The Component Database hosts reusable libraries for different hardware, middleware and IoT services that you can use with Arm Microcontrollers. These components can be used as building blocks for quickly developing prototypes and products.
553 results
Pololu Addressable RGB LED Strip
SSD1308 OLED 128x64
WINSTAR Character OLED display
GainSpan Wi-Fi GS1011
PCA9629 Stepper motor controller
LM61 and TMP36 Analog Temperature Sensors
SCA61T Inclinometer
SRF05 Ultrasonic Range Finder
LM75B Temperature Sensor
TMP102 Temperature Sensor
Apollo Magnetic Card Reader
Infrared Communication
PCA9635 I2C IO Expander
MySQL Client
Flex Sensor
Adafruit / SSD1306 OLED 128x32 or 128x64
Nokia LCD Display
Vodafone K3770 3G Modem
ITG 3200 Gyroscope
LIS302 Accelerometer
USB Mass Storage Device
RN-42 Bluetooth Module
Xbee Pro
CMPS03 Digital Compass
FRDM KL25Z on-board Capacitive Touch Sensing
SRF08 Ultrasonic Range Finder
SD Card
ID12 RFID Reader
HD44780 Text LCD
DC Motor
R/C Servo
EM406 GPS Module
Seeed Studio Shield Bot
Barometric Pressure Sensor - BMP085
HD44780 and compatible Text LCD controllers (4bit, I2C or SPI I/F)
HY28A-LCDB SPI (ILI9320 + XPT2046)
SimpleLink Wi-Fi CC3000