Forks of SX1272PingPong
A fork is a repository which is based on a copy of this repository.

Code for Technion Formula car sensors reader

Demo for Semtech Lora SX1272MB2xAS 868MHz an NUCLEO-F401RE (STM Cortex M4)

Fork of the Simple Ping-Pong demo application between two SX1272MB2xAs demo board. It's now a simple application demonstrating simple Rx (Receive) from a SX1272 boards.

We're now using the mbed-debug implementation to avoid conflicts

for capstone team

Ping Ping entre un Master et un slave LORA

This code is to establish communication between a transmitter and receivers formed by the combination of SX1272MB2DAS shield and FRDM kl25z board that uses Cortex M0+ architecture.

Programma Ping Pong LoRa


per emilio

SX1272 Ping Pong example for NRF51822

LoRa Ping Pong x Crescenzo

Create a LoRa Modem from the SX1272PingPong example