tStructure describing a list of associated softAP clients
 Cwhd_netif_funcsContains functions which allows WHD to pass received data to the network stack, to send an ethernet frame to WHD, etc
 Cwhd_oob_configStructure for Out-of-band interrupt config parameters which can be set by application during whd power up
 Cwhd_packet_filter_tStructure describing a packet filter list item
 Cwhd_resource_sourceInterface to a data source that provides external resources to the radio driver
 Cwhd_scan_extended_params_tStructure for storing extended scan parameters
 Cwhd_scan_resultStructure for storing scan results
 Cwhd_sdio_configStructure for SDIO config parameters which can be set by application during whd power up
 Cwhd_simple_scan_resultStructure to store scan result parameters for each AP
 Cwhd_spi_configStructure for SPI config parameters which can be set by application during whd power up
 Cwhd_ssid_tStructure for storing a Service Set Identifier (i.e
 Cwhd_tko_connectStruct to query FW for current TKO configuation
 Cwhd_tko_retryGet/Set TKO intervals & retrys
 Cwhd_tko_statusStatus of each TCP connection
 Cwhd_wep_key_tStructure for storing a WEP key
 CWhdAccessPointWhdAccessPoint class
 CWhdSoftAPInterfaceWhdSoftAPInterface class Implementation of the SoftAPInterface for the Whd
 CWhdSTAInterfaceWhdSTAInterface class Implementation of the NetworkStack for the WHD
 CWiFiAccessPointWiFiAccessPoint class
 CWiFiInterfaceCommon interface between Wi-Fi devices
 CWisunBorderRouterWi-SUN Border Router class
 CWisunInterfaceWi-SUN mesh network interface class
 Cwl_bss_info_structBSS(Basic Service Set) information structure
 Cwl_cnt_ver_30_tWlc layer counters
 Cwland_ap_data_tThis struct contains ap data, include ssid key and channel
 Cwland_ap_net_data_tThis struct contains ap net data
 Cwland_sta_data_tThis struct contains all smartconfig mbed flash parameter
 Cwland_tx_power_tThis struct contains tx power parameter
 CWriteOnlyArrayGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a write-only GattCharacteristic with an array value
 CWriteOnlyGattCharacteristicHelper class that represents a write only GattCharacteristic
 Cws_br_infoStruct br_information Border router dynamic information
 Cws_br_radius_timingStruct ws_br_radius_timing_t is RADIUS timing configuration structure
 Cws_br_route_infoStruct br_route_info is parent child relation structure
 Cws_cca_threshold_tableStruct ws_cca_threshold_table Wi-SUN CCA threshold table information
 Cws_nbr_infoStruct ws_nbr_info_t Gives the neighbor information
 Cws_rpl_infoStruct ws_rpl_info Wi-SUN router RPL information
 Cws_stack_stateStruct ws_stack_state Wi-SUN stack information
 CWsfBufDiag_tWSF buffer diagnostics message
 CwsfBufDiagAllocFail_tWSF buffer diagnostics - buffer allocation failure
 CwsfBufPoolDesc_tBuffer pool descriptor structure
 CWsfBufPoolStat_tPool statistics
 CwsfEfsControl_tFile control block data type
 CwsfEfsFileInfo_tFile Listing Information
 CwsfEfsMedia_tMedia Control data type
 CwsfEsfAttributes_tFile attributes data type
 CwsfMsgHdr_tCommon message structure passed to event handler
 CwsfQueue_tQueue structure
 CwsfTimer_tagTimer structure
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