X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Wi-Fi expansion board
Wi-Fi expansion board based on SPWF01SA module for STM32 Nucleo. This board is now DEPRECATED and NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NEW DESIGN.
Hello World
Import programHelloWorld_IDW01M1v2
Simple test application for the STMicroelectronics X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Wi-Fi expansion board.
Import libraryX_NUCLEO_IDW01M1v2
X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Wi-Fi expansion board mbed OS 2 ("Classic") library. mbed OS 5 library also available (see below).

This component is now deprecated and Not Recommended for New Design.
STM32 Nucleo Programming Warning
Preliminary samples of X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 mount R21 zero-ohm resistor which may interfere with JTAG programming of STM32 on STM32Nucleo board.
Disassemble R21 to fix the problem.
mbed OS 5 driver library
mbed OS 5 library can be found at this link.
The X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 is a Wi-Fi evaluation board based on the SPWF01SA module, which expands the STM32 Nucleo boards.
The CE, IC and FCC certified SPWF01SA module has an embedded STM32 MCU, a low-power Wi-Fi b/g/n SoC with integrated power amplifier and power management and an SMD antenna. The SPWF01SA module is also equipped with 1 MByte of external FLASH for firmware update over-the-air (FOTA).
The firmware features a complete software IP stack to open up to 8 TCP/UDP sockets, as well as dynamic web pages with SSI to interact with the module and a REST API (get & post) for conveniently transferring files to/from servers in the cloud. The module can simultaneously behave as a socket server and socket client. The firmware supports secure sockets with TLS/SSL encryption, ensuring secure end-to-end communications with the cloud, with or without authentication. The module operates as a client STA, IBSS, or miniAP (with up to 5 client STAs).
The X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 interfaces with the MCU on the STM32 Nucleo board via the UART serial port; the user can easily access the stack functions using the AT command. X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 is compatible with both the ST morpho and Arduino UNO R3 connector layout.
Key Features
- X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 hosts FCC, IC and CE certified SPWF01SA module (FCC ID: VRA-SG9011203, IC: 7420A-SG9011203 and ETSI compliant)
- SPWF01SA module major characteristics:
- low power IEEE 802.11 b/g/n transceiver
- integrated SMD antenna
- STM32 ARM Cortex-M3, with 64 KB RAM and 512KB FLASH memory
- 1 MByte extended flash for FW update over the air (FOTA)
- integrated protocol stacks: TCP/IP, TLS/SSL
- application layer functions: web server supporting dynamic web pages, REST API to get & post web content
- WEP/WPA/WPA2 personal security
- system modes: station, IBSS, and miniAP
- 16 configurable GPIOs available
- simple AT command set host interface through UART
- compatible with STM32 Nucleo boards
- equipped both with ST morpho connector and Arduino UNO R3 connectors
- scalable solution; it can cascade multiple boards for larger systems
- free development firmware library and examples, compatible with STM32Cube
- RoHS compliant
Further information and ordering
X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 can be purchased directly from ST web site.
The page provides additional documents like a user manual, a quick start guide, schematics, gerber files and bill of materials.
Additional SW and tools are also provided.
Other Examples
More complex mbed OS 2 ("Classic") examples, also using on module TLS/SSL functionality, are provided below.
Import programTLS_HelloWorld_IDW01M1
Connect a secure socket with TLS server authentication through X-NUCLEO_IDW01M1 Wi-Fi.
Import programNTPClient_HelloWorld
NTP client app setting system time and X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Wi-Fi board time connecting to internet NTP UTC time server.
Import programHTTPClient_HelloWorld_IDW01M1
HTTP/HTTPS client Hello World application running with X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1v2 wifi board.
Import programIDW01M1_Cloud_IBM
Connect through Wifi to IBM MQTT cloud https://quickstart.internetofthings.ibmcloud.com
Other examples using mbed-os 5.5.
Import programCloud_IBM_MbedOS
Publisher for IBM Quickstart and Watson IoT cloud.
NetworkSocketAPI Test Suite
SpwfInterface_NSAPI_Tests is a test suite application for the NSAPI Tests Suite for the expansion board X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1. Current supported platforms are NUCLEO-F401RE and NUCLEO-L476RG.
Import programSpwfInterface_NSAPI_Testsv2
NetworkSocketAPI Test Suite for X-NUCLEO-IDW01M1 Wi-Fi expansion board.
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