Dependents of BLE_API

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Demo program for LSM303 based boards
BLE UART adapted for controlling ObCP ENSMM user board with nrF UART ENSMM, IDB05A1, LIS3DSH, OBCP
Depart L476 Version 1 Communication UART par BLE avec App Inventor Communication HC05 avec F411
BLE test for specific board mheuve sensor ENSMM CROC BLE, CROC, ENSMM, MAX30102, stm32L476RG
Ce programme correspond a la cellule de depart du systeme "Laser Gate Timer" developpe par Tanguy KESSELY et Dorian VOYDIE. Il utilise une carte Nucleo F411, un shield BLE IDB05A1 … 433MHz, BLE, laser, RollerBlade
Lab 6 of Measurement for Network course at University of Sannio
51822 gatt gamepad no test 51822, gamepad, GATT
experimental soil ble
A theremin project FIB
Code for testing scooter electronics