Dependents of TextLCD

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

mbed/ARM 活用事例 第5章 赤外線距離センサを使う mbedで初めてのマイコン開発 その6 センサを使ってみよう<2> 赤外線センサを使って赤外線距離計を製作するプログラムです。 distance, eleki-jack, IR, ruler
mbed/ARM 活用事例 第5章 赤外線距離センサを使う distance, eleki-jack, IR
mbed/ARM 活用事例 第5章 赤外線距離センサを使う distance, eleki-jack, IR, Theremin
mbed/ARM 活用事例 第6章 mbedをネットワークにつなげよう! client, eleki-jack, LAN, UDP
mbed/ARM 活用事例 第6章 mbedをネットワークにつなげよう! control, eleki-jack, server, TCP
mbed/ARM 活用事例 第6章 mbedをネットワークにつなげよう! choroQ, control, eleki-jack, remote, TCP
This is an digital video camera program using NKK\'s oLED swtich and 4D Systems\' uCam serial camera. It takes image from the uCam and displays on the IS-C15 switch. Some … camera, IS-C15, OLED, Serial, ucam
Bop-It Game
Mitutoyo ABS Digimatic Caliper Digital Read Out
a command line interface that can dynamically assign pins command, interface, line
only read CAN-bus data (not send any data to car) CAN, OBD
This project is about creating an airplane instrument (such as an altimeter) for a flight simulator running on a PC. The code will read in two space-separated \"words\" containing the … flightsim, LCD, USB, usbserial
DMX DeBUG clone source code control, DMX, handheld, remote
This code will display two unsigned shorts (representing health & remaining ammo) on a TextLCD display. The mbed receives them via the USB HID interface. Crysis, HID, USB
BlackOneとAndroidの連携デモプログラム AndroidAccessoryを改造してBlackOneとAndroidが連携できるようにしました。 サポートしているのは、デモアプリの ”Buttons” B1-SW1, B2-SW2, B3-SW3 ”LED2” RGB-LED のみです。 LCDに表示するイメージをマイクロSDカードに入れてLCDのソケットに挿入しておく必要があります。 イメージは、320X240ドットで”\Image”という名前のフォルダの直下に”10.jpg”という名前で入れてください。 android, BlackOne
FIAPの使用の例(温度ノード) FIAP, IEEE1888
This is mbed part of the OOThermometer project: https://github.com/andresv/OOThermometer It displays incoming temperatures on LCD screen.
This is my first programming using a 4 X 4 key pad to communicate with the mbed to the LCD. keypad, LCD
A porting of a GPS decoding and presenting program within the mbos RTOS. It is not a definitive application but a study program to test NMEA full decoding library and … GPS, mbos, NMEA, rtos
Hangman game using qp a 16x2 LCD and joystick.
Calculates azimuth and elevation of a satellite dish based on its longitude, latitude and selected satellite. GPS, MODGPS, Satellite
Programming of the DDS-60 (AD9851) frequency synthesizer from AmQRP http://midnightdesignsolutions.com/dds60/index.html I had to use long, floating math in order to get accurate frequency output. DDS
LCD clock display set using NTP server clock, LCD, NTP
to test synchronize signals by a 22k signal. LCD
Displays weather info on text LCD using Google API google, LCD, spxml, weather, xml
This program displays a series of text messages on a 16x2 line LCD and also then displays the room temperature taken from a TMP102 I2C module. It represents my first … display, LCD, message, thermometer
Live RSS news feeds are displayed on a basic text LCD See http://mbed.org/users/4180_1/notebook/news-lcd-display/ LCD, rss, xml
mbed determines its location using a web-based geolocation API that uses the IP address and displays it on the LCD. Timezone is also included. A free API key must be … geolocation, ip