Wi Go Pins
Direction | Wi-Go Name | KL25Z Name | Description |
O | Batt Low | PTB8 | Green LED D1, could be used as charge indicator |
O | Batt Med | PTB9 | Green LED D2, could be used as charge indicator |
O | Batt Full | PTB10 | Green LED D3, could be used as charge indicator |
O | I2C1_SCL | PTE1 | I2C Clk for MAG3110 and MPL3115A2 |
I/O | I2C1_SDA | PTE0 | I2C Data for MAG3110 and MPL3115A2 |
O | SPI0A_SCK | PTD1 | WiFi module Clk (Arduino) |
O | SPI0K_SCK | PTC5 | WiFi module Clk (KL25z) |
I | SPI0_MISO | PTD3 | WiFi module miso |
O | SPI0_MOSI | PTD2 | WiFi module mosi |
O | SPI0_PCS0 | PTD0 | WiFi module cs |
O | SPI1_SCK | PTB11 | Serial flash & SD card* Clk |
O | SPI1_MOSI | PTD6 | Serial flash & SD card* mosi |
I | SPI1_MISO | PTD7 | Serial flash & SD card* miso |
O | SPI1_PCS_SD | PTE5 | SD card* cs |
O | SPI1_PCS0 | PTE4 | Serial flash cs |
O | SD_EN | PTE3 | SD card* enable (High to Enable) |
I | SD_CD_SW | PTE2 | SD card* detect (low active) |
O | WL_MOD_ENABLE | PTA13 | Enable for WiFi module, High to Enable |
I | WL_SPI_IRQ | PTA16 | IRQ for WiFi module |
I | MAG_INT1 | PTA17 | MAG3110 Interrupt |
I | CHRG_SNS | PTC9 | |
I | AMBLGHT_LVL | PTC8 | Ambient light input |
I | CHRG_CHG | PTA5 | |
I | ALT_INT2 | PTA12 | MPL3115A2 Interrupt 2 |
I | ALT_INT1 | PTD4 | MPL3115A2 Interrupt 1 |
I | CHRG_POK | PTC6 | |
O | CHRG_SNS_EN | PTC2 | |
O | CHRG_EN2 | PTB3 | |
O | CHRG_EN1 | PTB2 | |
I | CHRG_SNS | PTB1 | Analog charge voltage |
I | AMBLGHT_LVL | PTB0 | Ambient light analog value |
Direction is relative to KL25Z, I means it is an input that can be read, O is an output that can be set. I/O is bidirectional, e.g. I2C data. Port data came from Wi-Go schematic and FRDM-KL25Z mbed pin list.
- SD card is only available on the Wi-Go2 module