Example program with HTTPServer and sensor data streaming over TCPSockets, using Donatien Garnier's Net APIs and services code on top of LWIP. Files StreamServer.h and .cpp encapsulate streaming over TCPSockets. Broadcast is done by sendToAll(), and all incoming data is echoed back to the client. Echo code can be replaced with some remote control of the streaming interface. See main() that shows how to periodically send some data to all subscribed clients. To subscribe, a client should open a socket at <mbed_ip> port 123. I used few lines in TCL code to set up a quick sink for the data. HTTP files are served on port 80 concurrently to the streaming.

Dependencies:   mbed

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File Index

File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
api.h [code]
api_msg.h [code]
arch.h [code]
asn1_dec.c [code]Abstract Syntax Notation One (ISO 8824, 8825) decoding
asn1_enc.c [code]Abstract Syntax Notation One (ISO 8824, 8825) encoding
ATIf.cpp [code]
ATIf.h [code]
auth.c [code]
auth.h [code]
autoip.c [code]AutoIP Automatic LinkLocal IP Configuration
autoip.h [code]AutoIP Automatic LinkLocal IP Configuration
base64.cpp [code]
base64.h [code]
cc.h [code]
chap.c [code]
chap.h [code]
chpms.c [code]
chpms.h [code]
dbg.cpp [code]
dbg.h [code]
debug.h [code]
def.c [code]Common functions used throughout the stack
def.h [code]
dhcp.c [code]Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol client
dhcp.h [code]
dns.c [code]DNS - host name to IP address resolver
dns.h [code]
DNSRequest.cpp [code]
DNSRequest.h [code]
emailMessage.cpp [code]
emailMessage.h [code]
err.h [code]
eth_drv.cpp [code]
eth_drv.h [code]
etharp.c [code]Address Resolution Protocol module for IP over Ethernet
etharp.h [code]
ethernetif.c [code]Ethernet Interface Skeleton
EthernetNetIf.cpp [code]
EthernetNetIf.h [code]
FSHandler.cpp [code]
FSHandler.h [code]
fsm.c [code]
fsm.h [code]
GPRSModem.cpp [code]
GPRSModem.h [code]
host.h [code]
HTTPClient.cpp [code]
HTTPClient.h [code]
HTTPData.cpp [code]
HTTPData.h [code]
HTTPFile.cpp [code]
HTTPFile.h [code]
HTTPMap.cpp [code]
HTTPMap.h [code]
HTTPRequestDispatcher.cpp [code]
HTTPRequestDispatcher.h [code]
HTTPRequestHandler.cpp [code]
HTTPRequestHandler.h [code]
HTTPServer.cpp [code]
HTTPServer.h [code]
HttpServerTcpSockets.cpp [code]
HTTPStream.cpp [code]
HTTPStream.h [code]
HTTPText.cpp [code]
HTTPText.h [code]
icmp.c [code]ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol
icmp.h [code]
igmp.c [code]IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol
igmp.h [code]
inet.c [code]Functions common to all TCP/IPv4 modules, such as the byte order functions
inet.h [code]
inet_chksum.c [code]Incluse internet checksum functions
inet_chksum.h [code]
init.c [code]Modules initialization
init.h [code]
ip.c [code]This is the IPv4 layer implementation for incoming and outgoing IP traffic
ip.h [code]
ip_addr.c [code]This is the IPv4 address tools implementation
ip_addr.h [code]
ip_frag.c [code]This is the IPv4 packet segmentation and reassembly implementation
ip_frag.h [code]
ipaddr.h [code]
ipcp.c [code]
ipcp.h [code]
lcp.c [code]
lcp.h [code]
lwipNetDnsRequest.cpp [code]
lwipNetDnsRequest.h [code]
LwipNetIf.cpp [code]
LwipNetIf.h [code]
lwipNetTcpSocket.cpp [code]
lwipNetTcpSocket.h [code]
lwipNetUdpSocket.cpp [code]
lwipNetUdpSocket.h [code]
lwipopts.h [code]
magic.c [code]
magic.h [code]
md5.c [code]
md5.h [code]
mem.c [code]Dynamic memory manager
mem.h [code]
memp.c [code]Dynamic pool memory manager
memp.h [code]
memp_std.h [code]
mib2.c [code]Management Information Base II (RFC1213) objects and functions
mib_structs.c [code]MIB tree access/construction functions
msg_in.c [code]SNMP input message processing (RFC1157)
msg_out.c [code]SNMP output message processing (RFC1157)
mycrypt.c [code]
mycrypt.h [code]
MySQLClient.cpp [code]
MySQLClient.h [code]
net.cpp [code]
net.h [code]
netbuf.h [code]
netCfg.h [code]
netdb.h [code]
netdnsrequest.cpp [code]
netdnsrequest.h [code]
netif.c [code]LwIP network interface abstraction
netif.cpp [code]
if/net/netif.h [code]
lwip/include/lwip/netif.h [code]
netifapi.h [code]
netservice.cpp [code]
netservice.h [code]
nettcpsocket.cpp [code]
nettcpsocket.h [code]
netudpsocket.cpp [code]
netudpsocket.h [code]
NTPClient.cpp [code]
NTPClient.h [code]
opt.h [code]LwIP Options Configuration
pap.c [code]
pap.h [code]
pbuf.c [code]Packet buffer management
pbuf.h [code]
perf.h [code]
ppp.c [code]
ppp.h [code]
ppp_oe.c [code]
ppp_oe.h [code]
pppdebug.h [code]
PPPNetIf.cpp [code]
PPPNetIf.h [code]
randm.c [code]
randm.h [code]
raw.c [code]Implementation of raw protocol PCBs for low-level handling of different types of protocols besides (or overriding) those already available in lwIP
raw.h [code]
README.txt.h [code]
RPCHandler.cpp [code]
RPCHandler.h [code]
SerialBuf.cpp [code]
SerialBuf.h [code]
sha1.c [code]
sha1.h [code]Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Paul Bakker <polarssl_maintainer at polarssl.org> All rights reserved
sha1config.h [code]
SimpleHandler.cpp [code]
SimpleHandler.h [code]
sio.cpp [code]
sio.h [code]
sioMgr.cpp [code]
sioMgr.h [code]
slipif.c [code]SLIP Interface
slipif.h [code]
SMTPClient.cpp [code]
SMTPClient.h [code]
snmp.h [code]
snmp_asn1.h [code]Abstract Syntax Notation One (ISO 8824, 8825) codec
snmp_msg.h [code]SNMP Agent message handling structures
snmp_structs.h [code]Generic MIB tree structures
sockets.h [code]
stats.c [code]Statistics module
stats.h [code]
StreamServer.cpp [code]
StreamServer.h [code]
sys.c [code]LwIP Operating System abstraction
sys.h [code]
sys_arch.cpp [code]
sys_arch.h [code]
tcp.c [code]Transmission Control Protocol for IP
tcp.h [code]
tcp_impl.h [code]
tcp_in.c [code]Transmission Control Protocol, incoming traffic
tcp_out.c [code]Transmission Control Protocol, outgoing traffic
tcpip.h [code]
TCPSocket.cpp [code]
TCPSocket.h [code]
telit.cpp [code]
telit.h [code]
timers.c [code]Stack-internal timers implementation
timers.h [code]
udp.c [code]User Datagram Protocol module
udp.h [code]
UDPSocket.cpp [code]
UDPSocket.h [code]
url.cpp [code]
url.h [code]
urlencode.cpp [code]
UsbEndpoint.cpp [code]
UsbEndpoint.h [code]
usbhost_cpu.h [code]
usbhost_err.h [code]
usbhost_inc.h [code]
usbhost_lpc17xx.c [code]
usbhost_lpc17xx.h [code]
UsbSerial.cpp [code]
UsbSerial.h [code]
usbserialif.cpp [code]
usbserialif.h [code]
vj.c [code]
vj.h [code]