Dependents of BLE_API

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

How to turn a WaveShare nRF51-BLE400 into a discoverable beacon using mbed android, BLE, ble400, evothings, nRF51822, waveshare
Application to update the BlueNRG-MS firmware of X-NUCLEO-IDB05A1 component board
Use the microbit as a foot paddle Send Shift-Ctrl-Alt F11 and F12 for the buttons, you can use those a global hotkeys for actions, e.g. mute/unmute microphone
ble transmitter
NTUES lab 2 Weather_Station
simple project to control mirrorless camera
Test of 100 Hz
Code for the LSM303 Microbit
Test program for magnetometer
Test program for magnetometer
Initial version for the 2 chip MMA8653/MAG3110 version of the BBC Microbit
nick adjusted version
Project aims to use LED panel controlled through UART with an nucleo STM32 board with shields BLE IDB05A1 & MEMS IKS01A1
Prog pour OBCP Steffen ENSMM, OBCP
UART BLE tested for IDB05A1 on STM32F411RE - communication between PC terminal and BLE terminal
Переделал под свой датчик bme280 и под свою платку ble400 ble400, BME280, nRF51822
bme280, nRF51822 internal temperature, oled ssd1306 128x64. Короче сборный тест.
micro:bit мигалка
работает в паре с micro:bit мигалкой
nRF51822_OBS + mocro:bit_ADV
SimpleBLE Lib for OBCP ENSMM ENSMM, for, OBCP, program, test
Test code for a generic nrf51822
Uart serie example, loopback
BTLE example for a CJMCU-8223 (NRF51822+Lis3dh). Also includes an OLED display. Further details on
My Template app for TinyBLE.
Cube Mini Solution
Demo program for use with MMA8653 based boards