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You can use Generic Attribute Profile (GATT) to discover services, characteristics and descriptors and to perform operations on them. The interaction happens between two peers, one of which is the client (which initiates interactions) and the other is the server (which responds). You can use Attribute Protocol (ATT) to implement this interaction.

GattServer is a collection of GattServices. These services contain characteristics that a GattClient on the peer connected to the device may read or write. These characteristics may also emit updates to subscribed clients when their values change.

Server layout

Application code can add a GattService object to the server with the help of the function addService(). That function registers all the GattCharacteristics enclosed in the service, as well as all the characteristic descriptors (see GattAttribute) that these characteristics contain. Service registration assigns a unique handle to the various attributes that are part of the service. The user must use this handle to read or write these components.

There are no defined primitives that remove a single service; however, a call to the function reset() removes all services previously registered in the GattServer.

Characteristic and attributes access

You must access values of the characteristic and the characteristic descriptor present in the GattServer through the handle assigned to them when you registered the service. The GattServer class offers several types of read() and write() functions that retrieve or mutate an attribute value.

You can query the server by invoking the function areUpdatesEnabled() to find out if a client has subscribed to a given characteristic's value update.

Attribute Protocol Maximum Transmission Unit (ATT_MTU)

The Attribute Protocol Maximum Transmission Unit (ATT_MTU) is the maximum size of the attribute protocol packet. For details, please see the GattClient Documentation.


You can register your implementation of GattServer::EventHandler with the GattServer using GattServer::setEventHandler(). It will call your event handler methods to notify you of client (remote application connected to the server) and server activity:

  • onDataSent: Register an event handler with the GattServer that it will call to notify you when it sends a characteristic value update to a client.
  • onDataWriten: Register an event handler with the GattServer that it will call to notify you when a client has written an attribute of the server.
  • onDataRead: Register an event handler with the GattServer that it will call to notify you when a client has read an attribute of the server.
  • onUpdatesEnabled: Register an event handler with the GattServer that it will call to notify you when a client subscribes to updates for a characteristic.
  • onUpdatesDisabled: Register an event handler with the GattServer that it will call to notify you when a client unsubscribes from updates for a characteristic.
  • onConfimationReceived: Register an event handler with the GattServer that it will call to notify you when a client acknowledges a characteristic value notification.

The term characteristic value update represents Characteristic Value Notification and Characteristic Value Indication when the nature of the server initiated is not relevant.

GattServer class reference

Data Structures
struct  EventHandler
 Definition of the general handler of GattServer related events. More...
Public Types
typedef FunctionPointerWithContext< unsigned > DataSentCallback_t
 Event handler invoked when the server has sent data to a client. More...
typedef CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< unsigned > DataSentCallbackChain_t
 Callchain of DataSentCallback_t objects. More...
typedef FunctionPointerWithContext< const GattWriteCallbackParams * > DataWrittenCallback_t
 Event handler invoked when the client has written an attribute of the server. More...
typedef CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< const GattWriteCallbackParams * > DataWrittenCallbackChain_t
 Callchain of DataWrittenCallback_t objects. More...
typedef FunctionPointerWithContext< const GattReadCallbackParams * > DataReadCallback_t
 Event handler invoked when the client has read an attribute of the server. More...
typedef CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< const GattReadCallbackParams * > DataReadCallbackChain_t
 Callchain of DataReadCallback_t. More...
typedef FunctionPointerWithContext< const GattServer * > GattServerShutdownCallback_t
 Event handler invoked when the GattServer is reset. More...
typedef CallChainOfFunctionPointersWithContext< const GattServer * > GattServerShutdownCallbackChain_t
 Callchain of GattServerShutdownCallback_t. More...
typedef FunctionPointerWithContext< GattAttribute::Handle_tEventCallback_t
 Event handler that handles subscription to characteristic updates, unsubscription from characteristic updates and notification confirmation. More...
Public Member Functions
void setEventHandler (EventHandler *handler)
 Assign the event handler implementation that will be used by the module to signal events back to the application. More...
ble_error_t reset ()
 Shut down the GattServer instance. More...
ble_error_t addService (GattService &service)
 Add a service declaration to the local attribute server table. More...
ble_error_t read (GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, uint8_t buffer[], uint16_t *lengthP)
 Read the value of an attribute present in the local GATT server. More...
ble_error_t read (ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, uint8_t *buffer, uint16_t *lengthP)
 Read the value of an attribute present in the local GATT server. More...
ble_error_t write (GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, const uint8_t *value, uint16_t size, bool localOnly=false)
 Update the value of an attribute present in the local GATT server. More...
ble_error_t write (ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, GattAttribute::Handle_t attributeHandle, const uint8_t *value, uint16_t size, bool localOnly=false)
 Update the value of an attribute present in the local GATT server. More...
ble_error_t areUpdatesEnabled (const GattCharacteristic &characteristic, bool *enabledP)
 Determine if one of the connected clients has subscribed to notifications or indications of the characteristic in input. More...
ble_error_t areUpdatesEnabled (ble::connection_handle_t connectionHandle, const GattCharacteristic &characteristic, bool *enabledP)
 Determine if an identified client has subscribed to notifications or indications of a given characteristic. More...
bool isOnDataReadAvailable () const
 Indicate if the underlying stack emit events when an attribute is read by a client. More...
void onDataSent (const DataSentCallback_t &callback)
 Add an event handler that monitors emission of characteristic value updates. More...
template<typename T >
void onDataSent (T *objPtr, void(T::*memberPtr)(unsigned count))
 Add an event handler that monitors emission of characteristic value updates. More...
DataSentCallbackChain_tonDataSent ()
 Access the callchain of data sent event handlers. More...
void onDataWritten (const DataWrittenCallback_t &callback)
 Set an event handler that is called after a connected peer has written an attribute. More...
template<typename T >
void onDataWritten (T *objPtr, void(T::*memberPtr)(const GattWriteCallbackParams *context))
 Set an event handler that is called after a connected peer has written an attribute. More...
DataWrittenCallbackChain_tonDataWritten ()
 Access the callchain of data written event handlers. More...
ble_error_t onDataRead (const DataReadCallback_t &callback)
 Set an event handler that monitors attribute reads from connected clients. More...
template<typename T >
ble_error_t onDataRead (T *objPtr, void(T::*memberPtr)(const GattReadCallbackParams *context))
 Set an event handler that monitors attribute reads from connected clients. More...
DataReadCallbackChain_tonDataRead ()
 Access the callchain of data read event handlers. More...
void onShutdown (const GattServerShutdownCallback_t &callback)
 Set an event handler that monitors shutdown or reset of the GattServer. More...
template<typename T >
void onShutdown (T *objPtr, void(T::*memberPtr)(const GattServer *))
 Set an event handler that monitors shutdown or reset of the GattServer. More...
GattServerShutdownCallbackChain_tonShutdown ()
 Access the callchain of shutdown event handlers. More...
void onUpdatesEnabled (EventCallback_t callback)
 Set up an event handler that monitors subscription to characteristic updates. More...
void onUpdatesDisabled (EventCallback_t callback)
 Set up an event handler that monitors unsubscription from characteristic updates. More...
void onConfirmationReceived (EventCallback_t callback)
 Set up an event handler that monitors notification acknowledgment. More...

GattServer examples

Add Service

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <events/mbed_events.h>
#include "ble/BLE.h"
#include "ble/gap/Gap.h"
#include "ble/services/HeartRateService.h"
#include "pretty_printer.h"

using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;

const static char DEVICE_NAME[] = "Heartrate";

static events::EventQueue event_queue(/* event count */ 16 * EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);

class HeartrateDemo : ble::Gap::EventHandler {
    HeartrateDemo(BLE &ble, events::EventQueue &event_queue) :
        _heartrate_service(ble, _heartrate_value, HeartRateService::LOCATION_FINGER),

    void start()
        _ble.init(this, &HeartrateDemo::on_init_complete);


    /** Callback triggered when the ble initialization process has finished */
    void on_init_complete(BLE::InitializationCompleteCallbackContext *params)
        if (params->error != BLE_ERROR_NONE) {
            printf("Ble initialization failed.");


        /* this allows us to receive events like onConnectionComplete() */

        /* heart rate value updated every second */
            [this] {


    void start_advertising()
        /* Create advertising parameters and payload */

        ble::AdvertisingParameters adv_parameters(

        _adv_data_builder.setLocalServiceList({&_heartrate_uuid, 1});

        /* Setup advertising */

        ble_error_t error = _ble.gap().setAdvertisingParameters(

        if (error) {
            printf("_ble.gap().setAdvertisingParameters() failed\r\n");

        error = _ble.gap().setAdvertisingPayload(

        if (error) {
            printf("_ble.gap().setAdvertisingPayload() failed\r\n");

        /* Start advertising */

        error = _ble.gap().startAdvertising(ble::LEGACY_ADVERTISING_HANDLE);

        if (error) {
            printf("_ble.gap().startAdvertising() failed\r\n");

        printf("Heart rate sensor advertising, please connect\r\n");

    void update_sensor_value()
        /* you can read in the real value but here we just simulate a value */

        /*  100 <= bpm value <= 175 */
        if (_heartrate_value == 175) {
            _heartrate_value = 100;


    /* these implement ble::Gap::EventHandler */
    /* when we connect we stop advertising, restart advertising so others can connect */
    virtual void onConnectionComplete(const ble::ConnectionCompleteEvent &event)
        if (event.getStatus() == ble_error_t::BLE_ERROR_NONE) {
            printf("Client connected, you may now subscribe to updates\r\n");

    /* when we connect we stop advertising, restart advertising so others can connect */
    virtual void onDisconnectionComplete(const ble::DisconnectionCompleteEvent &event)
        printf("Client disconnected, restarting advertising\r\n");

        ble_error_t error = _ble.gap().startAdvertising(ble::LEGACY_ADVERTISING_HANDLE);

        if (error) {
            printf("_ble.gap().startAdvertising() failed\r\n");

    BLE &_ble;
    events::EventQueue &_event_queue;

    UUID _heartrate_uuid;
    uint8_t _heartrate_value;
    HeartRateService _heartrate_service;

    uint8_t _adv_buffer[ble::LEGACY_ADVERTISING_MAX_SIZE];
    ble::AdvertisingDataBuilder _adv_data_builder;

/* Schedule processing of events from the BLE middleware in the event queue. */
void schedule_ble_events(BLE::OnEventsToProcessCallbackContext *context)
    event_queue.call(Callback<void()>(&context->ble, &BLE::processEvents));

int main()
    BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();

    HeartrateDemo demo(ble, event_queue);

    return 0;

Characteristic Writes

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <events/mbed_events.h>
#include "ble/BLE.h"
#include "gatt_server_process.h"

static EventQueue event_queue(/* event count */ 10 * EVENTS_EVENT_SIZE);

class GattServerDemo : ble::GattServer::EventHandler {

    const static uint16_t EXAMPLE_SERVICE_UUID         = 0xA000;
    const static uint16_t WRITABLE_CHARACTERISTIC_UUID = 0xA001;

        _writable_characteristic = new ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<uint8_t> (uuid, &_characteristic_value);

        if (!_writable_characteristic) {
            printf("Allocation of ReadWriteGattCharacteristic failed\r\n");


    void start(BLE &ble, events::EventQueue &event_queue)
        const UUID uuid = EXAMPLE_SERVICE_UUID;
        GattCharacteristic* charTable[] = { _writable_characteristic };
        GattService example_service(uuid, charTable, 1);



        printf("Example service added with UUID 0xA000\r\n");
        printf("Connect and write to characteristic 0xA001\r\n");

     * This callback allows the LEDService to receive updates to the ledState Characteristic.
     * @param[in] params Information about the characterisitc being updated.
    virtual void onDataWritten(const GattWriteCallbackParams &params)
        if ((params.handle == _writable_characteristic->getValueHandle()) && (params.len == 1)) {
            printf("New characteristic value written: %x\r\n", *(params.data));

    ReadWriteGattCharacteristic<uint8_t> *_writable_characteristic = nullptr;
    uint8_t _characteristic_value = 0;

int main()
    BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();

    printf("\r\nGattServer demo of a writable characteristic\r\n");

    GattServerDemo demo;

    /* this process will handle basic setup and advertising for us */
    GattServerProcess ble_process(event_queue, ble);

    /* once it's done it will let us continue with our demo*/
    ble_process.on_init(callback(&demo, &GattServerDemo::start));


    return 0;

Characteristic Updates

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include "platform/Callback.h"
#include "events/EventQueue.h"
#include "ble/BLE.h"
#include "gatt_server_process.h"

using mbed::callback;
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;

 * A Clock service that demonstrate the GattServer features.
 * The clock service host three characteristics that model the current hour,
 * minute and second of the clock. The value of the second characteristic is
 * incremented automatically by the system.
 * A client can subscribe to updates of the clock characteristics and get
 * notified when one of the value is changed. Clients can also change value of
 * the second, minute and hour characteristric.
class ClockService : public ble::GattServer::EventHandler {
    ClockService() :
        _hour_char("485f4145-52b9-4644-af1f-7a6b9322490f", 0),
        _minute_char("0a924ca7-87cd-4699-a3bd-abdcd9cf126a", 0),
        _second_char("8dd6a1b7-bc75-4741-8a26-264af75807de", 0),
            /* uuid */ "51311102-030e-485f-b122-f8f381aa84ed",
            /* characteristics */ _clock_characteristics,
            /* numCharacteristics */ sizeof(_clock_characteristics) /
        /* update internal pointers (value, descriptors and characteristics array) */
        _clock_characteristics[0] = &_hour_char;
        _clock_characteristics[1] = &_minute_char;
        _clock_characteristics[2] = &_second_char;

        /* setup authorization handlers */
        _hour_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &ClockService::authorize_client_write);
        _minute_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &ClockService::authorize_client_write);
        _second_char.setWriteAuthorizationCallback(this, &ClockService::authorize_client_write);

    void start(BLE &ble, events::EventQueue &event_queue)
        _server = &ble.gattServer();
        _event_queue = &event_queue;

        printf("Registering demo service\r\n");
        ble_error_t err = _server->addService(_clock_service);

        if (err) {
            printf("Error %u during demo service registration.\r\n", err);

        /* register handlers */

        printf("clock service registered\r\n");
        printf("service handle: %u\r\n", _clock_service.getHandle());
        printf("hour characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _hour_char.getValueHandle());
        printf("minute characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _minute_char.getValueHandle());
        printf("second characteristic value handle %u\r\n", _second_char.getValueHandle());

        _event_queue->call_every(1000ms, callback(this, &ClockService::increment_second));

    /* GattServer::EventHandler */
     * Handler called when a notification or an indication has been sent.
    void onDataSent(const GattDataSentCallbackParams &params) override
        printf("sent updates\r\n");

     * Handler called after an attribute has been written.
    void onDataWritten(const GattWriteCallbackParams &params) override
        printf("data written:\r\n");
        printf("connection handle: %u\r\n", params.connHandle);
        printf("attribute handle: %u", params.handle);
        if (params.handle == _hour_char.getValueHandle()) {
            printf(" (hour characteristic)\r\n");
        } else if (params.handle == _minute_char.getValueHandle()) {
            printf(" (minute characteristic)\r\n");
        } else if (params.handle == _second_char.getValueHandle()) {
            printf(" (second characteristic)\r\n");
        } else {
        printf("write operation: %u\r\n", params.writeOp);
        printf("offset: %u\r\n", params.offset);
        printf("length: %u\r\n", params.len);
        printf("data: ");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < params.len; ++i) {
            printf("%02X", params.data[i]);


     * Handler called after an attribute has been read.
    void onDataRead(const GattReadCallbackParams &params) override
        printf("data read:\r\n");
        printf("connection handle: %u\r\n", params.connHandle);
        printf("attribute handle: %u", params.handle);
        if (params.handle == _hour_char.getValueHandle()) {
            printf(" (hour characteristic)\r\n");
        } else if (params.handle == _minute_char.getValueHandle()) {
            printf(" (minute characteristic)\r\n");
        } else if (params.handle == _second_char.getValueHandle()) {
            printf(" (second characteristic)\r\n");
        } else {

     * Handler called after a client has subscribed to notification or indication.
     * @param handle Handle of the characteristic value affected by the change.
    void onUpdatesEnabled(const GattUpdatesEnabledCallbackParams &params) override
        printf("update enabled on handle %d\r\n", params.attHandle);

     * Handler called after a client has cancelled his subscription from
     * notification or indication.
     * @param handle Handle of the characteristic value affected by the change.
    void onUpdatesDisabled(const GattUpdatesDisabledCallbackParams &params) override
        printf("update disabled on handle %d\r\n", params.attHandle);

     * Handler called when an indication confirmation has been received.
     * @param handle Handle of the characteristic value that has emitted the
     * indication.
    void onConfirmationReceived(const GattConfirmationReceivedCallbackParams &params) override
        printf("confirmation received on handle %d\r\n", params.attHandle);

     * Handler called when a write request is received.
     * This handler verify that the value submitted by the client is valid before
     * authorizing the operation.
    void authorize_client_write(GattWriteAuthCallbackParams *e)
        printf("characteristic %u write authorization\r\n", e->handle);

        if (e->offset != 0) {
            printf("Error invalid offset\r\n");
            e->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_OFFSET;

        if (e->len != 1) {
            printf("Error invalid len\r\n");
            e->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_INVALID_ATT_VAL_LENGTH;

        if ((e->data[0] >= 60) ||
            ((e->data[0] >= 24) && (e->handle == _hour_char.getValueHandle()))) {
            printf("Error invalid data\r\n");
            e->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_ATTERR_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED;

        e->authorizationReply = AUTH_CALLBACK_REPLY_SUCCESS;

     * Increment the second counter.
    void increment_second(void)
        uint8_t second = 0;
        ble_error_t err = _second_char.get(*_server, second);
        if (err) {
            printf("read of the second value returned error %u\r\n", err);

        second = (second + 1) % 60;

        err = _second_char.set(*_server, second);
        if (err) {
            printf("write of the second value returned error %u\r\n", err);

        if (second == 0) {

     * Increment the minute counter.
    void increment_minute(void)
        uint8_t minute = 0;
        ble_error_t err = _minute_char.get(*_server, minute);
        if (err) {
            printf("read of the minute value returned error %u\r\n", err);

        minute = (minute + 1) % 60;

        err = _minute_char.set(*_server, minute);
        if (err) {
            printf("write of the minute value returned error %u\r\n", err);

        if (minute == 0) {

     * Increment the hour counter.
    void increment_hour(void)
        uint8_t hour = 0;
        ble_error_t err = _hour_char.get(*_server, hour);
        if (err) {
            printf("read of the hour value returned error %u\r\n", err);

        hour = (hour + 1) % 24;

        err = _hour_char.set(*_server, hour);
        if (err) {
            printf("write of the hour value returned error %u\r\n", err);

     * Read, Write, Notify, Indicate  Characteristic declaration helper.
     * @tparam T type of data held by the characteristic.
    template<typename T>
    class ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic : public GattCharacteristic {
         * Construct a characteristic that can be read or written and emit
         * notification or indication.
         * @param[in] uuid The UUID of the characteristic.
         * @param[in] initial_value Initial value contained by the characteristic.
        ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic(const UUID & uuid, const T& initial_value) :
                /* UUID */ uuid,
                /* Initial value */ &_value,
                /* Value size */ sizeof(_value),
                /* Value capacity */ sizeof(_value),
                /* Properties */ GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_READ |
                                 GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_WRITE |
                                 GattCharacteristic::BLE_GATT_CHAR_PROPERTIES_NOTIFY |
                /* Descriptors */ nullptr,
                /* Num descriptors */ 0,
                /* variable len */ false
            _value(initial_value) {

         * Get the value of this characteristic.
         * @param[in] server GattServer instance that contain the characteristic
         * value.
         * @param[in] dst Variable that will receive the characteristic value.
         * @return BLE_ERROR_NONE in case of success or an appropriate error code.
        ble_error_t get(GattServer &server, T& dst) const
            uint16_t value_length = sizeof(dst);
            return server.read(getValueHandle(), &dst, &value_length);

         * Assign a new value to this characteristic.
         * @param[in] server GattServer instance that will receive the new value.
         * @param[in] value The new value to set.
         * @param[in] local_only Flag that determine if the change should be kept
         * locally or forwarded to subscribed clients.
        ble_error_t set(GattServer &server, const uint8_t &value, bool local_only = false) const
            return server.write(getValueHandle(), &value, sizeof(value), local_only);

        uint8_t _value;

    GattServer *_server = nullptr;
    events::EventQueue *_event_queue = nullptr;

    GattService _clock_service;
    GattCharacteristic* _clock_characteristics[3];

    ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint8_t> _hour_char;
    ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint8_t> _minute_char;
    ReadWriteNotifyIndicateCharacteristic<uint8_t> _second_char;

int main() {
    BLE &ble = BLE::Instance();
    events::EventQueue event_queue;
    ClockService demo_service;

    /* this process will handle basic ble setup and advertising for us */
    GattServerProcess ble_process(event_queue, ble);

    /* once it's done it will let us continue with our demo */
    ble_process.on_init(callback(&demo_service, &ClockService::start));


    return 0;

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