AT&T Developer Summit Hackathon 2016
Team mbed is at the ATT Hackathon at CES 2016!!! During the hackathon we will be around physically and online on the community tab to help out. See the Wiki tab below for details on using the hardware we've brought. The Code tab contains example code for all the hardware we've brought. Use the Community tab to ask us questions if you cant find us in person.
Welcome in the Team mBed™ for this edition 2016 of the AT&T Developer Summit Hackathon!!
Thank you for considering the NXP Freedom Development Platform for your project.
To receive your free tickets for the event, you must Register Online prior to your travel to Las Vegas
Each participant will receive a FREE FRDM-K64F-AGM01 KIT including:
- the FRDM-K64F MCU board
- the FRDM-STBC-AGM01 Sensor Shield
- the necessary micro-USB cable to connect the board to your computer
Each workplace will have internet access available via wired Ethernet connection and the required Ethernet cable will be provided.
Reminder: The NXP FRDM-K64F MCU board already includes the Ethernet PHY and Connector :D
We will also offer some FREE FRDM-CR20A 2.4GHz 802.15.4 Wireless board and FRDM-34931S-EVB DC-Motor board including 12V DC-Motor and Power-Supply (limited quantities) for projects featuring Wireless connectivity or Motor-Control.
ARM will provide FREE SeeedStudio Grove Shield and Sensor/Connectivity Modules to participants registered in mbed team. Prior to the event, you will need to complete and submit the Team mbed Sensor and Connectivity Form to help them to better understand your project and its challenges (FRDM-K64F code example for Seeed Grove modules available below).
In order to get you started quickly the competition, we have gathered on this page the rules of the NXP contest and every useful links to develop easily with our Freedom boards and increase your chances to win the NXP prize of $5K.
Cumulate sponsor challenges targeting right application to increase your final price!!
Simply need to combine our NXP Hardware with the Software of other sponsors. For example, you could play to win up to $10k with a project enabling IBM Bluemix, ARM mbed IoT or AT&T M2X services on the Freedom platform...
Our team is going to improve continuously the content of this page, so remember to check it periodically.
NXP Kicker Prize¶
Win $5,000 for Best use of two (2) NXP Freedom development boards and ARM® mbed Technology
NXP Hardware Must include use of the FRDM-K64F MCU board, and then choose from the following:
- FRDM-STBC-AGM01 Sensor boards
- FRDM-CR20A 2.4GHz Wireless Transceiver board
- Both of the above
ARM mbed Software Must leverage ARM mbed development platform/software
NXP Freedom Boards¶
The Freedom-K64F is an ultra-low-cost development platform for Kinetis MCUs, form-factor compatible with the Arduino R3, embedding a 6-axis MEMs, a RGB LED, 2 user push-buttons, a microSD card slot and targeting connectivity with onboard Ethernet and USB connectors. It integrates the multimode OpenSDA debug adapter offering serial communication, flash programming, and run-control debugging.
- The technical information and the mbed program examples (including AT&T M2X) for this board can be found here:
mbed NXP FRDM-K64F Platform Page - Additional information on the Freedom FRDM-K64F MCU board can be found here:
FRDM-K64F Supplier page
The FRDM-STBC-AGM01 is a development board for the FXAS21002C 3-axis gyroscope and FXOS8700C integrated e-compass. The board enables 9-axis sensing and is supported by Our Sensor Toolbox software, Intelligent Sensing Framework lSF 2.0, and the Sensor Fusion Library for Kinetis MCUs.
- The technical information and the mbed program examples (including AT&T M2X) for this board can be found here:
mbed NXP FRDM-STBC-AGM01 Component Page - Additional information on the Freedom FRDM-STBC-AGM01 Sensor board can be found here:
NXP FRDM-STB-AGM01 Supplier page
The Freedom development board platform supports the MCR20A 2.4GHZ wireless transceiver. The FRDM-CR20A evaluation board is a small, low-power, cost-effective reference design for the MCR20A transceiver in a shield form factor, compatible with existing Freedom development platforms, like FRDM-K64F.
- The technical information and the mbed program examples for this board can be found here:
mbed NXP FRDM-CR20A Component Page - Additional information on the Freedom FRDM-CR20A 2.4GHz Wireless board can be found here:
NXP FRDM-CR20A Supplier page
Kinetis K64F MCU¶
The Kinetis K64 is an MCU based on the ARM® Cortex®-M4 core running up to 120 MHz featuring IEEE® 1588 Ethernet, optimization for applications requiring large memory densities and low-power processing efficiency, crystal-less USB design for reduced system cost and board space and the comprehensive enablement and scalability of the Kinetis portfolio
- The technical information for this IC can be found here:
NXP MK64FN1M0VLL12 Supplier page
FXOS8700 6-axis Acc/Mag Sensor¶
The FXOS8700CQ 6-axis sensor combines industry-leading accelerometer and magnetometer sensors in a small 3 x 3 x 1.2 mm QFN plastic package. The 14-bit accelerometer and 16-bit magnetometer are combined with a high-performance ASIC to enable an eCompass solution capable of a typical orientation resolution of 0.1° and sub-5° compass heading accuracy for most applications.
- The technical information for this IC can be found here:
NXP FXOS8700CQ Supplier Page
FXAS21002 3-axis Gyro Sensor¶
The FXAS21002C 3-axis gyroscope extends our family of inertial, magnetic, pressure and touch sensors. Extremely low power operation with advanced embedded features enabling significant system-level power savings. User configurable to generate an interrupt when an event threshold occurs on any one of the sensing axes. Smart sensing technology enables events with durations shorter than the sample time to be captured and processed, reducing the real-time processing requirements of the host
- The technical information for this IC can be found here:
NXP FXAS21002CQ Supplier Page
MCR20A 2.4 GHz 802.15.4 Wireless Transceiver¶
The MCR20A expands the NXP portfolio of wireless connectivity products by delivering a new generation of 2.4 GHz transceiver for the IEEE® 802.15.4 standard. It provides a world-class link budget of 110 dB that ensures the longest range of communication and at the same time, is able to receive and transmit at significantly lower peak currents than other competitive devices. This enables mesh networks to run on the same battery for a much longer period. The Dual PAN support allows the system to concurrently participate in two 802.15.4 networks, eliminating the need for multiple radios.
- The technical information for this IC can be found here:
NXP MCR20AVHM Supplier Page
Get Started Videos¶
Useful Freedom Program Examples¶
featuring FRDM-K64F¶
Blink the RGB LED using GPIO control (option: choose LED color between Red/Green/Blue).
Control the RGB LED power On/Off using push button SW2 as an interrupt (option: choose LED color between Red/Green/Blue and/or push button for the interrupt between SW2/SW3).
Open Hyperterminal (mbed Serial Port / 9600bps) and Reset the board to start the Timer program. Code example will measure and display the time required to send "Hello World" to the serial port.
Ticker example to flip LED color periodicaly (option: choose LED color between Red/Green/Blue and/or change the flip frequency).
Open Hyperterminal (mbed Serial Port / 9600bps) and Reset the board to start the Serial program. Code example will increment and send periodically to the serial port a variable while toggling the RGB led in Green (option: change the variable and the transmit frequency).
Hello World
Open Hyperterminal (mbed Serial Port / 115200bps) and Reset the board to start the Hello World program. Code example combines previous GPIO, Interrupt and Serial examples into a single demo (option: change the Interrupt conditions, the LED color and the message sent to serial port).
Hello (again) World
Open Hyperterminal (mbed Serial Port / 9600bps) and Reset the board to start the Hello (again) World program. Code example combines previous GPIO, Interrupt, ticker and Serial examples into a single demo adding press/release detection of the push button.
Hello 8700CQ
Open Hyperterminal (mbed Serial Port / 9600bps) and Reset the board to start the Hello 8700CQ program. Code example collect 3-axis values of the Accelerometer and the 3-axis values of the Magnetometer and send periodically to the serial port (option: change the refresh rate).
SD Card
Open Hyperterminal (mbed Serial Port / 9600bps) and Reset the board to start the FRDM-K64F SDCard program. Code example will create two folders test1 and test2 and two files test1.txt and test2.txt into the respective folders. It will send to the serial interface the list of the files available at the root and inside the test1 and test2 folders. File test2.txt will be copied into test1 folder, then both test2 folder and file will be erased.
[WARNING: at the first execution of the project, you must place the code do_remove("/sd/test1"); into comment or code execution will get stuck as it will not find the folder "test1" on the SDCard]
USB HID Mouse Auto
After programming the FRDM-K64F connect the USB cable to the K64F_USB port. Mouse cursor will move automatically circularly on the computer screen (option: more USB code examples are available in the USBDevice folder, simply copy them into the main.cpp file).
USB HID Mouse and Keyboard Auto
After programming the FRDM-K64F, open a Notepad window and connect the USB cable to the K64F_USB port. Program will type automatically "hello world from frdm-k64f" in lower and upper case and the mouse will each time reposition automatically the cursor at the beginning of the page (option: more USB code examples are available in the USBDevice folder, simply copy them into the main.cpp file).
mbed RTOS
Open Hyperterminal (mbed Serial Port / 9600bps) and Reset the board to start the mbed RTOS program. Basic demo featuring multiple threads (Red led blinky, calculation of how many time SW2 button was pressed during last 5s and serial display via hyperterminal) to demonstrate the task scheduler of the mbed RTOS.
Ethernet UDP Server and Ethernet UDP Client
This "Hello World" program is used in conjunction with the Ethernet_UDP_server program. It communicates between two FRDM-K64F boards via the Ethernet protocol (read this WIKI page for demo instructions)
featuring FRDM-STBC-AGM01 with FRDM-K64F¶
FXOS8700 and FXAS21002 SD Card Datalogger
Logs 6-axis data to a connected SD card for later analysis. This project demonstrates the use of the SD file system, I2C as well as interrupt input and digital input/output.
SensorStream K64F and AGM01 using AT&T M2X
Stream accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope sensor data from FRDM-STBC-AGM01 to the cloud with FRDM-K64F ethernet connection using AT&T M2X Data Services.
featuring FRDM-CR20A with FRDM-K64F¶
MCR20A Connectivity Test
SMAC based demo application which provides the user with means to test basic transmission-reception functionalities along with several advanced testing features based on the ASP and SMAC APIs
MCR20A Wireless UART
Wireless UART bridge between two (one-to-one) or several (one to many) boards. The application can be used with both a TERM, or with software that is capable of opening a serial port and writing to or reading from it. The characters sent or received are not necessarily ASCII printable characters.
MCR20A Game Coordinator and MCR20A Game Controller
Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
AT&T M2X Demo¶
FIRST you should read the AT&T M2X Get Started information and sign up for a FREE Developer license (limit of 10 devices)
The following ARMmbed video provides the basic steps to enter your AT&T M2X account information into the M2X mbed program examples.
K64F and FXOS8700 Sensor (Acc/Mag) stream using AT&T M2X
Demo app to read data from FXOS8700Q accelerometer on FRDM-K64F and send values to AT&T M2X Data Service. For use with DevLab.
K64F and AGM01 Sensors (Acc/Mag/Gyro) stream using AT&T M2X
Use this "Hello-World" program to stream accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope sensor data from FRDM-STBC-AGM01 to the cloud using AT&T M2X Data Services.
Seeed Studio Grove extension modules available¶
To get some Grove modules, you'll need to complete and submit the Team mbed Sensor and Connectivity Form to help their team to anticipate your needs and better understand your project and its challenges.
SEEED STUDIO has recently launched a new family called GROVE of compact Connectivity and Sensor modules, much cheaper (starting $2.90) and smaller than Arduino shields.Up to now the Seeed Grove portfolio includes more than 100 extension solutions!!
Several Grove adapters are available for the major MCU platforms of the market like Arduino, Rasbperry-Pi... to extend your MCU/MPU board with up to 16 grove analog or digital modules. To connect the Grove modules to the FRDM-K64F, we are going to use the Grove Shield v2 compatible with Arduino board pinout.
The mbed repository for the Grove modules covers today 37x Modules with Program Examples and Libraries, which should be easily ported (automatically) for the FRDM-K64F.
Please find below the list of the Program Examples tested with the FRDM-K64F
Freedom Grove Temperature and Humidity Sensor Example
Collect the Temperature and Humidity measurements and push them to the PC via the Serial interface (instructions available).
Freedom Grove Light Sensor Example
Collect the Light measurements and push them to the PC via the Serial interface (instructions available).
Freedom Grove Collision Sensor Example
Collect the Collision measurements and push a message to the PC via the Serial interface (instructions available).
Freedom Grove PIR Sensor Example
Collect the Motion detection and push the number of detection since last reset to the PC via the Serial interface (instructions available).
Freedom Grove Alcohol Sensor Example
Display in the hyperterminal the measurements of the alcohol sensor (instructions available).
Freedom Grove Flame Sensor Example
Detect Infrared radiation and power-on a RED LED (instructions available).
User Interfaces¶
Freedom Grove Vibration Example
Control a motor to emit vibrations (instructions available).
Freedom Grove Relay Example
Control a Relay using the user push-button from the MCU board (instructions available).
Freedom Grove Joystick Example
Display in the Hyperterminal the position of the Joystick (instructions available).
Freedom Grove 4-digit Display Example
Display on a 4-digit screen a clock example (instructions available).
Freedom Grove Buzzer Example
Control the Buzzer using the MCU board user push-button (instructions available).
Freedom Chainable RGB LED Example
Display random colors on the RGB LED and monitor the color selected on the Hyperterminal (instructions available).