for EthernetInterface library compatibility.\\ ** Unoffical fix. may be a problem. **
Dependents: SNIC-httpclient-example SNIC-ntpclient-example
Fork of SNICInterface by
Auto generated API documentation and code listings for SNICInterface_PullReq
C_SNIC_Core | Internal class used by any other classes |
C_SNIC_UartCommandManager | Internal class for managing the SNIC UART command |
C_SNIC_UartMsgUtil | Internal utility class used by any other classes |
C_SNIC_WifiInterface | Interface class for using SNIC UART |
Endpoint | IP Endpoint (address, port) |
Socket | Socket file descriptor and select wrapper |
tagMEMPOOL_BLOCK_T | Memorypool |
tagSCAN_RESULT_T | Scan result structure used by scanresults handler |
tagWIFI_STATUS_T | Wi-Fi status used by getWifiStatus() |
TCPSocketConnection | Interface class for TCP socket of using SNIC UART |
TCPSocketServer | Interface class for TCP server socket of using SNIC UART |
UDPSocket | Interface class for UDP socket of using SNIC UART |
CBuffer.h [code] | |
Endpoint.cpp [code] | |
Endpoint.h [code] | |
MurataObject.cpp [code] | |
MurataObject.h [code] | |
SNIC_Core.cpp [code] | |
SNIC_Core.h [code] | |
SNIC_UartCommandManager.cpp [code] | |
SNIC_UartCommandManager.h [code] | |
SNIC_UartMsgUtil.cpp [code] | |
SNIC_UartMsgUtil.h [code] | |
SNIC_WifiInterface.cpp [code] | |
SNIC_WifiInterface.h [code] | |
Socket.cpp [code] | |
Socket.h [code] | |
TCPSocketConnection.cpp [code] | |
TCPSocketConnection.h [code] | |
TCPSocketServer.cpp [code] | |
TCPSocketServer.h [code] | |
UDPSocket.cpp [code] | |
UDPSocket.h [code] |