AT&T Developer Summit Hackathon 2016
Team mbed is at the ATT Hackathon at CES 2016!!! During the hackathon we will be around physically and online on the community tab to help out. See the Wiki tab below for details on using the hardware we've brought. The Code tab contains example code for all the hardware we've brought. Use the Community tab to ask us questions if you cant find us in person.
Nordic Semiconductor and Bluetooth Smart
Welcome to the AT&T Hackathon! In order to get you started we have gathered some tips and links to get you started on this page.
On the following pages are recommended to look at:
- Most of the Bluetooth Smart examples are found on the Bluetooth Low Energy team page. This is also where you will find information about the mbed BLE_API.
- The Nordic Semiconductor page at has an additional example (the Puck) and also host the nRF51822 library.
- The nRF51822-mKit has its own platform page with links to Bluetooth Smart examples. Go to this page for firmware updates for the mKit.
The Puck example is part of work performed by summer interns at Nordic Semiconductor. Example applications and tutorials are published on Github: Nordic Pucks.
Nordic Semiconductor staff is part of the mbed team, and are available to assist you. But you may also get help from the user community by posting a question on the relevant page, for example the Bluetooth Low Energy community page. Nordic Semiconductor also has a user community page: Nordic Developer Zone.
We have created some guides for the development tools we use. From experience we recommend using them as it makes it easier to track progress of your work and resolve tricky bugs.
- nRF Master Control Panel lets you discover, connect to, and interact with peripherals. Great tool to test your mKit application.
- nRF Sniffer gives you full overview of the communication between two Bluetooth Smart devices.
- If you plan to connect hardware using the I2C bus there is an issue. Make sure you read the guide to Assigning I2C pins manually to get around it.