Dependents of X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

BLE Observer example for nucleo platform
Gestione invio dati tramite seriale bluetooth
This is a sample project using BLE. A smartphone sends 0x01 or '1' to turn on the led on mbed. Meanwhile, every 5s, mbed board tries to send 3 data …
Heart Rate Monitor example for the BLE API using nRF51822 native mode drivers
Project aiming to do a Bluetooth Low Energy IoT devices, which measure temperature and humidity. Bluetooth achieved with the IDB05A1 shield. Temperature/humidity achieved with a DHT11 sensor. Project working, tested … BLE, bluetooth, DHT11, Humidity, l476, stm32, Temperature
From repo, no change
Endring av hastighet for AC motorer med Bluetooth Changing the speed of AC motors with Bluetooth AC-motor, F401RE, motor, motor driver, Nucleo
Start, stopp, endring av frekvens, endre retting og lese av strøm og spenning over Bluetooth. Start, stop, change frequency, change correction and read power and voltage over Bluetooth AC-motor, BLE, F401RE, motor, motor control, motor driver, Nucleo, pwm/motor
Modified BLE_HeartRate Example Simple CHat code added
Beacon demo for the BLE API using the nRF51822 native mode drivers
Modified sample program of BLE_BatteryLevel. The program add analog input pin setting and batteryLevel data is changed by analog input.
We are making a bluetooth application for a vehicle.
Update voltage measurement. Change ADC config setting.
A blue button is always a nice toy ...
Esempio GAP Base
Esempio Gatt Base
ble button A on microbit
Exercise 6 BLE UART
BLE NAND for ST Boards
Small Demo demonstrating BLE Advertising
Sample BLE thermometer profile for nRF51-DK with sensing from LM35
Heart Rate Monitor example for the BLE API using nRF51822 native mode drivers
testing shared repositories
Wsitch On a LED by BLE
This project allows IDB0XA1 shields to open up a serial communication channel with nRF BLE phone apps. BLE_API, IDB0XA1, nRF UART, nRF51822, UART
Heart Rate Monitor example for the BLE API using ST BlueNRG native drivers