Dependents of X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Basic demo that shows how to control a Zumo shield using ST X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 BlueTooth Low energy shield. BLE, idb04A1, Nucleo
Last versionnnn
For Contest
Simple "hello world" style program for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 MEMS Inertial arduino, ExpansionBoard, HTS221, LIS3MDL, lps25h, LSM6DS0, Nucleo, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1
BLE Observer example for nucleo platform
BLE_GAP_iBeacon_Example (Nucleo and ID0XA1) BLE, GAP, iBeacon, Nucleo
BLE GAP Example Nucleo IDB0XA1
BLE GATT Button on Board Example Nucleo IDB0XA1 BLE, GATT, IDB0XA1, Nucleo
BLE GATT LED on Board Nucleo with IDB0XA1 BLE, GATT, IDB0XA1, Nucleo
dovrebbe andare
BLE sending gps data
BLE sending Heart Rate
Bluetooth Low Energy demo for PoliMI
CAN to BLE translator - and back
Simple BLE device with LED and Button service, running on IDB04A1 shield.
demo with ST sensor and ST BLE BLE, ST
ble test
X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 Environmental/Motion sensors data transmitted via X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1 BLE board. Compatible with iOS/Android ST BlueMS V2.1 application. Nucleo STM32F401RE, X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1, X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1
Sorfware for Lexy ( Hexapode ) hexapod, robot
Exemplo (Nucleo_BLE_HeartRate) X-NUCLEO-IDB04A1
An example driving an LED through a BLE service using ST BlueNRG native drivers
An example of creating and updating a simple GATT Service using the BLE_API
A GattClient example based on ST BlueNRG driving an LED service exported by a BLE_LED peripheral. Shows scanning, connections, service-discovery, and reads/writes.
Example to simulate photoplethysmography for heart rate and transmit via BLE
+ battery and device information
Beacon demo for the BLE API using the nRF51822 native mode drivers
drum team drum, team
Hello World program for this deprecated board, based on older versions of BLE_API (rev1130), X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1 (rev212) and mbed (rev114) libraries.
Wireless auto note device drum, Note, WAND
It is a simple IoT solution for plant life monitoring and maintenance, based on STM32NUCLEO boards and expansion modules. This branch is the post-eSAME development branch. BLE, stm32, stm32nucleo
It is a simple IoT solution for plant life monitoring and maintenance, based on STM32NUCLEO boards and expansion modules. BLE, stm32, stm32nucleo
Tested with Nucleo L476RG