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Switching to GCC

Mbed Studio ships with Arm Compiler 6, but you can use the Arm Embedded GCC Compiler instead.

We test Mbed Studio with the Arm Embedded GCC Compiler version 9-2020-q2-update, but other versions may work.


In C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Local\Mbed Studio, create the file external-tools.json and point it to your installation of GCC. For example:

    "bundled": {
        "gcc": "C:/Program Files (x86)/GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain/9 2020-q2-update/bin"

    "defaultToolchain": "GCC_ARM"

Restart Mbed Studio to switch compilers.


In /Users/{username}/Library/Application Support/Mbed Studio, create the file external-tools.json and point it to your installation of GCC. For example:

    "bundled": {
        "gcc": "/Applications/ARM/bin"
    "defaultToolchain": "GCC_ARM"

Restart Mbed Studio to switch compilers.


In ~/.config/Mbed Studio, create the file external-tools.json and point it to your installation of GCC. For example:

    "bundled": {
        "gcc": "/usr/bin"
    "defaultToolchain": "GCC_ARM"

Restart Mbed Studio to switch compilers.

Switching back to Arm Compiler 6

To switch back to Arm Compiler 6, either delete the file external-tools.json or edit it to set "defaultToolchain": "ARMC6". You do not need to change the path from GCC's to ARMC6's; Mbed Studio assumes the default path to ARMC6.

Restart Mbed Studio to switch compilers.

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