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Installing Mbed Studio

Download Mbed Studio for Linux, macOS or Windows.

You can perform a normal installation or a silent (no user input) installation.

The installer downloads all the elements needed for the installation, so you must have a working internet connection while running the installation.

Once installed, Mbed Studio updates automatically whenever we release a new version.

Note: You need an Mbed account to work with Mbed Studio.

On macOS

Normal installation (macOS)

Run the installer and follow the installation steps.

To view the installation log, press Cmd+L.

Silent installation (macOS)

Note: Use sudo to execute commands as a superuser.

To install Mbed Studio silently:

  1. Open the Terminal application.

  2. Run the installation command. Parameters:

    • -pkg MbedStudio-{version}.pkg: Path to the installer.

    • -target /: Installation volume.

      The default installation location within your selected volume is /Applications/Mbed Studio and cannot be changed.


    sudo installer -pkg MbedStudio-{version}.pkg -target /

Uninstalling (macOS)

To uninstall Mbed Studio:

sudo rm -rf /Applications/Mbed\ Studio.app/

On Windows

Normal installation (Windows)

Run the installer and follow the installation steps.

Silent installation (Windows)

A note on installation locations

By default, Mbed Studio is installed here:

  • For all users: C:\Program Files\Programs\Mbed Studio
  • For the current user: {AppData}\Local\Programs\Mbed Studio

You can change these locations when you run a silent installation.

To install Mbed Studio silently:

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Navigate to the directory to which you downloaded the Mbed Studio installer.

  3. Installation parameters:

    • MbedStudio-{version}.exe /S: Installs Mbed Studio in the default directory.
    • MbedStudio-{version}.exe /S /D=<target path>: Installs Mbed Studio in the directory of your choice.
    • MbedStudio-{version}.exe /S /ALLUSERS=1: Installs Mbed Studio for all Windows users. /ALLUSERS=0 installs Mbed Studio for the current user only.


    MbedStudio.exe /S /ALLUSERS=1 /D=C:\Program Files\

Uninstalling (Windows)

To uninstall Mbed Studio:

  • For all users:

    C:\Program Files\Programs\Mbed Studio\Uninstall Mbed Studio.exe /S
  • For the current user:

    {AppData}\Local\Programs\Mbed Studio\Uninstall Mbed Studio.exe /S

On Linux

Normal installation (Linux)

To install Mbed Studio:

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Navigate to the directory to which you downloaded the Mbed Studio installer.

  3. If you are using a graphical interface, open a terminal.

  4. Make the installer an executable by running:

    chmod +x MbedStudio-{version}.sh

  5. Run the installation command. Parameters:

    • -y: Accept all license agreements. This action adds github.com to the lists of known hosts, ensuring you can use your SSH key if you use GitHub for source control.
    • If you want to generate a log of the installation, use one of:
      • -f: To use the default file mbed-studio.log. The file is saved to the same location as the installer.
      • -F <filename>: To use a specific filename. The default location is the same as the installer, but you can specify a path (relative or absolute).


    ./MbedStudio-{version}.sh -y -F Myfile.log

libcurl4 library for Git

If you are using Git, the libcurl4 library is required for data transfer over the network.

  • If you do not have libcurl4 installed, install it:

    apt-get install libcurl4 libcurl4-openssl-dev -y

  • If you have libcurl3 installed, run this command to preserve your installation:

    cp /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcurl.so.3 /usr/lib/

    Then install libcurl4 as shown in the previous bullet.

udev rules

udev is a Linux subsystem for dynamic device detection and management based on rules. Every received device event is matched against a set of predefined rules.

When installing Mbed Studio, you are prompted to install custom udev rules. You must install the udev rules to be able to build a program and flash it to your device or debug a program.

We recommend installing the udev rules using our installer. However, as the installation of udev rules requires sudo privileges, you can decide to install the udev rules yourself. In this case, see udev rules for Linux. Clone the pyOCD project, then follow the instructions on the page.

Silent installation (Linux)

To install Mbed Studio silently, follow the steps for the normal installation and add the -q parameter.


./MbedStudio-{version}.sh -q -y -F Myfile.log

Note: Install the udev rules and libcurl4 library as explained earlier.

Uninstalling (Linux)

To uninstall Mbed Studio:

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