My modifications/additions to the code

Dependencies:   ADXL345 ADXL345_I2C IMUfilter ITG3200 Servo fishgait mbed-rtos mbed pixy_cam

Fork of robotic_fish_ver_4_8 by jetfishteam

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
guardian.cpp [code]
guardian.h [code]
IMU.cpp [code]
IMU.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
MainController.cpp [code]
MainController.h [code]
motor_controller.cpp [code]
motor_controller.h [code]
PwmIn.cpp [code]
PwmIn.h [code]
PwmReader.cpp [code]
PwmReader.h [code]
servoloop.cpp [code]
servoloop.h [code]