Dependents of BLE_API

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

VTT TinyNode, slightly modified code from example (
mbed First Project Code mbed, nRF51822
Project for IoT2
new version for central test two peripherals BLE_Nano, nRF51822, RBL
new version for central test two peripherals BLE_Nano, nRF51822, RBL
demo with ST sensor and ST BLE BLE, ST
get the accelaration and judge the moving state then broadcast by BLE
lora experiments
Temp and Pressure get on BMP180
Run on TY51822r3 board with ACC sensor (LIS3DH or BMC050) BMC050, LIS3DH, TY51822r3
You can control from iPhone and put some command. h=show commands help, v=show TY51822r3 VDD data, t=show chip temperature, q=you can make deep sleep condition. nrf51, TY51822r3
Pair function with BLE_Paired_Client. If missing BLE_Paired_Server side, Client side of BZ will ON for notice. BLE, client, nrf51, server, TY51822r3
Pair function with BLE_Paired_Sever. If missing BLE_Paired_Server side, BZ will ON for notice. BLE, client, nrf51, sever, TY51822r3
Firmware for BLE Tags
Broadcasts raw accelerometer values
Thermometer indicating temperature and humidity by LED blink pattern delta, DFCM-NNN40, Humidity, NNN40, Temperature, thermometer
ble test
Code used for Sensor Expo 2016 - Balloon Game. More details can be found here:
Using the BLE Loopback UART based program to work with LSM9DS1 sensor
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 Environmental/Motion sensors data transmitted via X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 BLE board. Compatible with iOS/Android ST BlueMS V2.1 application. Nucleo STM32F401RE, X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1
Ejemplo de BLE_UART desarrollado
Prueba de comunicación I2C BLE, nano, RedBearLab
Another commit for the interrupt added. Renamed the main branch screwed up somethings..
Change LSM6DS3 power mode using nRF51-DK BLE.
Access different power mode of BNO055 via nRF51-DK BLE
example firmware for nRF51-Dongle to use with Opentrigger
For VNG botwar
BLE iBeacon Scan example for Nordic dongle
first test of NRF51822
This program enables a RedBearlab nRF51822 to be used as a "bridge device" with full bi-directional communication between MIDI through standard MIDI cables and BLE-MIDI. MIDI cables are connected to … MIDI, music, nRF51822, RedBearLab
test publish