
Dependencies of robotic_fish_ver_4_9_pixy

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

ADXL345 triple axis, digital accelerometer library.
Inertial measurement unit orientation filter. Ported from Sebastian Madgwick's paper, "An efficient orientation filter for inertial and inertial/magnetic sensor arrays". filter, IMU, orientation
ITG-3200 triple axis, digital gyroscope library. gyroscope, ITG-3200, ITG3200
A class to control a model R/C servo, using a PwmOut PwmOut, Servo
polymorphic base structures for easily implementing different gaits. Triangle wave is already in there gait
Official mbed Real Time Operating System based on the RTX implementation of the CMSIS-RTOS API open standard. cmsis, rtos, RTX
The official Mbed 2 C/C++ SDK provides the software platform and libraries to build your applications.
an SPI interface the cmu pixy camera