Dependents of BLE_API

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

BLE testing connecting
App for BLE Nano to monitor the power consumption for a specific location, by intercepting the led flashes of a standard power meter. It counts and log the flashes for … BLE Nano, data logger, Peripheral Role., power consumption, Power Meter, RTC
スマホのアプリで温度を表示するプログラム kids, workshop
BLE demo for the Health-Thermometer service.
/ MAXWSNENV_demo Featured
Sorfware for Lexy ( Hexapode ) hexapod, robot
BLE_Driver Example
Working code with BLE and accelerometer.(DFU pending)
basic test to get quaternion over ble and use it to improve balance board skills
Funciona no redbear
Sample BLE code using Led2 to debug
Diseño de Firmaware Diseañado en base a los requerimientos definidos durante la etapa de analisis. BLE, Characteristics, nRF51822
Diseño de Firmaware Diseañado en base a los requerimientos definidos durante la etapa de analisis. BLE, Characteristics, nRF51822
Exemplo (Nucleo_BLE_HeartRate) X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1
VNG bot battle
First Working version of simple Beacon with PIR sensor
Seat sensor first upload wokring 07092016
fork test
Controlador da Panificador
Seeed Test program for Carbon BLE
PIR sensor on BLE nano with BEACON service
The simplest of Beacons with basic configuration. basic, beacon, BLE
This is sample code for interfacing ROHM's SENSORSHLD1-EVK-101 with Nordic Semiconductor's nRF51-DK Development Kit Host BTLE Board
An example driving an LED through a BLE service using ST BlueNRG native drivers
An example of creating and updating a simple GATT Service using the BLE_API
A GattClient example based on ST BlueNRG driving an LED service exported by a BLE_LED peripheral. Shows scanning, connections, service-discovery, and reads/writes.
This example uses MtConnect04S to connect and measure with sensors of accelerometer and pyrometer. m904s, mtconnect04s, mtm
Added mag calibration and interrupt-based data ready
Minimal usage example of BLE API FOTA, nrf51, nrf5182 BLE, OTA
my ble test
BLe Central Role. It can connect to a number of peripheral that use the same uart ble services central role, uart ble