Dependents of BLE_API

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Update for latest nRF51822 code changes.
testing for double to float
an observer for temperature demo
/ Puck Featured
A library for easier setup and prototyping of IoT devices (pucks), by collecting everything that is common for all pucks in one place. BLE, bluetooth, nRF51822
Test Ethernet, SD card and BLE of Arch Link Arch Link, BLE, SD, W5500
use UART Service to loopback anything received on the TX characteristic onto the RX. BLE, nRF, UART
HID scanner demo
Demo Glucose Service
forked - for export trials ..
Cycle speed and cadence example for the BLE API using nRF51822 native mode drivers
Followed lateest libraries (BLE ,mbed and nRF51822)
update to the latest of the underlying libraries. 最新のライブラリでコンパイル出来るようにしました。 動作確認済みです。
heart rate monitor
ESP8266 and nRF51822 simple WiFi connection and temperature publishing to a socket server.
Demo for the Adafruit_SHARP_Memory_Display.
Heart Rate Monitor example for the BLE API using nRF51822 native mode drivers
only moves 1 direction
スマートロックソフトウェア(BLE nano用)
This is a simple program to work with RedBearLab BLE Controller App. Type something from the Terminal to send to the BLEController App or vice verse. Characteristics received from App … BLE, nRF51822, RedBearLab
AndroidにキーボードとしてBLEモジュールを認識させて、ショートカットを叩けます。 ショートカットキー btn1:Alt + Tab btn2: Enter BLE, HID, HRM1017, keyboard
This is a demo for controlling your ShieldBot using your mobile phone
BLE GATT-service implementation for high quantity sensor data from a MPU6050-accelerator/gyroscope
PIR + LoRa
EddyStone Beacon demo for the BLE API using the nRF51822 native mode drivers