Main Program

Dependencies:   mbed AQM1602 HMC6352 PID

Revisions of main_processing/strategy/strategy.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
45:c23f25c00d0d 2016-02-25 Hokushinetsu(20:1) File  Diff  Annotate
43:f11f68918299 2016-02-05 Turn Good Power Good Line soso File  Diff  Annotate
42:02aaa806d929 2016-02-04 InterruptForce are added and so on. File  Diff  Annotate
41:3cdcdec9c885 2016-02-04 Good Line? File  Diff  Annotate
40:f68474b1d5e7 2016-02-04 Line...Return by IrRange; pow 30 ; Turn good File  Diff  Annotate
38:a7eb15b1f813 2016-02-03 Good line Good turn Good power File  Diff  Annotate
37:ae5661306900 2016-02-03 GoodLine BadTurn File  Diff  Annotate
36:50092d488f78 2016-02-03 somehow File  Diff  Annotate
35:a0421268ee95 2016-02-02 motor reverse goodgood File  Diff  Annotate
34:69bdf29a4442 2016-02-02 chase and stop ggggood File  Diff  Annotate
31:0b0f64831771 2016-02-02 goodline File  Diff  Annotate
30:26070ba1f21f 2016-02-01 chase&turn File  Diff  Annotate
29:b413b0bb07a1 2016-02-01 dangerous File  Diff  Annotate
28:8ac6c3c1e643 2016-02-01 Modified; ticker for flag.; communication is conducted sequentially.; Added; ir+line; ir_pow; File  Diff  Annotate
27:769cb5a7ea37 2016-01-31 plan; solenoid; ir_turn; line stop File  Diff  Annotate
26:fbb03281fc7d 2016-01-31 ball chase File  Diff  Annotate
25:f98a7c2a5970 2016-01-30 gyro 2 compass File  Diff  Annotate
24:9fb74ea3c25d 2016-01-30 (none) File  Diff  Annotate
21:d69a8f3c76e1 2016-01-30 (none) File  Diff  Annotate
19:342da3a5a474 2016-01-21 Main part was reconstructed. File  Diff  Annotate