
Dependents of ros_lib_kinetic

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

rosserial_mbed Hello World example for Kinetic Kame distribution ROS
S-ROV main board firmware
stm32f469-disco test
4 encoders, gy25, publisher rosserial_python
rosserial_mbed blink example for Kinetic distribution ROS
encoder final + coordinate
mbed-rtos test programs for DISCO_F746NG. #Test for thread, mutex, semaphore, signals, queues, mail, ISR DISCO-F746NG, rtos
This code is for controlling DC motors with a Sabertooth 2x25 V2 motor driver produced by Dimension Engineering. You can drive DC motors via serial communication or rosserial.
Retrieves data from LSM6DSL sensors, filters and send to ROS IKS01A2, IMU, LSM6DSL, Nucleo, ROS
using NucleoF103 AGV
For nucleoF103 change sda,scl to PB_7,PB_6 Finish Delta Servo control with RS485, and IMU6050
AGV using ros with TROY motor
Branch for servo motor
w/ ROSserial Publisher
added broadcaster for l.mouse
Hardware interface for seadragon motors / pressure sensor / leak sensor
Added the leak sensor and kill switch
SeaDragon 0726 Added KillSwitch & LeakSensor
Hardware interface for seadragon motors
Example of a Publisher and Subscriber ROS nodes for Mbed enable board using Twist messages.
wheelchair class
added broadcaster for l.mouse
Example of a Publisher Subscriber ROSSerial node for Mbed enabled boards using String messages.
start to work from here...
pid foward back and reverse
ROS Demo for PCF8574 ROS
Subscribe "cmd_vel"
廃炉ロボコン2018用プログラム ROS→stm32(ROSからのシリアルをCANに変換する)→MD
program to control the gimbal and lift system for the MICA robot
Base control Nucleo F446RE with Encoder Timer Interface
buat ambil data dribbler