
Dependents of FreescaleIAP

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

CDMS code for testing sbc
DMA issue to be tested
publishing to check changes in cdms code
for frequency correction testing
To fix the hang problem
Use this code for testing MM excitation by Torquerod.This code updates value of PWM every 5 seconds , waits 1 second and measures Magnetic field.
This library allows any user to use their Mbed project with a transient energy source( e.g. windturbine, solar power). You can do this by simply import the "hibernus.h" header file, … computing, hibernus, KL05Z, mbed, Transinet
Code for the project of LELEC2811 2017 fun_with_sensors
Programa de ejemplo para leer y escribir en la flash de la FRDMKL25Z los datos se escriben y lee del arreglo "data[]"
Latest FM Code with EEPROM
pushing accelerometer data to thingspeak using esp8266
LELEC_2811 Accelerometer application Based on the FRDM-KL25Z board Use the MMA8451Q sensor
Code for the 2018 BeerGuess project
base code for beer_project
store accel_z and sallen key signal
NXP cup car code made by Pascal. "stable" version apr. 2016 NXPCUP
App to configure a DDS (AD9854) using a K64F. USB an Ethernet were used as interface. EPROM, Everything, first, implemented, is, not, release:, very, was, well., working
App to configure a DDS (AD9854) using a K64F. USB an Ethernet were used as interface. EPROM, Everything, first, implemented, is, not, release:, very, was, well., working
This program loads values from flash into an array and prints them. If reads 'g' from pc, then adds 20 to every element in the array, and stores it in … flash, KL25