
Dependencies of SimplePIDBot

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.
Simple program featuring a few API functions usage of the X_NUCLEO_IHM04A1 library. brushDC, driver, L6206, motor, ST
Proportional, integral, derivative controller library. Ported from the Arduino PID library by Brett Beauregard. control, PID
Library used to control ST Nucleo Evaluation board IHM04A1, based on L6206 motor control driver. brushDC, driver, L6206, motor, ST
InterruptIn style DigitalIn debounced with callbacks for pin state change and pin state hold. debounce, DigitalIn, InterruptIn
Class mRotaryEncoder for mechanical incremental rotary encoders with pushbuttons. Use debouncing and callback-functions for rotation and pressing of button. This version is for old mbed. New version for mbed-os see … Encoder, QEI, quadrature, rotary
version qui corrige tous les beugs
A simple class which can be used to control a motor through a HBridge (such as the L293). hbridge, ICRS, motor