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Warning: This API is deprecated. In its place, please use KVStore.

NVStore is a lightweight module that stores data by keys in the internal flash for security purposes. For each item key, the NVStore module provides the ability to set the item data or get it. Newly added values are added to the end of the existing data, superseding the previous value that was there for the same key. The NVStore module ensures that power failures don't harm existing data during any operation.

Flash structure

NVStore uses two Flash areas, active and nonactive. Each area must consist of at least one erasable unit (sector). Data is written to the active area until it becomes full. When it does, garbage collection is invoked. This compacts items from the active area to the nonactive one and switches activity between areas. Each item is kept in an entry containing a header and data, where the header holds the item key, size and CRC.

Unless specifically configured by the user, NVStore selects the last two flash sectors as its areas, with the minimum size of 4KBs. This means that if the sectors are smaller, NVStore uses a few continuous ones for each area. If the automatically selected sectors do not fit your flash configuration, you can override this by setting the addresses and sizes of both areas in mbed_app.json for each board.

NVStore example

* Copyright (c) 2018 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
* not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "nvstore.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// Entry point for the example
void print_return_code(int rc, int expected_rc)
    printf("Return code is %d ", rc);
    if (rc == expected_rc)
        printf("(as expected).\n");
        printf("(expected %d!).\n", expected_rc);

int main()
    printf("\n--- Mbed OS NVStore example ---\n");

    uint16_t actual_len_bytes = 0;

    // NVStore is a sigleton, get its instance
    NVStore &nvstore = NVStore::get_instance();

    int rc;
    uint16_t key;

    // Values read or written by NVStore need to be aligned to a uint32_t address (even if their sizes
    // aren't)
    uint32_t value;

    // Initialize NVstore. Note that it can be skipped, as it is lazily called by all other APIs
    rc = nvstore.init();
    printf("Init NVStore. ");
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_SUCCESS);

    // Show NVStore size, maximum number of keys and area addresses and sizes
    printf("NVStore size is %d.\n", nvstore.size());
    printf("NVStore max number of keys is %d (out of %d possible ones in this flash configuration).\n",
            nvstore.get_max_keys(), nvstore.get_max_possible_keys());
    printf("NVStore areas:\n");
    for (uint8_t area = 0; area < NVSTORE_NUM_AREAS; area++) {
        uint32_t area_address;
        size_t area_size;
        nvstore.get_area_params(area, area_address, area_size);
        printf("Area %d: address 0x%08lx, size %d (0x%x).\n", area, area_address, area_size, area_size);

    // Clear NVStore data. Should only be done once at factory configuration
    rc = nvstore.reset();
    printf("Reset NVStore. ");
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_SUCCESS);

    // Now set some values to the same key
    key = 1;

    value = 1000;
    rc = nvstore.set(key, sizeof(value), &value);
    printf("Set key %d to value %ld. ", key, value);
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_SUCCESS);

    value = 2000;
    rc = nvstore.set(key, sizeof(value), &value);
    printf("Set key %d to value %ld. ", key, value);
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_SUCCESS);

    value = 3000;
    rc = nvstore.set(key, sizeof(value), &value);
    printf("Set key %d to value %ld. ", key, value);
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_SUCCESS);

    // Get the value of this key (should be 3000)
    rc = nvstore.get(key, sizeof(value), &value, actual_len_bytes);
    printf("Get key %d. Value is %ld", key, value);
    if (value == 3000) {
        printf(". ");
    } else {
        printf("(expected 3000!). ");
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_SUCCESS);

    // Now remove the key
    rc = nvstore.remove(key);
    printf("Delete key %d. ", key);
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_SUCCESS);

    // Get the key again, now it should not exist
    rc = nvstore.get(key, sizeof(value), &value, actual_len_bytes);
    printf("Get key %d. ", key);
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_NOT_FOUND);

    key = 12;

    // Now set another key once (it can't be set again)
    value = 50;
    rc = nvstore.set_once(key, sizeof(value), &value);
    printf("Set key %d once to value %ld. ", key, value);
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_SUCCESS);

    // This should fail on key already existing
    value = 100;
    rc = nvstore.set(key, sizeof(value), &value);
    printf("Set key %d to value %ld. ", key, value);
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_ALREADY_EXISTS);

    // Get the value of this key (should be 50)
    rc = nvstore.get(key, sizeof(value), &value, actual_len_bytes);
    printf("Get key %d. Value is %ld", key, value);
    if (value == 50) {
        printf(". ");
    } else {
        printf("(expected 50!). ");
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_SUCCESS);

    // Get the data size for this key (should be 4)
    rc = nvstore.get_item_size(key, actual_len_bytes);
    printf("Data size for key %d is %d. ", key, actual_len_bytes);
    print_return_code(rc, NVSTORE_SUCCESS);
    printf("NVStore is disabled for this board\n");

    printf("\n--- Mbed OS NVStore example done. ---\n");

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