Dependents of BLE_API

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

this profile using UART with ADXL335 accelerometer, but this is can't reach accelerometer sensor.. please help me to fix it bluetooth, energy, low
Esempio GAP Base
Esempio Gatt Base
Initial Release of PixArt Gesture PAJ7620 on Nordic nRF051
ble button A on microbit
Blynk example for RedBearLab BLE Nano Blynk, IOT
This is a simple program to work with RedBearLab BLE Controller App. Type something from the Terminal to send to the BLEController App or vice verse. Characteristics received from App … BLE, nRF51822, RedBearLab
An example driving an LED through a BLE service using ST BlueNRG native drivers
Smartphone app control stepper motors via bluetooth low energy(BLE) on stm32F401RE x IHM02A1 x IDB05A1 V2 .
LED and ADC service for the BBC Microbit
Datacollection on microbit with bluetooth uart transfer
Smartphone app control stepper motors via bluetooth low energy(BLE) on stm32F401RE x IHM02A1 x IDB05A1.
Library for TYBLE16 Module nRF51822, TYBLE16
this is program how build nRF51822 to get ADXL345 data nRF51822, UART
Did I feed the dog? How much dog food is left?
Exercise 6 BLE UART
A cute tiny piece of code implementing an IoT NAND device, demonstrating how to setup and advertise a cute GATT (NAND) service. The code has been tested on a Nordic … GATT, tutorial
BLE NAND for ST Boards
Small Demo demonstrating BLE Advertising
BLE mouse with uBit ( still some issues to resolve )
BLE mouse with uBit ( still some issues to resolve )
How much is the window opened?