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Data Structures

Data Structures

Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
BezierCurve< T >It implements the functionality of a Bezier curve
C_IR_DistanceSensorDriverIt is used for reading SHARP IR distance sensors
CAckermannModelCAckermannModel class
CBezierMotionPlannerCBezierMotionPlanner class
CBlinkerIt is used for toggling an LED
CCommandInterpreterCTimer class
CControllerSisoCControllerSiso class
CConverterPolynom< NOrd >Polynomial converter
CConverterSpline< NrBreak, NOrd >A converter based on the set of break point and the multiple polynomial function
CCounterCCounter class
CDiscreteTransferFucntion< T, NNum, NDen >Discrete transfer function
CDistanceSensors< T >It is used for reading the attached distance sensors
CEchoerIt is used for echoing messages over UART
CEncoderCEncoder class
CEncoderFilterCEncoderFilter class
CEncoderSenderCEncoderSender class
CFilterFunction< T >The filter interface
CFIRFilter< T, NB >Finite impulse response (FIR) discrete-time filter
CIIRFilter< T, NA, NB >Infinite impulse response (IIR) discrete-time filter
CJMAckermannModelCJMAckermannModel class
CKalmanFilter< T, NA, NB, NC >CKalmanFilter class
CMagEncoderTimeCMagEncoderTime class
CMeanFilter< T, NB >Mean filter
CMedianFilter< T, N >Median filter
CMotionControllerCMotionController class
CPidController< T >It generates a discrete transferfunction for realizing a proportional–integral–derivative controller, which is discretized by the Euler’s method
CQuadratureEncoder_TIM4It's a singleton class for receiving and decoding the Quadrature signal by using the timer TIM4
CQuadratureEncoder_TIMXIt an interface for accessing the encoder position
CQuadratureEncoderNonFilteredGetterInterfaceRotary encoder with filter interface class
CQuadratureEncoderTaskIt implements a periodic task, which get the value from the counter and reset it to zero
CQuadratureEncoderWithFilterTaskIt implements the same functionality than CQuadratureEncoderTask class, but in additional it can filter the values
CQueue< T, N >It is used for executing queue container
CSafetyStopFunctionIt is used for deciding whether to activate safetyu stop depending on distance sensors reading
CSerialMonitorIt is used for implementing serial communciation
CSSModel< T, NA, NB, NC >CSSModel class
CTaskIt is used for implementing the task functionality
CTaskManagerIt is used for implementing the task manager functionality
CTimer< N, D >It is used for implementing timers
ICommandSetterCommand setter interface
IController< T >General interface class for the controller
IConverterConverter interface with single input and single output
IEncoderGetterRotary encoder interface class
MoveMove class It is used for executing move commands
PolynomialFunction< T, N >It represents a one dimensional polynomial function
ProximityPublisher< C_Sensor, Nr_Senrsor >ProximityPublisher class
SERVOIt is used for implementing SERVO functionality
VNHVNH class