testing for double to float

Dependencies:   ADXL345_nRF51 BLE_API advertiser_data mbed nRF51822

Fork of BLE_GAP_Acceleration_Observer_2_Advertisers by Ames HCI IoT


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
17:d0e05234fd95 2015-07-29 mchan took out ghetto advertiser identifier default tip
16:7593fe102c55 2015-07-29 mchan Made to differentiate between advertiser 1 and advertiser 2
15:c82a77e2f9a5 2015-07-27 mchan The 1m rssi value seems to change every single time i turn on the device, but stays constant through that. I don't know if something is changing, but I'll leave it there for now and deal with averaging rssi at beginning later
14:3bde71241a53 2015-07-24 mchan fixed passing of rssi value into advertiser_data, was wrong type before
13:7816784106fe 2015-07-24 mchan took out the annoying "found device..." for testing purposes
12:aadc379a9f8c 2015-07-24 mchan updated advertiser_data
11:8bfc379ad93f 2015-07-23 mchan added carriage returns
10:0733d4800ed1 2015-07-23 rjoyce Merge with remote
9:7360ae6b9b1e 2015-07-23 rjoyce update to parse advertising payload and save data
8:122d77e4fc6a 2015-07-21 mchan calibrated algorithm;
7:d78080148084 2015-07-18 rjoyce Read acceleration data
6:460ee10d9930 2015-07-16 rjoyce Minimize observer example
5:103717ce54e5 2015-06-20 rgrover1 switch to new APIs; rename BLEDevice to BLE
4:dd8231564124 2015-06-19 rgrover1 updating to the latest of the underlying libraries.
3:50a7d47912b2 2015-05-18 rgrover1 switch to new APIs around scanning.
2:e38ee32ba685 2015-05-13 rgrover1 updating to S130. We now have a working demo. :)
1:f9ff297c8c84 2015-05-13 rgrover1 add imports for BLE_API and nRF51822
0:332983584a9c 2015-05-12 rgrover1 initial attempt at a demo for a BLE observer. Uses the new scanning APIs.