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Reverse< MatrixType, Direction > Class Template Reference

Reverse< MatrixType, Direction > Class Template Reference
[Core module]

Expression of the reverse of a vector or matrix. More...

#include <Reverse.h>

Inherits internal::dense_xpr_base::type< Reverse< MatrixType, Direction > >.

Detailed Description

template<typename MatrixType, int Direction>
class Eigen::Reverse< MatrixType, Direction >

Expression of the reverse of a vector or matrix.

MatrixTypethe type of the object of which we are taking the reverse

This class represents an expression of the reverse of a vector. It is the return type of MatrixBase::reverse() and VectorwiseOp::reverse() and most of the time this is the only way it is used.

See also:
MatrixBase::reverse(), VectorwiseOp::reverse()

Definition at line 70 of file Reverse.h.