BLE GATT-service implementation for high quantity sensor data from a MPU6050-accelerator/gyroscope

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822 MPU6050_lib


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
13:496c0f5e8a61 2015-09-22 fruediger last commit before making this a public repository default tip
12:dc46aa2edccd 2015-09-22 fruediger last commit before making this a public repository
11:1412ede83587 2015-09-08 fruediger commit with updated dependencies
10:b305e261e7d1 2015-09-08 fruediger mostly complete commit; too many minor changes to list them all...
9:6a28d9c0e486 2015-07-22 fruediger implemented the MPU6050Service
8:4fcaf91f4f2b 2015-07-13 fruediger just an update to work with the latest revisions of all used libraries
7:af3e2b9c137a 2015-07-13 fruediger added LedPwmService for controlling a LED attached to the BLE nano (just for test cases); changed battery analysis to a immediate power determination (voltage and current from source) (checking for input voltage only on a lithium battery is useless)
6:c1db7e82d76a 2015-06-30 fruediger added new "MPU6050" library as an abstraction layer for the I2C communication with the MPU6050
5:ea4d280a0a2f 2015-06-27 fruediger added DeviceInformationService; changed battery level analysis to work purely with integers
4:a97e6917f731 2015-06-26 fruediger tweaked blinky again =); + fixed battery monitoring
3:d72d9195dc26 2015-06-25 fruediger changed service name to MPU6050Service,; changed service architecture,; prepared service for the MPU6050 communication on I?C,; tweaked blinky a little
2:e62674d6e987 2015-06-24 fruediger minor fixes
1:6a40ad9ac7e5 2015-06-24 fruediger added blink sequences to indicate connection state
0:23fd064af409 2015-06-24 fruediger initial commit